Karl Popper's Falsification

Karl Popper's Falsification

BBC Radio 4

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jin choung
jin choung - 27.09.2023 10:30

sounds exactly like how feminists or leftist black activists counter women and black people who oppose their ideologies - that their opponents have "internalized misogyny/racism". if you agree with us, it proves we're right. if you oppose us, it proves we're right. how unfalsifiably marxist eh?

Warai English
Warai English - 14.08.2023 19:05

isnt that just stress test? Doesnt falsification mean that we are trying to deceive someone by changing something?

Christopher Sangma
Christopher Sangma - 12.05.2023 04:45

Karl popper get to the Chopper😂

Val Foin
Val Foin - 12.05.2023 03:56

It's pretty much the same problem with people claiming to prove the existence of god

Jonathan Tshibula
Jonathan Tshibula - 08.05.2023 14:06

I don't know you or what you've been through, but you matter. I grew up in church always hearing about God but I decided to do my own thing. Smoking weed and chasing girls, among other things. I did it for years and I was depressed for years..but one day a little while after being arrested and not even touching weed for a while, I lost control of my body. While still being fully conscious, God started speaking to me and He said "follow me or die." He scared me straight, for years I had the opportunity to accept Jesus as Lord but I never did, so God had to wake me up. After all these years I'm glad God said what He said. It was like someone pushing another person out of the way of a speeding car, to the person that was pushed it might seem rude.. but after that person gets a hold of themselves and looks back, they will realize that they needed to be pushed. Jesus Christ loves you and so do I.
God bless you

العبد المذنب
العبد المذنب - 06.01.2023 11:51

I wonder what would Karl popper's opinion be in the time of COVID, one narrative, unfalsifiable, and who ever dares to even think that what we've doing for the last 3 years is questionable with proper arguments is pseudo scientist, I wonder what would be his response to Fauci when he said that people who are attacking him are attacking the science !!!!

Jonathan Bailey
Jonathan Bailey - 16.11.2022 18:40

Mischaracterises Marx.

艾米心amihart - 13.10.2022 07:36

This makes little sense, and you can claim literally every science isn't a real science. No science on earth when a prediction doesn't work out do you then throw out the entire body of science going back to its origin, you expand and update it for a new theory that makes better predictions. Clearly in the example provided, if someone predicted the workers were about to revolt and they did not, they were falsified and someone who provided other explanations to why this was not happening would be taken more seriously.

It's also patently false to say Marx believed everything was determined by class struggle, Marx himself pushed back against this and argued that class relations can open up many possibilities and how they develop depends on historical conditions, i.e. other variables outside of class which are unaccounted for. Such as, Marx did explain how class struggle played out in the development of feudal society into capitalist society in western Europe, but when asked about Russia which was still feudal at the time, Marx insisted that you could not predict it would necessarily develop into a capitalist society because the historical conditions were different.

No one would ever apply Popper's method to any other science, it is only ever brought up in reference to historical materialism and conflict theory, because if you brought it up in reference to other fields it would be abundantly clear that it makes no sense. Popper's analysis as described here is very similar to the Christian creationist view of why we should reject evolution by natural selection. If we find one fossil that throws a wrench into our analysis, we don't throw the whole theory out, but we try to update it to account for it! So it's immunized!

No, that's just called science. You update it based on new evidence. How does anyone take this seriously?

KAZ - 24.09.2022 06:43

REAL scientists go out of their way to refute their own hypotheses.
Modern pseudoscientists do the opposite. They are instrumentalists and positivists, anti-science.
While this is most obviously true of state medical "science" today, it occurs all throughout academia.
Physicists are horrifically guilty of tweaking their hypotheses to match observation, exactly like Marxists.

Magnulus76 - 22.08.2022 09:57

Marx couldn't anticipate Edward Bernais and the ability of capitalists to engineer wants and desires.

Eternity - 20.08.2022 12:19

Totally love this. Upsc aspirant

heatseeker - 10.08.2022 14:01

This would be a bad example. Because the revised theories of Marx led to the creation of an effective playbook for the revolt. It also helps explain how the US was able to prevent one, which is by diluting class consciousness via labeling everybody and their Grandma's laborer middle class

Kevin Russell
Kevin Russell - 18.07.2022 01:27

cough Climate change cough

Selwyn Rodda
Selwyn Rodda - 30.06.2022 19:36

Popper was wrong about Marx. Marx did NOT think a revolution was inevitable. He thought it was desirable (obviously preferably non-violent) but was loathe to play the part of a prophet. He thought revolution leading to socialism was likely (and indeed socialism is an on-going and very young experiment, constantly attacked and suppressed by capitalists - to this day and remember, Hitler came to power by killing socialists for capitalists) because it overcame the contradictions and injustices of capitalism. Also, Popper is an intellectual shrimp compared to a giant like Marx, whose great contribution was an exhaustive and still profoundly accurate and frightening analysis of the nature, structure and character of capitalism. If you do not understand Marx's analysis of capitalism, what you think you know about it is capitalist propaganda.

Af Gor
Af Gor - 27.06.2022 03:01

but they did revolt, and do revolt ALL THE TIME

SITONG LI - 03.04.2022 21:08

good explanation! thanks!

Anastasia B
Anastasia B - 24.02.2022 04:45

Can I please request that Aidan Turner narrate the majority of these videos? . . .sigh . . . another sigh

damien flinter
damien flinter - 11.02.2022 22:15

As a card-carrying Groucho Marxist allow me point out that Marxism became the opium of the simplistic dreamers, as opposed to Karl, who made a useful analysis and critique of Moolah-worship, it's fa£$€-economic priesthood, and it's oxymoron-mantra chanting rationalisers of megalomanic greed.
Caveat: do not eject Marx with his acolytic bathwater.

Ralph McHendry
Ralph McHendry - 08.02.2022 18:18

I had that Karl Popper in the back of the cab once....

Tim Nelson
Tim Nelson - 31.01.2022 20:38

Climate change myth, in a nut shell.

Ruairidh McMillan
Ruairidh McMillan - 28.01.2022 16:32

Great summary vid.

Sameer Sawdekar
Sameer Sawdekar - 15.12.2021 22:48

Karl Popper is hands down one of the greatest intellectual giants who turned upside down the way people view and experience things

Aditya Sawdekar
Aditya Sawdekar - 27.11.2021 22:22

When I first heard about the falsification theory of Karl Popper, I thought this is like the Lean Start up phenomena

Marc Padilla
Marc Padilla - 14.10.2021 21:40

Marxists created psuedo science to customize their idealogy for broader application to ensure some success Psuedo science is just an excuse for excuses.

Jeremy Main
Jeremy Main - 03.10.2021 11:27

Marx was never science and never claimed to be. He claimed to be a historian. What is this crap?

Muhammad Adeel Riaz
Muhammad Adeel Riaz - 21.08.2021 18:46

science isn't about
confirmation it's rather about
falsification,unlike , Marxist for whaan
all situations

TheJoyOfGaming - 22.07.2021 20:53

So just what do you do with a concept like determinism?

Arjun Khokhar
Arjun Khokhar - 14.06.2021 22:05

This is Gold

Sourabh Yadav
Sourabh Yadav - 13.06.2021 16:18

What an excellent and concise video!

Hh Gg
Hh Gg - 08.06.2021 21:48

اسطورة الاطار ( كارل بوبر ).

يتكلم عالم اللغة (ورف ) و يردد معه بوبر عن سجن اللغة او عن سجن عقلي من نوع ما ، سجن صنعته القواعد البنائية للغتنا ، و الواقع غير ذلك تماما ، اللغة طريقة وجود الواقع و خروج من السجن الى الطبيعة و الى الاخر ، اللغة مشتركة و تجربة انسانية و السجن هنا تجاهل للانسان كواقع في سبيل واقع لا يشترك مع الانسان و لا مع الاخر و التعبير بلغة مختلفة عن شيء واحد من طبيعة اللغة و ليس او لا علاقة له بالحدث و الفعل احيانا :
بدأ بيير قطع الاشجار او
بيير بدأ يقطع الأشجار
التقديم و التاخير بلاغي اكثر الأحيان و هنآك جمل كثيرة لا تصف الفعل و لا يختلف المعنى بشيء سوى في الصدى الذي تحدثه اللغة في النفس و رموزها الإجتماعية لدى المتلقي و مدى قوة التاثير و كلام كواين عن النسبية الانطواوجية للغة و عن عدم القابلية لبعض العبارات للترجمة تجاهل للتجارب الذاتية التي تشرح لماذا هذه الكلمة لا تحمل ما تحمله تلك الكلمة، حياة اللغة هنا غير حياة اللغة هناك ؛ قالت لابيها : ما أجمل السماء فرد ابو الاسود الدؤلي: نجومها فقالت لابيها اردت التعجب فقال لها ابوها :
ما اجمل السماء (بفتح الهمزة )...

axinth - 27.04.2021 17:38

What about Quantum mechanics?


Bob Bob
Bob Bob - 13.04.2021 03:23

Just wanted to learn about Popper not watch anti Marxist propaganda garbage, thank you

Ankaralı Arıcı
Ankaralı Arıcı - 11.03.2021 10:28

Please read Marx s theory of value, how it is created . Capital part 1

Ankaralı Arıcı
Ankaralı Arıcı - 11.03.2021 10:25

Marx proves that capitalism is not sustainable and exploits the workers by paying them less than they produce. The value created by labor makes the capitalists rich. Thats why worker should rebel , its not falsified

TOM GREENE - 01.03.2021 20:09

This methodology is as old as the hills.

João Reis
João Reis - 01.03.2021 16:02

Karl Popper said the same thing about Freud and his theories, that's why today both political sciences and psicology are considered social sciences (the new pseudo-sciences) and not natural/exact sciences... I would have loved this video if it ended by calling psychoanalysis pseudo-sciences! XD That would be a honest job and the comments would be amazing....

jimmydeanman _
jimmydeanman _ - 06.02.2021 00:33

Sounds like the CCP

Paola Sanchez
Paola Sanchez - 31.01.2021 23:36

Loved! Thank you!

J. Swift
J. Swift - 20.01.2021 00:39

Popper has no clue about science, or history. You must be either a scharlatan or an idiot, often both, to believe in Marxism. Marx misunderstood Hegel, the great scharlatan, and Hegel misunderstood Plato.

Audio Pervert
Audio Pervert - 20.01.2021 00:23

The BBC itself is a part of the Enemy of Open Society. This bogus discourse is a bit late. One could simply read Karl Popper's book.

Juntus89 - 18.01.2021 05:57

I have an Masters degree in Philosophy (Oxford), Sociology (Cambridge), Psychology (Oxford) and History (Yale). I also have a PhD in Chemistry (MIT). So I am by far the smartest person here. That's all I wished to say.

CallMe EJ
CallMe EJ - 12.01.2021 01:30

That’s a good point I didn’t realize that the workers rebellion was un-falsifiable

ANTICHITASCIPPA - 02.01.2021 15:02


openwide theshutter
openwide theshutter - 18.11.2020 18:34


Kelly Regan
Kelly Regan - 01.10.2020 20:34

a very good argument for why marxism is filled to the brim with holes

Luca - 31.08.2020 18:03

BBC? The BBC showing us why Marxism is a pseudoscientific trash pile? This was 5 years ago. Times change...

The Ultimate Reductionist
The Ultimate Reductionist - 25.07.2020 06:33

Being fanatically anti-communism i.e. conservative is just as stupid and irrational as being fanatically pro-communism.

The Ultimate Reductionist
The Ultimate Reductionist - 25.07.2020 06:32

I 100% agree with this video, even though I STRONGLY support Karl Marx's fight for workers' freedom and for Marxists' personal sacrifice and suffering for our nation & world.
