Who is to blame for Venezuela’s economic collapse? - UpFront

Who is to blame for Venezuela’s economic collapse? - UpFront

Al Jazeera English

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@BrazilResearcher - 01.03.2019 04:28

Problem is the incompetent left vs the "I love you USA, having a condo in Miami -FL and brag about it in Caracas" fake patriots...those type of Venezuelans do not care about anything but themself

@gerry12250 - 01.03.2019 04:47

Sounds like a typical leftest venezuela style.

@moseszadikian1430 - 01.03.2019 19:26

its all about war policy by the United State. all these countries are in their plan. they started with Iraq. Than.Libya . Than.Syria. now they want to start in Venezuela. President Maduro had just been President little over 4 years. the crises were created to escalate by the United State. planed 25 years ago. I love Venezuela.I hate United State if its choice of life balance. I was there I did not see any crises.I was in Miami I saw thousands of homeless people.

@ufimart5388 - 02.03.2019 07:24

Why does the interviewer has to keep talking over when someone else is talking? That's not only impolite but also unpleasant and revealing a very low human quality on the part of the interviewer.

@theprogressivevagabond2324 - 02.03.2019 23:50

FMI scrounge this old man

@yikinkahnkawil7658 - 03.03.2019 23:21

Ideology is an excuse for cultural deficiencies.

@yikinkahnkawil7658 - 03.03.2019 23:22

How is it that that two very different political ideologies have both failed venezuela?

@mansarayify - 05.03.2019 06:41

If Venezuelan was freely governing by one government without any foreign interfearanses, will that country go true all problems we're seeing today?

@robertallen8386 - 05.03.2019 08:41

America is at foult

@mayracrean239 - 05.03.2019 23:40

WHO IS TO BLAME. Very simple The West. Neoliberal agenda do not work

@idid1609 - 06.03.2019 00:20

Who is Ambi Purr???

@colinvelox1416 - 06.03.2019 15:37

How can Venezuela crisis's dusted and settled , with lies and corruption from every corner ?

@Nura61 - 06.03.2019 16:46

Socialism and Communism does NOT WORK. Venezuela is now a poor country ....why would people leave to get food and medicine in other countries

@thomthlee - 07.03.2019 03:57

US tried to strangle Venezuela by sanctions, and then pretend to want to help the people there. The sanctions on Venezuela is the main cause of people suffering it. It is not the reason why people are affected badly. The US wants Venezuela oil and gold. That is the reason for the conflict.

@padredemishijos12 - 07.03.2019 12:51

Housman is lying. The US has imposed a financial siege on Venezuela. Fact. Cannot use dollars to buy medicine and food.

@robertbobbypelletreaujr2173 - 07.03.2019 21:51

Constantly talking over each other loses another viewer.

@edwhalen.3488 - 07.03.2019 22:32

Mismanagement of a country can cost and dose cost losses of lives needed care,or food and a clean enviorment that prevents disease.Don't throw a siute on and try to look as if your smart if you didn't learn at a good or great management school.Your Scam artists in (wolves),in nice sheeps clothing,and you never went to school,Your full of it leave the true people of venezuala's land alone and move it out,Your elected to run a office not all their cash into your banks ,You divide out a percentage for your cities,not your offices or personal accounts,thank you!
Such liars and thieves,shame..

@acousticworshipradio8529 - 08.03.2019 22:30

and here we go 3 years after n things getting worst....Oh My....

@EM-dw2yv - 10.03.2019 10:36

Koch brothers own venezuela oil fit. refineries. They pressure usa government to provide spare parts for oil infrastructure. To make the government fail and put a pro koch bros government.

@carlosc.templar3788 - 10.03.2019 16:56

Haussmann did not respond to the question of why he supported Perez to kill people in Caracas. Haussmann, was part of the worse president of Venezuela in history. Haussmann is part of IFM, WB and IDB propaganda.

@JoeBlow-fp5ng - 10.03.2019 18:38

How about the video of Chavez expropriating all the buildings he saw on live TV ? Who owns those now?

@nuria6075 - 11.03.2019 01:24

Somebody please remove Bolton by whatever means necessary

@Lou31510 - 11.03.2019 02:32

Socialism collapsed the Soviet Union and this is Venezuela's turn for it's socialism to fall. The USA is jutified to want all western hemiphere nations to have democracy to keep it's enemies away from it's own back yard and it's humorous that so many south American's risk their lives daily to enter the USA yet they don't want to be friendly to the USA in their OWN countries!

@padredemishijos12 - 17.03.2019 01:30

The white racist Venezuelan oligarchy is the comprador class of the Empire. They have shown to be unapologetic traitors.

@wallylee8470 - 03.04.2019 00:04

US sanction to bring about regime change is the cause of Venezuela's economic collapse.

@berthataylor2106 - 08.04.2019 00:11


@craigenputtock - 13.04.2019 13:23

The argument of political prisoners is always specious. There is not a government on earth that wouldn't lock up people who are trying to overthrow it---the U.S. included. Having said that, Communism has again and again proven itself to be one of the worst of all political systems, both economically and socially.

@saigon68foxtrot83 - 17.04.2019 04:54

The USA and it's administration full of war criminals and international terrorist are the only peole to blame for all the problems in Latin America. It has bribes other nations and threaten them with sanctions if they don't comp;y with US imperialism.

@simonsze5324 - 17.04.2019 18:11

U.S. terrorists organization must blame for crisis.

@OneEphraimite - 30.04.2019 14:19

The IMF Shill is abhorrent.

@noelsoza6233 - 05.05.2019 20:22

The catastrophe began when governments became addicted to oil's wealth. Also Venezuelans lost work ethic long time ago and became reliable on government handouts.

@bhartley1024 - 09.05.2019 04:08

Was anyone able to actually finish a sentence? This discussion contributed nothing to my understanding of the crisis. Stop talking over each other.

@aprofessionalgamer5355 - 09.05.2019 23:43

Socialism. Saved you 12 minutes.

@DipakBose-bq1vv - 15.05.2019 07:33

If the private sector is running the economy, how can Venezuela be a Socialist country?

@tripzville7569 - 24.05.2019 11:05

This whats going on there.
Nationalism & Democracy have evolved into veils behind which a comparable elite are able to enforce an exploitive system that benefits them to the detriment of everyone else and the planet. [Russell Brand, Revolution]

@mcconn746 - 23.06.2019 21:54

No matter the details, it is amazing to me that Chavez through socialism collapsed a rich economy in less than 2 decades. After seeing that, many in the US want to destroy what made us prosperous and likely do the same thing. Just who do they think is smart enough and honest enough to lead us in socialism.

@doracuadra2749 - 05.07.2019 06:36

Maduro must go in order to have democracy. Chavez and Maduro were not for the people. Thy have ruin the country with a lot of crimes and assassinations to those who protest against Maduro. communists and drugs dealers have taken the country and rip off their resources including China and Russia and other Arabs countries.

@chrisrichardson8881 - 09.07.2019 01:40

The US needs to back out our sanctions on Venezuela. It is our interference that is causing their problems.

@mikkenieminen9603 - 10.08.2019 20:24

Jewmurican sanctions are the biggest reason for the situation in Venezuela. The loss of over 130 billion euros since 2015 thanks to sanctions by the jew world order

@johnlinnon2629 - 05.09.2019 20:46

I might have been using the term Socialism too loosely, lately. If Socialism is Gov't ownership of means of exploitable capital and means of production, and Communism is the People's ownership of all property and means of production, then that would mean that Communism is private enterprise. Webster's definitions and the mass perception are quite different, then.  I should have been calling Canada and Sweden Social Democracies, not Socialist. I knew that, but I figured they were the same. The U.S. is more capitalist than Canada and Europe. Sweden, Europe and Canada have tighter regulation over the economy,  (capitalism, but a little more socialist than the U.S.), enabling more businesses to stay afloat, and not have big swings. Also- more social program $ for the poor. And more acceptance from the free world than Communism, with trade and tourism. They are social democracies, still capitalist. Communism is dictatorships like Red China or USSR. It works as long as the money is flowing to the gov't, like with the higher oil prices in Venezuela, before the oil prices crashed. And then...

@IMurderdTheDevil - 14.09.2019 20:51

Correct! Venezuela crashed and burned because THEY depended on high oil prices to keep their economy going....

@deonrichards841 - 23.10.2019 09:43

These cat and mouse games are just so tiring , Al Jazeera has sadly lost its credibility .for me
The US involvement in the South , infamy to say the least

@unieboy5 - 03.11.2019 01:53

This is the work of the Zionist central banking cartels, with the Federal Reserve as its head and the IMF as one of its international arms. If you think the IMF helps developing countries, just take a look at some of the countries they "helped" over the decades.

@user-kf6rf2zw7f - 24.05.2020 20:44

Bad interview technics Al Jazeera.......

@hussinsaid4716 - 17.06.2020 04:07

As a chairperson Mehdi should handle the discussion in orderly manner not like ping pong ball.

@vmrevote - 03.01.2021 15:07

Who? Socialism thats who!

@derekkearns3377 - 20.11.2021 11:01

Short answer USA long answer USA

@ronlumsden3164 - 05.11.2022 13:07


@myutubehandle47 - 13.11.2023 03:04

When an economist has to debate two ignorant self-serving individuals Al Jazeera and Hugo Chavez is it bad combination for a Cornell University PhD

@ronlumsden3164 - 05.07.2024 14:48

Usa.with sanctions.
