How To Create A Culture Of Innovation In The Workplace - Human Design as a Tool

How To Create A Culture Of Innovation In The Workplace - Human Design as a Tool

Orion Ohev

2 месяца назад

35 Просмотров

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@BrianaPrince4escrow - 14.06.2024 00:49

This is all so interesting!! Thank you for sharing!! :)

@mikeyb1055 - 14.06.2024 18:47

What’s funny is that this video was my approach to managing before I even knew about human design, and it was also the very thing that pushed me out of management. Now that I learned my human design and knowing I don’t have any defined motors (two open and two completely undefined), I’ve had to shift to look for work where I can work in bursts. Still very hard to find in the states.

@maria4987 - 14.06.2024 22:03

Very informative thank you 🙏

@JessieCabelloL - 21.06.2024 20:40

Totally resonates! This is the FUTURE :)
