US Army Bugle Calls Daily Sequence: An Honorable Tradition

US Army Bugle Calls Daily Sequence: An Honorable Tradition

Madras Arsenal

1 год назад

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@MadrasArsenal - 25.02.2024 02:40

How many of these bugle calls do you recognize? What other topics would you like me to cover?

@Chungus_E_Mungus - 25.02.2024 21:21

Old Boy Scout Bugler here.
Here’s what we would use:

Reveille- wake up (and make everyone hate you until noon)

To the Colors - posting flags in the morning/start of meeting or ceremony

Retreat - take down flags in evening/end of meeting or ceremony

Taps - lights out or end of formal ceremony while lowering flags/ funeral

Thanks for keeping this cool stuff alive.

@austinshannon4197 - 26.02.2024 02:36

Lebron James is the nba goat.

@joshua_minus_the_ua - 20.03.2024 02:43

sir you are not playing any of these

@jackhames3874 - 04.10.2024 08:20

I’m astounded how little the daily schedule in the Army has changed over the last 100+ years lol

@jackhames3874 - 04.10.2024 08:22

Are you located in Madras, Oregon? That landscape looks familiar

@mr.angelosonassis3069 - 09.10.2024 12:17

The calls are so clear and perfect, I must ask: Are we listening to the Hellcats?

@faizalmaulana7563 - 05.01.2025 04:24

Remind me Sioux attacked to our fort in Rio Grande . Hiks..😊

@archangel1221 - 15.01.2025 02:48

I commanded a Cavalry Squadron in Afghanistan in Laghman Province. About halfway through our tour they installed a huge loudspeaker/intercom system called the Big Voice. You could have play little audio clips just like tapping on an MP3 file, and you could hear it across the entire FOB. We would do all the standard army bugle calls daily. Reville, Retreat, etc..... Everyone who visited our FOB commented on it. Traditions matter

@aliceafletcher3988 - 15.01.2025 17:28

I grew up on Army posts all over the world, and these melodies sing in my mind every day.

@Jimpix57 - 18.01.2025 06:00


@josephpadula2283 - 02.02.2025 23:29

The first one is Post time at the horse racetrack !

@davidboydarnott417 - 17.02.2025 19:26

Thank you! That was fantastic! 👏👏👏👏👏
