Kind wife: Help Duong harvesting Chickens from the farm go to the market sell.

Kind wife: Help Duong harvesting Chickens from the farm go to the market sell.

Primitive Skills

3 дня назад

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@randyreitzer329 - 13.07.2024 01:42

Do you replace the cassava plants as you harvest? It might be a good idea to do so.

@zyg168 - 13.07.2024 01:42

Happy to see 2 in the video

@user-gx1rk8yw6l - 13.07.2024 01:46

Vị trí chuồng gà🤓: Nhiều video vùng cao khác có cảnh lợn gà gà vịt xen lẫn với nhau. Bạn cũng gặp một số vấn đề với một số loại rau. Vì vậy, có thể vị trí TRÊN TRANG TRẠI CỦA BẠN không phải là vấn đề thực sự. Tổng hợp mọi thứ lại với nhau, tôi sẽ coi TOÀN BỘ KHU VỰC có phần có vấn đề.
Đúng là tôi KHÔNG có kinh nghiệm làm nông. Đây là quan điểm của NGƯỜI NGOÀI (điều mà tôi có RẤT NHIỀU kinh nghiệm với...🤐).
Có lẽ có quá nhiều vấn đề mà các kỹ năng nguyên thủy không thể xử lý đủ tốt?🤔🤔
Location of chicken coop🤓: Many other highland videos show pigs & chickens & ducks & geese intermixing. You also have some problems with some of the vegetables. So maybe the location ON YOUR FARM is not the real issue. Taking everything together, I would consider the WHOLE AREA as being somewhat problematic.
Granted, I have NO experience with farming. This is an OUTSIDER'S perspective (something that I have LOTS of experience with...🤐).
Maybe too many issues for primitve skills to handle well enough?🤔🤔

@laurentinaferreirabica3214 - 13.07.2024 02:17

Um bom dia prá você Duong's!

@kellysonnenberg212 - 13.07.2024 02:27

Ducks eating all the fish food😮

@josegustavobermudezsegura1141 - 13.07.2024 02:33

Mi infancia fue muy pobre el campo: se comia de lo que producía en la huerta ; platanos, arracacha,patatas o papa s , batatas,y mazorcas de maiz y yerbas como la chisaca ,rebanca,basicamente; yen el verano escaseaba n estos productos así que se sufria hambre; era muy dura la vida😢😢😢

@alialjuburiu9723 - 13.07.2024 03:54

لماذا لم تشتري غنم او بقر او مثل الماعز والجاموس

@milamartinez9773 - 13.07.2024 04:13

Hola ,cómo stas.
Mi infancia fue muy parecida a la tuya . Cresi en el campo donde se cultivaba la yuca el arroz eso era lo que más se cultivaba.

@luffydragon6167 - 13.07.2024 04:27

I think you director and vang hao same right 😲

@imungPaimun - 13.07.2024 04:30

kenapa anda tidak memelihara anjing untuk ikut menjaga ternak dan juga teman anda dipeternakan anda?
itu akan terlihat bagus jika melihat anda beraktifitas ditemani anjing

@jemelwoseley9381 - 13.07.2024 04:57

My boy Duong and the wife working! Say hi to your wife for me Duong! 👋

@julieduncan8499 - 13.07.2024 05:15

It's good to see your wife being a wife

@Bizarius1 - 13.07.2024 05:31

Dude,"I'm sure your life will be......."
Why are you pandering?
I love you brother and will many riches towards specifically you.
For all of your hard work and dedication towards your channel you deserve it. Now spend more time with that beautiful wife of yours!❤❤😂😂

@DaoMyBuilding - 13.07.2024 06:30

Very nice! Thank you🤩

@user-jl7iv2mg7i - 13.07.2024 07:17

Oi amigo você poderia mim dar um faca desta que você usa nos seu videos 😊

@bearnaff9387 - 13.07.2024 07:24

How far is the walk from your farm to the village? Also, are all of these chickens from the jungle chicken you originally trapped?

@terrysadventure1529 - 13.07.2024 08:47

Hey Duong question for you the roots what are they and can you eat them ??? 🤔 just asking never seen them before

@user-hx9ez7bw2b - 13.07.2024 09:49

Hello, hello from Russia. Listen, you have chickens, geese, pigs. Why don't you get a dog? It would guard the farm. And yes, don't you have a smokehouse to build in the Alans? Smoked fish, duck, chicken taste good and can be sold. You can also dry them

@chriscraft9681 - 13.07.2024 13:15

I would swap my life with you😉

@enzaovince - 13.07.2024 13:29

La mia famiglia era povera ma mia madre era brava a cucinare e tutto diventava squisito,anche le rape e le patate. Non ho mai sofferto la fame e avevo sempre attorno l'amore di una famiglia unita.

@Tani.evolusi - 13.07.2024 13:32

xin chào, tôi đến từ Indonesia, tôi chỉ muốn xem việc nuôi ong trigona và ong apis xung quanh trang trại của bạn, chúc bạn những điều tốt đẹp nhất

@truffatorenapoletano90tratbas - 13.07.2024 15:19

this is video number 8 or number 9 htat i see him slice banana's trees, boil sup, veeding porks... some news, Duong? you becamed boring.

@user-fm1fd4kr2i - 13.07.2024 15:52

ควรสร้างเครื่องบดอาหาร จะได้ประหยัดเวลา

@vioricachiuchisan5889 - 13.07.2024 16:13

Felicitări familie harnică și frumoasă! Vă urmăresc de ceva timp și mă bucur alături de voi de paradisul frumos pe care l-ați creat! Împreună sunteți o forță și un exemplu de urmat ! Salutări și urări de sănătate și bucurii vouă și celor dragi vă transmit cu drag din România!💖🙋

@safiergin5155 - 13.07.2024 17:48

Artık manyok bitkisinin dikimini sökümünü görmek istemiyoruz çok sıkıcı videodan çıkmak istiyorum ekrana geldiğinde lütfen dikkat edin

@ChrisJohnson-py4gg - 13.07.2024 18:12

Congratulations on becoming a successful farmer!

@BaksA1 - 13.07.2024 18:20

Cant wait what you show us next ! ❤

@latoyacooper1587 - 13.07.2024 19:39

Hi Duong, I think it's time you harvested some of the fishes to be sold. Your fish farm is really large.

@acriticalthinkerfromtexas7161 - 13.07.2024 22:09

I've been a subscriber to your channel since the beginning. It's been a fascinating journey that I look forward to continuing with each new video.
You're so good at EVERYTHING you do it's an absolute joy to watch and learn about y'all's life in beautiful Vietnam.
Wishing y'all happiness, health, prosperity and peace.

@bulentiseri8468 - 13.07.2024 23:32

Happy wife happy life ❤❤❤

@claramaria3043 - 14.07.2024 01:25

Deus abençoe ricamente a família de vocês

@DimasFajar-ns4vb - 14.07.2024 03:06

zamzam water and use pork as fruit or vegetables plant fertilizer

@christinaleatherwood4768 - 14.07.2024 03:47

Will you be selling the piglets soon?

@user-so5zy7yl1c - 14.07.2024 03:58

В России основной овощь - картошка!)))
Если ее не будет достаточно - трудно будет зимой.
Конечно, я говорю не про большие города. Основное население России живет сельским хозяйством.
Картошка идет и людям и животным в еду.
Традиционная кухня имеет очень много рецептов из картошки.
Сажают ее большими участками. У нас даже говорят - "от этого места и до заката"😂 Имеется в виду работать на очень длинном участке.😅
Желаю Вашей семье крепкого здоровья и мира в доме!🙏🪷😊

@BesedinAY - 14.07.2024 08:08

Когда корову будешь заводить?

@TrieuThiHuong22 - 14.07.2024 16:10


@user-qx4ms7js4p - 14.07.2024 17:38

Добрый день, поверь мне мой друг, многие смотрят твои видео и хотели бы пожить такой жизнью, несмотря на мизерный заработок, я конечно не могу быть 100% уверенным, но я так думаю что большая половина человечества погрязла в кредитах, другая в болезнях, в нищете, в большой нужде, да может быть ты не имеешь большого заработка, но ты здоров, главное у тебя есть свое ремесло, ты занимаешься тем , что ты можешь сделать, у тебя есть своя земля, у тебя есть жильё, над головой чистое небо, под боком есть источник воды, есть что поесть, да это труд, я давно говорю своим честным трудом миллионов не заработаешь, но есть и такие которые этого не имеют, то что имеешь ты, не уповай на судьбу, главное что мы здоровы, здоровы наши дети, жены, наши родители а это самое главное в жизни, удачи тебе мой друг, с привет из России.

@user-or8yo3zz6d - 14.07.2024 19:14

купи ей вертолёт)))

@vigneshselvam2412 - 14.07.2024 22:37

Iam see all videos very intresting but You got wife now all sold your pets, finally all are sold, became channel will be closed, so sad.. Dont sale anything, my opinion,

@ghomeyshi7 - 15.07.2024 02:58

believe me Duong your life now is better than most of your viewers. we are just alive but you are living the life

@tile-maker4962 - 15.07.2024 08:41

Doung!! You have the greatest, "HEY PIG PIG PIG PIG" calls!
In the USA, we have "pig call" competitions. Some of them are great.

@rajudharani2137 - 15.07.2024 13:41

Hi brother Duong ,i am from India, i feel very happy when i see your videos, you people are hard working and u see happiness in that work. God bless u and your family, Take care

@rajudharani2137 - 15.07.2024 13:42

And from which country you are ?

@michelem.6184 - 15.07.2024 14:37

@ayratn9501 - 15.07.2024 14:58

как же там наверняка воняет от такого количества свиней.🤢🐷🐷🐷

@user-oq3oy3nk6m - 16.07.2024 05:09

