Coronavirus Update 126: Variants, Vaccine Uptake, Sinovac, Brazil, India, Israel

Coronavirus Update 126: Variants, Vaccine Uptake, Sinovac, Brazil, India, Israel

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Saanstar Antolin
Saanstar Antolin - 20.07.2021 19:49

I'm in indonesia and have received 2 jabs of of sinovac, 2nd one was last month, my main concern is the new variants, .. i don't think the vaccines can keep up with the mutations.

cynic - 23.05.2021 22:08

Isn't there a safer option than Aluminium to use as adjuvant?

nitin kumar
nitin kumar - 23.05.2021 18:46

Could you please do a video on COVAXIN?

Error - 21.05.2021 21:58

I came here because I am wondering about the vaccines.
It seems like they are not long term tested, and so a dangerous risk, and seem pointless because the virus has variants..

Dr O George
Dr O George - 19.05.2021 07:57

Dear Doctor, Thank you for your continued insight that really helped me and my family a lot to understand Covid-19 disease and prevention mechanisms.
Just want to check with you if the following cause and effect, during adverse disease progression after 5 days of coronavirus infection, is correct:
A doctor in India claimed that about 10 percent of Covid-19 patients get into dangerous phase of the disease when the blood clots in the vein and other places, due to the antibodies (made for attacking the virus) attacking some cells that have similar proteins and structure like the virus s-protein. These cells are seen in the blood vessels and other organ locations are attacked by the antibodies thereby causing damage and clotting begins.
I suggested that if this is true, then vaccine induced antibodies should also trigger clotting in about 10 percent of the vaccinated people.

As per my understand, there are Ace2 receptors at many places other than respiratory system and Coronavirus enter there as well and replicates. The antibodies then attack and kill the 'infected cells' and clotting sets in to contain and repair the damage. Is this correct?
Would be great to hear from you. Thanks in advance. God Bless.

Viking - 17.05.2021 12:07

The Indian variants B1617 is re-infecting and spreading like fire in my country especially to those who had vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine. Can you do a video regarding the current situation over B1617?

x80WildCat08x - 16.05.2021 00:00

What do you think of the dark horse podcast, and their new video on how the vaccine damages cells?

Julieta DeLeon
Julieta DeLeon - 11.05.2021 16:38

Dr Seheult... There is a new study that says COVID 19 is not a respiratory condition; It is a VASCULAR. ! Could you please elaborate on that.? Talk about that... I want to hear your point of view,,, Your analysis of that study.. Thanks a lot
We missing you. # weeks ago Nada de NADA.!!!

Wi llo
Wi llo - 09.05.2021 08:36

Oh gosh
I’m sorry to be recommended this channel this late
Thank you so much

Jeepgurl - 05.05.2021 20:17

I watched your earlier videos on supplements. My 91-year old mother, husband and son have remained very healthy since 2020 and into the present. While I have other mild comobidities, I wondered if I then needed a higher dosage of some of the supplements. I had a moderate reaction to the virus but thank God no one else in my household got sick. Thank you for this life-saving information. My functional med doctor tests my blood “vit D” levels. It was very low (12ng/mL). Now I am in the 40’s.

Sacala Bolcita
Sacala Bolcita - 05.05.2021 19:40


Paula Estwick
Paula Estwick - 03.05.2021 06:15

Doc, Gibraltar has the highest vaccination rate in the world. About 90% of their population has gotten at least one dose and 80 something percent I believe are fully vaccinated. Can you comment on their situation?

AK KM - 03.05.2021 04:00

Medcram has been my only reliable source for info on Covid. Thank you for all that you share. It would be great if you could share your take on high covid numbers in India and also why many 30-45 year olds are dying in India. Thanks

TheMiddleClass TAXSLAVE
TheMiddleClass TAXSLAVE - 30.04.2021 16:54

Some honest questions here, looking for answers not discord:

The term herd immunity - for US specifically. The number of covid deaths has shown to increase for the elderly vs the youth. As the data has shown, death by age group, those over 70 years of age or older are the most likely to encounter death from the virus. If we take that data, and once we get to the point of the the elderly being fully vaccinated, 60 years old and up, at that point,are we not at a herd immunity?
Is covid a variant of SARS? I believe yes, but looking for more clarification
If weak immune systems raise your risk, make you more susceptible to falling ill/death to virus, then why are children (0-3 years old) who are developing their immune system not falling ill (thankfully) to the virus? My understanding is that children are usually as susceptible to getting sick as an elderly person
Lastly, why does the cdc count the total number of deaths for covid to include pneumonia? Why would it not separate the death totals? I get they are both respiratory medical issues, but people die from pneumonia & influenza every year, so why would the totals include these illnesses? Is that the standard around the world?
Again, looking for insight on this

Rohan - 27.04.2021 13:31

I had a question.
If someone has been infected by covid-19 in the past let's say 3 months back. Should he / she still consider taking a vaccine.
If yes, What is the minimum waiting period post testing covid-19 negative after which one should consider taking the vaccine.

Gnl_086 - 27.04.2021 10:55

I just got the sinovac vaccine 🙂

Allon Kesselman
Allon Kesselman - 26.04.2021 00:35

These are great, informative videos. Now that Dr. Seheult has been vaccinated does he still take the supplements recommended in episode 59?

Jessica Arverne
Jessica Arverne - 25.04.2021 19:15

I would like to thank Dr. Seheult.
I treated my infection with Quercetin and Zinc and I experienced only mild symptoms.
It took four weeks to get out of the woods and it was really easy for me.
Thank you again.

Lita B
Lita B - 25.04.2021 11:47

What's the difference between the COVID19 vaccines and antibody treatments?

Vinyldeejay & Producer Matthias (BELGIUM)
Vinyldeejay & Producer Matthias (BELGIUM) - 24.04.2021 13:45

Do we have already some results of the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccin, Astrazeneca vaccin, Moderna vaccin & Johnson&Johnson vaccin on following variants:
- British
- South-African
- Brazilian (P.1 & P.2)
- British (with E484K)
- Indian

dheya abuidrees
dheya abuidrees - 23.04.2021 10:07

Thanks a lot

Judith Crosbie
Judith Crosbie - 22.04.2021 20:09

Can you comment on both COVID infection and vaccines causing or worsening tinnitus and hearing issues. I an hesitant to take vaccination due to this possible effect.

John S
John S - 22.04.2021 16:28

Can you please review the Novovax vaccine, if it becomes approved in the US?

Tomer - 22.04.2021 10:30

Any objective viewers men who plans a family here? Did your wife became pregnant? All scans shows baby is fine????? Would be glad if someone not from Pfiser or WHO or any interest person

Aseem Parasher
Aseem Parasher - 22.04.2021 09:16

Could you please cover vaccine production? Specifically if the bottleneck in global production is from capacity limitations or patent limitations. I know it may not directly correlate to the medical aspect but appears to be key from public health standpoint. Thank you

Harry S
Harry S - 21.04.2021 10:37

Please give review covaxine vaccine!

John Pavon
John Pavon - 20.04.2021 17:25

Thanks for the update!

Henry DImaano
Henry DImaano - 20.04.2021 05:22

I was wondering, sir, if you were going to mention the Philippines at some point. Albeit, your description of India's upsurge of infections & deaths easily double for what's happening in my country as well. 😊
As always, thanks for sharing your insights. I'm an orthopedic spine surgeon, and I find the medical side of clinical practice can be overwhelming at times. But you surely manage to bring it back into focus for me.

Dalton King
Dalton King - 20.04.2021 00:48

For us non medical people could you explain exactly what Efficacy means in virus terms.

Mary Sketch
Mary Sketch - 19.04.2021 10:53

I have been waiting for India's inactivated vaccine, Covaxin, to come to the U.S. and do believe it will get here soon, within the next few months. But when I had the opportunity to get Sinovac, I decided to do it. Luckily, since I got the jab a day and a half ago, the "efficacy" reports for it have gone up twice. First I heard about the Chilean study on millions which raised it to 67%, then about a Brazilian study on 20,000 which indicated that although it was 50.4% after two weeks, that 5 weeks after the second dose efficacy was 73%. Yay. I felt a bit of fatigue about 4 hours after vaccine, rested a bit.

John Kerns
John Kerns - 19.04.2021 05:10

Dr. S, I appreciate your informative videos. Next time you discuss variants, perhaps you could mention that India has its own variant consisting of E484Q and L452R mutations and that it’s been detected in the SF Bay Area.

Barbiedoll - 18.04.2021 20:33

The information passed to us from Dr. Seheult, Prof. Shane Crotty, as well as the interviews Kyle Allred, PA conducts are instrumental in my education. As a RN working a couple days of my work week helping to educate the public in our hospital run COVID clinics, the information I learn here is paramount for me as I talk with patients while observing them following their vaccines. Thank you for always presenting up to date, non- biased, non- sensationalistic information!

yogi yogi
yogi yogi - 18.04.2021 19:08

very professional!!!!!

Mr Sith
Mr Sith - 18.04.2021 14:25

Can you discuss Ivermectin?

Diane Dalton
Diane Dalton - 17.04.2021 16:32

Question, is the aluminium safe that they put in the vaccines? Do the risk out weigh the benefits? Thank you.

Filipina Tiger Eyes
Filipina Tiger Eyes - 16.04.2021 10:01

Thanks for the update doc

harry fare
harry fare - 16.04.2021 01:07

Very helpful

earnest thompson
earnest thompson - 15.04.2021 23:27

Great stuff!

Todd Peterson
Todd Peterson - 15.04.2021 19:32

Thank you for covering the Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine. Until just recently it has been the only vaccine used here in Turkey. The vaccination program started strong here but quickly slowed. Despite almost 20MM vaccinations covering 12% of the population, cases are at an all time high. I have not seen data, but I suspect this is because variants are now dominant here, rather than the ancestral strain and thus CoronaVac has low efficacy. The Pfizer vaccine is coming here, but only 6MM doses - enough for just 3MM of the country's 83MM population. I suspect things are going to stay bad here for quite a while until Turkey can secure a lot more better vaccines and/or get boosters/updated Coronavac.

Arcanum - 15.04.2021 05:49

Easily stopped by the public wearing N95s and not being misinformed by the CDC and other countries public heath agencies about a shortage of N95s. There is a surplus of N95s. Govts need to distribute N95s to their people. The concept is to prevent infection through effective respiratory protection that filters aerosolized viral particles.

NML - 14.04.2021 22:23

Many thanks!!

Aemero Dagnu
Aemero Dagnu - 14.04.2021 15:29

thank you

Sumita Ghosh
Sumita Ghosh - 14.04.2021 14:52

Thanks for information,it would be great if discussions releted to vaccine complications is considered.

Michael John Jardeleza
Michael John Jardeleza - 14.04.2021 13:27

The portion on Sinovac was cut short!

zog zog
zog zog - 14.04.2021 11:39

Even here in virtually covid free New Zealand, I follow your every word. My tiny recommendation is this: take medical advice from medical people and not from politicians.

Crazyma Mmcc
Crazyma Mmcc - 13.04.2021 14:44

Always always so informative ,thank you really enjoy listening
