The Reality of Food Self-Sufficiency

The Reality of Food Self-Sufficiency

The Seasonal Homestead

2 года назад

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Fall off the Map
Fall off the Map - 30.10.2023 18:23

What cover crops do you use, and how do you choose them? I like that technique of crimping and covering to prepare for planting. It looks much more efficient than what I have been doing, cutting tall grass and weeds and then using them as thatch.

Ed 221
Ed 221 - 15.10.2023 09:24

Do you use pesticides?

WildOceanAppaloosaWoman Gay Camille Grace Sprague
WildOceanAppaloosaWoman Gay Camille Grace Sprague - 14.10.2023 02:32

The animals don’t want to be tortured and murdered

Did they give you their permission to go this?


Apache Kid
Apache Kid - 05.10.2023 16:44

White privilege at it's finest

mary early
mary early - 03.10.2023 08:40

your a good example for others. please keep up the good work and remember this: your doing this- partly- to give your kids a great life and perpetuate this kid of life onto the next generation. This is one awesome way to help heal the earth.

SHELL SEA - 01.10.2023 05:08

❤❤❤SUBSCRIBED WHAT A SUPERMUM ,Really sad about the tomatoes, Cos u did the fodder crop I studied Agriculture and Horticulture and with the weather NOTHING IS EASY +BABE NO WONDER U SO HOT ALL THAT WORK I really hope u get lots of food for those cute kids you hv I am watching from Australia and we Australian people a lot of us including me are just learning that YER we should be seriously growing and storing food I admire u all who do this and make it look easy because I know it is not Were I am we hv QUITE NARSTY winds I really need a very strong wind mill 🤣🥰😍🤩❤️‍🔥 Lots of ❤

Robin Blair
Robin Blair - 01.10.2023 04:16

I want to one day harvest my own food too but I don’t think I could kill the animal’s after caring for them because I love animals too much. I will just stick to the veggies lol!!

Christian Millard
Christian Millard - 27.09.2023 05:46

Great video! I bet using a broadfork on both sides of the tomatoes would have helped the situation without having to dig them up. Havent had drainage issues since ive had that tool and i only do each bed once a year sometimes everyother year.

Daniel Foley
Daniel Foley - 24.09.2023 19:08

Your home and land is absolutely beautiful. Can you share what state or even which region your homestead is in?

Chum - 24.09.2023 18:26

If more women were as calming as her they would make their men so happy lol

nursekja1 - 24.09.2023 02:54

the problem is a lot of people make $20/hr or more at work and can't grow $20/hr of food after the expenses to grow it. It's better to buy it and have money left over to enjoy other things in life.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang - 24.09.2023 01:06

Thank you for the video! One question I have is how long you guys can manage to stay away from your farm/homestead while raising the animals.

Ross P
Ross P - 22.09.2023 23:20

Doesn't seem like that much work.... lol

Reeka Negara
Reeka Negara - 22.09.2023 04:06

Great family great garden , God bless you guys..

Harry Sollmer
Harry Sollmer - 18.09.2023 09:22

Is your goal self-sufficient off-grid living or is it business.. because if it's business fuey on you..

Alexis AlQahtani
Alexis AlQahtani - 17.09.2023 15:19

I am wondering if you have a recipe to share for your lemon strawberry jam. I see you used Honey instead of sugar and i'd love to do that for my family.
Thank you 🥰

castles - 16.09.2023 03:47

I plat my asparagus (like you plat your hair) and it stand upright and stays out of the way. It works really well.

Elizabeth Tank
Elizabeth Tank - 14.09.2023 21:55

I'm so sorry dear that your tomatoes didn't work for the first time,but I am pretty sure that next time work will, because you learned your lesson.I love what you do thanks for sharing your video.

Daylight - 13.09.2023 22:05

Food for thought...when you go to the store to buy your food, you are paying for the farmer to grow it. Then your paying the trucker to deliver it to a store. Then the store is going to sell it at a high enough price that they can pay the employees as well as themselves. In order for you to pay for the "convenience", you have to go to a job, and work. So, you didnt get out of hard work. You just did different work. Kind of like how people no longer fix their own cars, or anything themselves for that matter. Think of how much money you fork out to pay a mechanic or a plummer or a carpenter when something breaks. Used to be your grandpa or dad knew how to "do everything." Anymore, people cant do anything themselves. We have to work tons of hours at a job to cover the cost of things we are no longer skilled at. When we could learn these skills like grandpa, and save a heck of a lot of money doing it ourselves. Calculate it out sometime. You would be impressed.

Mark Liberatore
Mark Liberatore - 07.09.2023 03:03

Do you guys use the no-till method (back to Eden)?
I noticed that you use a cover crop, and have that mulch layer on top of the soil.

That seems like a great idea, as the cover crops will provide nitrogen to the chips and break them down faster and enrich the soil quicker.
