The Paris Boys Choir - JS.BACH Cantate BWV 140 - Petits Chanteurs de Sainte-Croix - Concert 2/3

The Paris Boys Choir - JS.BACH Cantate BWV 140 - Petits Chanteurs de Sainte-Croix - Concert 2/3

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@JeanMichelMeuley - 21.05.2015 21:32

Merci de ce partage

@giusepperocco3297 - 21.01.2016 00:46

Straordinaria esecuzione. La cantata 140 di Bach è la mia preferita: le vergini sagge e le vergini stolte che attendono lo Sposo, con riferimento alla seconda venuta di Cristo, per il giorno del giudizio finale. Questa cantata viene eseguita l'ultima domenica dell'anno liturgico luterano.

@whycantiremainanonymous8091 - 05.12.2016 12:09

Sorry, children, I know you've been working very hard, but you are singing out of key.

@dmartin5774 - 26.03.2020 05:11

Merci! A lovely performance, and at a slower tempo that permits one to enjoy the beautiful obligato.

@user-vk6oh8or8n - 03.04.2020 21:15

BRAVO! BRAVO! Wonderful!!!

@user-vk6oh8or8n - 03.04.2020 21:36

Очень сложный вокал! Парнишке нелегко, голос будет ломаться...Для этой партии надо женский голос

@anneseyes7607 - 03.06.2020 06:55

What's important is that boys got to know the message of BWV 140 by working this masterpiece. The soloists and the orchestra are great but the boys look sincere.

J'espere que cela "produit la repentence a salut", pour lequel etait compose cet oeuvre. Tous ces performances d'un lyrique pareil nous aideront "conduire une vie chretienne d'une comprehension plus claire de la Bible et de la certitude de l'amour de Dieu qui y est exprime". Le principe, c'est la relation 'VIVANTE' entre Dieu et chretiens decouverts par Dieu, ces chretiens qui peuvent chanter bwv 140 en etant ecoutes par Dieu.

@alexdesslin - 24.06.2020 16:20

belle captation qui nous rappelle l'immense génie de cet incontournable compositeur !

@facitenonvictimarum174 - 30.10.2020 13:07

It should be against the law to be that young. And that talented. And that disciplined. It's just not fair. Come to think of it, Mozart started pretty young too.

@rosangelajoyce7847 - 19.02.2021 21:14

Wonderful. Boys. Good. Bless. Very. Beautiful. Cats. Miauuuuuu

@FranzFischerSDG - 11.02.2023 22:50

Beautiful!!!!! The boys' choir is so pure. Bravo to all the soloists. I could see that the five virgins are readying with enough oil for their lamps so they can welcome their bridegroom. Praise be to our Bridegroom, Lord Jesus.
