What was life like after the Bronze Age collapse (Extended Version)

What was life like after the Bronze Age collapse (Extended Version)


3 года назад

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@larissaoliveira1572 - 26.01.2024 22:37

So basically, Canaan only existed during the rough times of the Bronze Age collapse, before that it was Egypt, and after that it became Phonecia, Israel, Judah, and Philistia

@svarog8674 - 02.01.2024 15:55

I'm surprised you don't mentioned the Pannonian basin and Carpathian mountains where bronze age cultures flourished thanks to plenty of copper ore in the region and it is one of the hypothetical homelands of the Sea peoples.

@mkoronowski - 27.12.2023 04:06

The eruption of Thera, a volcano located in the Aegean Sea, is considered one of the most significant volcanic events in human history. It occurred around 1600BC. The eruption of Santorini, another volcano located in the Aegean Sea, occurred around 1620BC. The Eastern Mediterranean region experienced several earthquakes during this period, one destroyed the city of Ugarit in modern-day Syria around 1200BC. A comet impact in the Indian Ocean around 1000BC is believed to have caused a massive tsunami.

@callowaylaw - 17.12.2023 17:02

I am also impressed with your content and artwork. The periodic flashes of humor kept it all rolling.

@angusarmstrong6526 - 13.12.2023 23:06

This long form, looser structure was very enjoyable and informative. I did need to stop it now and again and go back over some sections but this is no bad thing.
I’d like to try Balkan Europe in a village by the Danube please!

@kadenreed8603 - 02.12.2023 18:04

I did not see the original video. I liked the information in this video. Editing-wise, I think it might flow better if you originally make a long video and then edit it into a short version rather than to create a short/normal length video and add in commentary. The starts and stops, especially with the music, were a bit off putting.

@LeifMadsen - 30.11.2023 18:17

I really loved watching the shorter version, and then coming back and getting the longer version with more context. I think it'd have been a bit much to absorb if I had just started with the longer version, so having a 2nd watch through with injected "more info!" bits was really great. Thanks!

@manleynelson9419 - 26.11.2023 13:25

I am so impressed by your artwork and graphics

@sato_ruki - 24.11.2023 23:19

i'm super late to this, but i watched the original a few weeks ago and came across this version today— not usually one to rewatch videos, but i'm 40 minutes in and glad i decided to! i love all of the details you added in, as a historical/paleo-artist myself it's particularly cool to hear about the small details you put into your drawings as well as the bits and pieces about your process. this is definitely one of the best channels i've come across and i'm beyond thankful that you're offering this enormous amount of hand-made content for free, especially coming from the future where most content today is AI garbage!!
currently a college student so sadly donating isn't possible for me, but i'll be rewatching these videos many times over; the content is certainly good enough, and hopefully the ad revenue will get to you!

@adriangabrieljones881 - 21.11.2023 01:19

Trully a better version! You can insert more advert breakes!
Love the drawings!

@adriangabrieljones881 - 21.11.2023 01:17

Amazing new info! Thanks!

@vannirovera491 - 19.11.2023 12:18

I watched a couple of vids of this channel before but I was not very satisfied as I found them too simplified, for example the one about the assyrian professional army and the one about LBA collapse. But this one amazed me: I found it rich in precious details, as it deepens the internal dynamics of the States during and after the collapse. For example I knew nothing about Ramesses XI and Herihor, about the policy of resettling the meshwesh invasors as farmers or part of the army, and about the State robbery at the royal tombs; I knew nothing about how the expansion of arameans into the assyrian territory worked and how it caused migration and finally civil war in Assyria; I didn't know about the practice of destroying city walls leaving intact the city itself; and so on.
Now I have to watch the extended version about minoans. Really hope to find more extended versions like this one in the future.

@flyingsword135 - 18.11.2023 18:48

We are about to find out.

@IOSPBITBRNO - 14.11.2023 23:07

I am Assyrian, I would live in my village of Alqosh (1500 BC - Present). 3500 years strong! We have seen Sargon, Hammurabi, Ramses, Ashurbanipal, Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Xerxes, Alexander, Julius, Mohamed, Charlemagne, Temujin, George, Washington, Napoleon, Lincoln, Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Mao, Kennedy, and Trump. We will continue to see. The only reason we are still around and were not devoured by other peoples is due to two reasons. The first, our history. Our history has never left us, it is one of the greatest histories, if not the greatest history, a people can have. The second, Christianity. The coming of Jesus Christ allowed us to separate ourselves from our Zoroastrian occupiers, and later our Islamic Occupiers. We were the first “people” to adopt christianity as a whole. Assyrians had went as far as China with the Gospel. They had a relatively good travel in the name of Christ. We have a deep understanding of the Cultures of the world, dead and new. It has constantly helped us build relationships with the cultures of the world. The only downside is that our history, culture, and survival is a threat to the existence of many Arab, Turkish, and Iranian Regions. That is why we have seen genocides from the Arabs in their expansions, the mongols in 13th - 16th century AD (80% plus were killed), the Turkish in 1914-1916 (half were killed, and more were sent to exile), the Arab government of Iraq, Simele Massacre (1933), and the Islamic Extremism in the 21st century. Though in recent times, many of us were lucky enough to see life in exile of our lands. Assyrians need Autonomy, A christian nation in the middle east would stabilize the Judeo-Sunni-Shiite aggression. The west could have a strong Ally in Mesopotamia, Bet Nahrain, Mat Ashur. It would basically be like another Israel, but we would have a more Semitic Culture, dialect, and values. This is because Assyrians have lived in exile for a little over 100 years. The Jews however, have lived in Europe since the time of Christ. I feel that personally, many of the modern Hebrew speakers lack a Semitic accent. Even their language has been reconstructed to increase survival in the 19th century. Our language, Neo-Assyrian Aramaic, has been spoken constantly in our lands since the fall of Assyrian Nineveh in 612 BC. We could honestly help them in their preservation efforts. Arabic, Aramaic, and Hebrew are all just regional daughters of Aramaic at the end of the day. Like Italian, Spanish, and french are born from Latin. Our dialect however has a major Akkadian influence that you will not see in Hebrew and Arabic.

@obedyahujryahuah2454 - 06.11.2023 04:30

Great job. Length ok by me.

@richardmuir3536 - 04.11.2023 04:14

Great show and loved it and can I ask do you think that the known grave robbers that were punished several times worked for those in charge? Thanks 👍 again.

@sheltr9735 - 02.11.2023 21:42


@roymcelwee9334 - 02.11.2023 17:09

Loved this longer cut. Thanks for sharing.

@yaboygreyy7 - 01.11.2023 01:05

You are the man

@2575dre - 21.10.2023 14:16

I have read the BIBLE and this video makes the book of JUDGES very interesting as the events recorded there occurred during the bronze age collapse. Two people of interest are Sisera and Jael the first is a Sharden sea pirate the second the wife of an Arab heardsman, both were survivors and may even be thriving in their own little spheres but in the end it was enginuity, witts and quick sightedness that won out over might

@jasonuren3479 - 20.10.2023 19:22

Subbed to this channel a couple of days ago. The details you provide are really helpful. I've always had an interest in history, for many decades and specifically that of this particular area, I've learnt many new in the couple of days I've been subbed. Cheers.

@numberslettersass - 16.10.2023 04:03

I would live in Pyrenees mountains in a Celtic-Iberian tribe during the 11th century BC. We would build a mountain "Castro" stone fort home within a massive circular stone wall enclosing all our tribes other Castros. We would herd goats and cows. We would fight bulls bare handed and treat them like brothers to the Tribe. We would make cheese and apple cider. Play bagpipes on the peaks and flutes in the forests. In our many caves our Druids will light fires and bury ancient treasures.

@jeromebarry1741 - 08.10.2023 04:55

Thank you for the effort.

@angusarmstrong6526 - 27.09.2023 18:55

You do an incredible job. I think I like a mix of the long form and the shorter 20/30 mins pieces.

@leonardodavinci3589 - 26.09.2023 08:12

Im working on a short story for my fiction writing class about the bronze age collapse. The commentary on social dynamics on this era is BEYOND helpful

@GalenLeRaaz - 19.09.2023 00:12

I love that the Famine emoji is represented by the symbol of Nurgle XD

@s4bril781 - 17.09.2023 21:42

what about bronze production after collapse? how aramean kingdoms and other states got bronze? from what was left or they were able to keep small production?

@gregoryeatroff8608 - 16.09.2023 17:58

The Tigris-Euphrates confluence is called the Shatt al-Arab Estuary now.

@techpriestgabicus5165 - 15.09.2023 05:13

I noticed the “emoji” for plague had the 3 circles & arrows of Nurgle (from warhammer, I don’t think the real one) , have I found a fellow warhammer nerd ? :D
As always keep up the amazing work man :3

Edit : totally forgot to add what the circles referenced :p

@drewandfrank - 13.09.2023 04:07

FANTASTIC video!!!

@blkwings69 - 02.09.2023 17:43

Oh yes, i love the long form videos. The animations are great

@rheinhardtgrafvonthiesenha8185 - 30.08.2023 15:03

I’d live in the kingdom of Kush all day

@wewenang5167 - 26.08.2023 10:47

Aramean, Phoenician, Chaldean and Assyrian still exist till today in the middle east, some move to the US and EU...most of them already assimilated with the later Arabic culture especially the one who converted to Islam. Aramean, Phoenician, Chaldean , Assyrians, Israelite and Arabs are all Semitic anyways so they were all cousins. But the community who remained Christians today still call themselves Chaldean, Assyrian and Aramean, idk if Christians Arab in Lebanon still call themselves Phoenician though?. Aramean language almost extinct though because of the current situation in Israel, many younger generation prefer to speak Hebrew then Aramaic.

@wewenang5167 - 26.08.2023 09:51

yeh Indus valley collapsed after Hinduism entered the continent...at this times the Aryan from Persia started to come to India and they were the one that introduce Hinduism and caste system. So Indus valley were no longer there when all this bronze age shit happened. Because of these bronze age collapsed the Aryan had an excuse to enter India to seek more better lands.

@napoleonfeanor - 25.08.2023 23:20

"The Arameans could have just immigrated to the neohittite cities and became numerous enough to overthrow their government"

Hmmm, makes you think... <notices patterns>

@napoleonfeanor - 25.08.2023 22:55

I think the Amazon is the only area which can hide a civilization. It certainly had up to 10 million (highest estimate it) people living there.

Why do Anglos write Ramesses but say Ramses. We Germans say and write Ramses

@danilaodatunagem7193 - 15.08.2023 05:34

In the 11th century BC I would prefer being either a nomad or a hunter-gatherer somewhere else.

@thanhool - 11.08.2023 12:22

I love the long form films

@mliittsc63 - 09.08.2023 06:06

Poor spelling drives me crazy.

@sagittariusa7662 - 24.07.2023 07:47

11th Century BCE, where is the best place to live?


The Saba Kingdom in Yemen would had been ideal.

@Thomas_Name - 23.07.2023 20:02

You should always treat weaker people with dignity and respect.
Your treatment of individuals should be based on what community they are from, not on what their DNA enables them to do or how it dictates their behavior.

@exegerhard - 22.07.2023 21:49

Criminally undervalued content
