Excessive Flatulence | Symptoms of R-CPD (the inability to burp)

Excessive Flatulence | Symptoms of R-CPD (the inability to burp)


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@shiquillawright9436 - 16.12.2023 07:04

I have it all I need to no what to do

@blogical4320 - 18.10.2023 22:55

My god finally

@user-ww1zj7tj2r - 17.10.2023 05:22

My excessive flatulence was diagnosed as Crohns disease. The medication for Crohns disease is very expensive and I can't afford it. Zeposia?

@andylandon13 - 26.09.2023 14:57

just found out that i have a lactose issue that i havent had before. got tested a couple years ago but all was good. just wondering if r-cpd could have been a contributing factor or could have just been in the genes.

@unskeptable - 23.09.2023 02:34

I have so much gas, I think I contribute to global pollution

@ramayyyyy - 26.08.2023 04:28

I think I have developed this post delivery 😢

@sublimesamoyed - 19.08.2023 06:46

Question: can R-CPD also be linked to excessively foul/malodorous flatulence?

I meet all criteria for R-CPD but my flatulence odor is also fairly astounding; is there a link?

@doc3584 - 07.07.2023 05:47

I have been flatulating all my life

@streetcarjay - 15.05.2023 07:13

Who in the he'll shit their pants?

@suemoo22 - 11.05.2023 09:59

Thank you, sir. I think this is what I have.

@J-Bird_edits - 10.05.2023 09:11

It's really hard to breathe and swallow 😭 and it's really scary because i can't burp and my whole inside is just like filling up with air

@fullyzampa3943 - 27.04.2023 07:00

My main problem is not getting burp i swear i was about to die due to this problem

@fullyzampa3943 - 27.04.2023 06:59

Sir I'm 22 i did all the tests did medications as well but with due respect the doctors couldn't do anything since 4 years i lost 12 kg without going to gym my main problem is that i can't really burp through mouth and the gas does trase me alot specially i can't sit with someone in a room or public area i lost my studies i went through depression and i swear i was thinking about sucide or going to mountains to live alone like i was a brilliant student i can't even take clases or library i feel stinky anyone who sits with me can feel that. I feel gastric specially after eating meal lf any kind specially rice egg red meat chillies i did avoid these food for 1 year still i can't find a way to get out of this problem 😢

@mattm.6008 - 17.04.2023 03:59

Wasup bastian lemme fard on you

@savitham1560 - 06.04.2023 19:13

What is the treatment?

@AkamProperties1 - 31.03.2023 06:28

This doctor is the only when who answers my question.

@vanjacalantropo - 29.03.2023 19:37

I’ve developed this post Covid. After I eat I’m having difficulty burping. This makes my shortness of breath much more difficult. I have attributed this to gastroparesis.. Thank you.

@bettyausten9533 - 24.03.2023 21:53

I always get flatulence but my main issue is the fact that I can feel the air moving inside me popping in my intestines and just makes me uncomfortable...

@speakersr-lyefaudio6830 - 08.03.2023 11:21

I didn't ever really mind the flatulence, what I do mind is the cramps and bloating. I remember times as a kid being in pain and not being able to move, and even now, eating can be quite unpleasant.

@VanquishMediaDE - 08.03.2023 11:08

Thank you sir for your contributions to medicine!
I felt so embarrassed but I think I will talk to my doctor about this. I have been suffering with this terrible ailment for over 15 years.

@EyeMemoryLane - 18.02.2023 17:40

Dr Bastian is A HERO for changing peoples lives who deal with this!!! I want to get the botox treatment in the Netherlands. Thanks to YOU dr Bastian!

@ahlaali7934 - 13.02.2023 10:17

I have the opposite problem. I have a really hard time passing gas. I always get gas trapped in my chest and the pressure is extreme. There are also days were I can’t burp or pass gas. 😢

@babarahmad2347 - 15.01.2023 17:02

I pass gas with sounds ..
I can not pass gas slowly ...
What's the issue and how should it be treated ??

@KeillenDavis - 14.01.2023 18:12

I can't burp, I haven't vomited since age 10, I'm now 32.

@namratashrestha312 - 06.01.2023 21:45

Can green peas worsen flautence?

@dualscreengrant - 02.01.2023 12:45

Of all possible animations they could have chosen to represent farting, it's odd that they used a leaf blower. When I hear a leaf blower, I don't think, "my neighbor needs to cut back on the bean burritos." A whoopee cushion or an animation of someone asking people to pull their finger would have been better for that fart – I mean, part.

@xmonikerhotmailcom - 12.12.2022 08:35

I have chronic flatulence and I eat perfectly, tons of whole fiber. I never burp and when I try it is difficult. It gets really bad at night, not nearly as bad in the daytime.

@Katiepetersen04 - 28.11.2022 00:03

I’m in middle school and I am getting more final tests soon, we think that I have R-CPD but we just have to make sure with these final tests. This has made my personality completely change since I was younger, I used to be super outgoing but now I’m so anxious during school around my peers that I hardly even talk all day except when I’m around my friends. Honestly don’t take burping for granted, which I know sounds stupid, but I blame R-CPD for most of my social anxiety. That is if I DO have R-CPD. I have all of the main 4 symptoms, and it’s especially hard in middle school around all of my peers. Thank you so much for making these videos, otherwise I would have no idea why I feel so bad every day and would have no hope that I would be able to be fixed.

@karlakush1002 - 04.10.2022 19:07

Farting has ruined my life i cannot burp so i fart all the time i cannot socialize because of this i have to isolate myself glad it has been diagnosed thanks doctor you are hero

@roadracer1584 - 26.08.2022 14:23

I definitely fart a lot. My farts are LOUD and stink to high heaven. At first I thought this was funny because I could stink out a room and send everybody headed for the exits. Now I'm starting to worry this could be a more serious condition. I should mention I also have to shit frequently usually after a cup of joe in the morning.

@chikunamasiku6749 - 08.08.2022 01:05

I have all of these symptoms.. It's past midnight and I can't sleep

@Jezebel-qt9sx - 17.07.2022 01:20

I’m suffering with this since 2020, apparently it’s a symptom my IBS. Extremely challenging and I’m 29 yet it’s affecting my social relationships and confidence. Such an important area to provide videos, thanks.

@rulerzreachf4n200 - 05.07.2022 05:51

I’m glad to know I’m not alone in being unable to burp. For as long as I can remember it’s just not been a thing I can do. It can be quite painful sometimes. I can very VERY rarely burp. And it’s of course not intentional, and it surprises me every time 😂 always very small though, and also more likely to happen if I’ve had alcohol. My mum also can’t burp, so I guess it could be inherited?

@effiemero2989 - 28.06.2022 19:57

Do your symptoms get better when you lay down?

@effiemero2989 - 28.06.2022 18:54

Honestly I've always lived my entire life with this problem

@gecoo - 25.06.2022 23:01

ive been struggeling with this for as long as i can remember, ive been going to doctors and hospital clinics for YEARS and ive always gotten the answe " its all in your head, your all good "
im in malta and i dream about the day this can be treated here one day

( also i dont have excessive flatulance but i dont burp ether and the pain everyday is olmost paralizing, i havent been able to have a job for years because its gotten soo bad )

@fredlandry6170 - 25.06.2022 12:44

Mr Flatulence 😂😂😂

@jib6676 - 17.05.2022 16:46

Hi dr ,is it possible to have minor rcpd? I’ve been experiencing this no burp problem for six months since having covid 19…..I’m matching up with 2 symptoms , I can’t burp and I feel like I might be swallowing air with my saliva, although I do not have the flatulence, most of the time feel like I have trapped air bubbles in my chest I do get some release but very rarely am I able to burp if anything I can just about manage to take in air…to release some of the excess air in an almost half burp if that makes any sense?, This Is the closest set of symptoms I can match my problem with, can’t seem to find anything else on the Internet about not being able to burp, I’m chatting with my doctor in the morning and will be mentioning RCPD, thank you

@ankitholagundi1024 - 30.04.2022 15:21

Sir I live in bangalore ...India ...can u please tell me who will treat RCPD??? ...PLEASE

@carocaro3583 - 25.04.2022 01:53

Hi Doctor,
I have been suffering from ur exact explanation immediately after nissen gastric fundoplication surgery 10 years ago. The surgery relieved the GERDS but came with a list of CONs i have been in a out of the ER for years an no one could tell me why the abdominal pain an flatulence other than thats what was expected after fundoplication surgery. I cant believe i found this awnser i will consult my PCP an arm my self with Info. I cant wait to resolve this pain its been so so many years of embarrassment an pain.

@bedtimeclub - 10.04.2022 16:34

Gosh, I may have an answer to my mega trumpet ass! I never burp but watch out with the flatulence!

@hubbabubba1808 - 01.04.2022 01:20

Hi Dr Bastian, thank you for your work on this area. I've had this condition for as long as I can remember. I got the excessive gurgling and painful hiccups all the time as a teenager. Now I only notice it when I'm sick and take standard cold and flu medicine. Do you know why that would be? I also now thankfully only get the hypersalivation symptom if I drink certain types of alcohol and I can pretty much fix this with a trip to the bathroom and "air vomiting" as I recently learned it's called. I always thought I was alone with this strange quirk. Do you know if it can naturally decline in strength as a person ages, like I have noticed, or might that be because I've naturally learnt which food and drink to avoid?

@kirstenmartano9429 - 24.03.2022 01:03

Hi, I think I have this. I have Small Intestinal Bacterial overgrowth(believe I had gastroparesis like symptoms from this) and overgrowths in my large intestine. I also have lpr reflux. I’ve had an episode that woke me up where i felt like I was choking and fell to the floor. It felt as if I was dying. I believe this to be my UES tightening from reflux and so much that it almost chokes me. When I treat the SiBO & take a prokinetic drug with Pepcid, things have improved. I take Ativan for when I get the tightening in the esophagus and I start burping the air out right away. Is it possible the tightening all started from reflux from the bacterial overgrowth? I wonder if Botox would be a good replacement for the ant anxiety med. Any good doctors for this near or in Los Angeles area?

@amywheatley7695 - 23.03.2022 16:41

Dr. Bastian you’re a hero to the no burp community. I’ve suffered with R-CPD since I can remember. I searched far and wide for answers and always fell short. Or got the IBS diagnosis. I have not had the procedure yet, but I now have hope. A better quality of life is possible. I spent years thinking I was just disgusting for all these symptoms. My brother also has R-CPD. We also both have Emetophobia and I have Pseudodysphagia. I often excessively swallow or feel it is impossible to swallow. I have left dinner tables in panic. I am curious as if you know any researchers pursuing a link between childhood trauma and R-CPD? I noticed a flair up of Pseudodysphagia when I am experiencing an anxiety attack. I have been in touch with your office regarding treatment. I hope to shake your hand one day.

@shehlaali654 - 13.03.2022 23:57

Doctor Bastian pls help my daughter 😢 she have been suffering from this problem for last 16 months , we are from Pakistan and I don't know how to get treatment here .
No doctor knows about RCPD here 🙁

@tyesarhodes3530 - 09.03.2022 05:38

I don't have all of these symptoms but I do have an inability to burp. I fart all day loonnnggg though. It's embarrassing 😳 but I have no way of releasing the pressure. Sometimes it's just air. Other times it's a horrific odor. Even with eating semi healthy, drinking water and taking high quality supplements, no relief. What to do?

@sibhatmeq4027 - 27.02.2022 22:27

your are a such amazing doctor in my life to help me figure out this problem and doctor's said me it's irritable vowel syndrome but it was not

@shabraizmalik901 - 17.02.2022 23:50

Hey doctor my case is little different..... Although i can burp multiple times a day , sometimes i have to force myself to burp because i feel its stuck.....I have been diagnosed with GERD and Gastritis for over a decade....Though sometimes i can burp normally, it is only when my GERD worsens i have to face this difficulty.....P.s i have neved had any gurgling sound coming from my throat.....Dont know whether it is RCPD or not?......I would really appreciate ur help

@markdefilippo1201 - 08.02.2022 02:36

I love my giant farts!!! Glad to do it too.
