Rump Reich - The Nazi Government in Power After VE-Day 1945

Rump Reich - The Nazi Government in Power After VE-Day 1945

Mark Felton Productions

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@aceeeed - 25.04.2021 13:23

I wonder if in those cabinet meetings, they the ministers had to uneasily salute ‘Hail Donitz...?’

@robertchubb1518 - 19.01.2021 06:07

If only they had done (as described here by Dr Felton) What Churchill did with this “rump” government and keep it in “power” for a little longer....and did this in Iraq in 2003...the the powers that be..Blair et al...dismantled the Saddam regime caused ABSOLUTE CHAOS for us..the fighting troops..that then became the occupation troops...

(Only edited because of stupid spellcheck...grrrrr...which I had to do myself after.......)

@robinbrowne5419 - 10.11.2020 01:11

Scumbag Himmler was one of the worst Nazis. Donitz was probably one of the most honourable. If we can call creating a submarine force to sink defenseless merchant ships "honourable".

@PolishBehemoth - 29.09.2020 23:10

Oh wow that donitz guy lived. Long life. Died in 1980 at the age of 89. That was rare for anybody much leas Europeans from ww2.

@annescholey6546 - 17.07.2020 19:21

All were arrested by the Canadians and led from the Moerwik offices for the cameras.

@Grayando1 - 17.07.2020 16:35

for the bennifit of the russian government,,,, shame you should regard their sacrifice so off handeldly....

@jonathanklein383 - 27.05.2020 10:21

I wrote my MA thesis on doenitzs government... fascinating period.

@Anax100 - 23.04.2020 07:55

Reims is pronounce "Rahnce"

@Aeternuss - 22.01.2020 09:00

What is more fascinating is how they give Europe to Stalin

@exposingproxystalkingorgan4164 - 21.01.2020 09:01

Everyone wants to be king, even if it's only for a short time.

@Frontline_view_kaiser - 18.01.2020 04:25

Good to see that after hanging around in flensburg, they finally got to hang around in Nürnberg

@diasporaafortiori5180 - 14.01.2020 21:17

"Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie”, the main supplier of the German war machine, financed 45% of the election campaign of Hitler in 1930, and was under the control of Rockefeller “Standard oil”. Morgan, through “General Electric”, controlled the German radio and electrical industry via AEG and Siemens (up to 1933, 30% of the shares of AEG owned “General Electric”) through the Telecom company ITT — 40% of the telephone network in Germany.

In addition, they owned a 30% stake in the aircraft manufacturing company “Focke-Wulf”. “General Motors”, belonging to the DuPont family, established control over “Opel”. Henry Ford controlled 100% of the shares of  “Volkswagen”. In 1926, with the participation of the Rockefeller Bank “Dillon, Reed & Co.” the second largest  industrial monopoly in Germany after “I.G Farben” emerged — metallurgical concern “Vereinigte Stahlwerke” (Steel trust) Thyssen, Flick, Wolff, Feglera etc.

American cooperation with the German military-industrial complex was so intense and pervasive that by 1933 the key sectors of German industry and large banks such as Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank etc were under the control of American financial capital.

The political force that was intended to play a crucial role in the Anglo-American plans was being simultaneously prepared. We are talking about the funding of the Nazi party and A. Hitler personality. "

@MrManfly - 14.01.2020 20:48

“Useless eaters” ? Wow ! 😮

@olgajakobi8353 - 14.01.2020 10:37

ja,ja die bösen deutschen.

@Dr.A.Rosenberg - 13.01.2020 21:19

Poor Albert Speer after all his Allied Buttock kissing he still got twenty years in prison and was labeled as a Coward and a Sellout for all of eternity !

@alexburt6995 - 13.01.2020 03:56

I appoint my new cabinet....

.....I now dismiss my new cabinet. Thank you for your service.

@margaretneanover6066 - 09.01.2020 07:25

Each time I see a story like this, I see added aspects rarely openly talked over. Look at the cover pic, the Orient look says so much more about what else they didn't talk about. The people who died as incarcerated victims were said to have owned that land. While others moved in to share, the share was said to become a takeover. This type thing happened by a few starters. We, we have a immigration that has part rule, but when some thru special interest uses this as a militant style, when the origin is all but washed out, the privy is proven not as useful. From goodwill to ignorance of usery, this happened. Today we look at not just Hitler who never drew attention , rather other interests of the region. We look at resources that were said to not exist there. The rights that are belonging to others. It was said once the alleging that a world Bank person literally accused of selling German ground caused this. Neither are complete analysis of the actual truth. No one on Earth can destroy that many unless others say nothing and possibly extend help. The object is self reliance with extension, or control. The weeders seem to think they push responsibility elsewhere. What would prompt any country to extend defense methods as a race, game or enduring threat without being truly discovered? Money can buy, but the said application was eit h er employment, sales or both. Maybe neither, as they seem to have had change some too. It's a little learned trait these days that wanted laws swing the way the prophet goes, thus follow the money. How else does a mass collaboration work? To stop this, Rome will be built in a day, not for it to be gone in a generation. Yep, live and learn. ..

@hpholland - 09.01.2020 00:50

Doenitz denied being a POS even to his last days. He ordered prisoners to do labour for his naval war effort, and said it wasn’t that bad. As the late Hitchens said, “’s a shame there isn’t a hell for [him] to go to.”

@TheDracoTamer - 03.01.2020 21:25

Rump Reich? The gay interrogation battalion? "Ve have our vays of making you talk".

@iwantthetruthandnothingbut6521 - 01.01.2020 18:25

Rump Reich ... does that mean ruling asses?

@TalkTalk44 - 24.12.2019 21:47

It's never mentioned that hundreds of thousand German soldiers where in an open prison of war camp to die from starvation and disease..Eisenhower approved this genocide of the German soldiers .

@hugolafhugolaf - 20.12.2019 15:24

When Karl Dönitz was arrested, he said his name was Idunnowho. Idunnowho Dönitz. Ba-dum tssshh!

@thereau2100 - 17.12.2019 17:10

Also not mentioned are the 12 million Germans murdered both directly and indirectly by the Allies after the war from 1945 to 1951.

@steffenrosmus1864 - 13.12.2019 18:29

Rumpf (torso)Reich not rump Reich and it is Lüneburg not Lüneberg

@zulutgseta8276 - 12.12.2019 20:05

And what is T-Day now, eh?...


@wolfgang6517 - 10.12.2019 21:39

I wonder how history would have hone of this government never ended

@blumie006 - 10.12.2019 08:04

Merkel is the new nazi leader of Germany she is just disguised under a green and rainbow cloke

@trucktrucker5043 - 10.12.2019 01:28

A real fact that may interest you for a video,is that the Greek island of Crete remained under German occupation two months after the official end of WW2 in Europe,untill July 1945.Although the Germans retreated from the rest of Greece in October 1944,they remained in Crete keeping their personal armament too,after an agreement with the British and the official Greek government.The reasons were that the British and the government didn't want to let Crete to fall under Greek communist partizans (ELAS) control,who could also enrich their armament with the Germans' guns.British also could not dispose forces to guard Crete.If Crete would fall under communist control,then they could ask for help from the Red Army who would invade Greece and that would transform Greece in communist state like Romania,Bulgaria etc under Soviet control.Or the communist partizans could make an independent governement and declare Crete as an independent communist state.These last German soldiers in July 1945 were transferred with British ships in Italy and from ther to their homeland.

@Sssi4270 - 08.12.2019 15:28

Thanks to Churchill and England for worrying about the potential invasion of Denmark by the Soviets.

@jeffreymorris11 - 06.12.2019 20:55

Mark Felton, what Lawrence Rees did for history at the BBC, you could be doing much more at Channel 4.
Your narratives are expanding public knowledge.

@rascallyrabbit717 - 05.12.2019 07:53

Goring honestly thought he would be placed in charge of Germany after acquittal

@ToquzOghuzKhaganatekhan - 03.12.2019 20:16

I usually walk on the street like them

@ToquzOghuzKhaganatekhan - 03.12.2019 20:15

Strong and powerful !!!!!!!!!! I usually look at people like that

@ToquzOghuzKhaganatekhan - 03.12.2019 20:14

I like those German leaders

@Foul_Quince - 02.12.2019 07:41

Von Krosigk was also, technically, Goebbles' sucessor as Chancellor.

@e30325ikiller - 28.11.2019 22:37

a storry about hess would be interesting

@intermilan9731 - 21.11.2019 19:00

And the wrong side won that day.

@hazy_thoughts - 17.11.2019 18:49

Hate the allies for allowing stalin to be with them.

@francesbullivant5181 - 15.11.2019 18:36

Amazing , thank you Mark

@susang5074 - 15.11.2019 14:07

Viva Jews forever god of Moses is with them

@therealtruth9502 - 14.11.2019 19:22

Some great men in this video

@QuantumRift - 13.11.2019 07:52

Imagine all the finger pointing...."YOU'RE in CHARGE NOW!" "NO, I"m not, HE is..." No HE IS.... I'm not, you HE is.." LOL

@ab-wx3or - 12.11.2019 05:28


@elgato9445 - 02.11.2019 23:34

"Useless eaters" Incredible.

@robynhighart2026 - 31.10.2019 01:42

I've learnt so much about ww2 from this channel. Thanks
