X | Official Preview HD | A24

X | Official Preview HD | A24


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LetsKEEPEMPOWERMENTING4Life - 20.10.2023 21:50

By reading the comments, I can tell that there are a lot of ignorant people that didn’t see the prequel. lol! Take my advice and watch the prequel, “Pearl”, and then rewatch this movie, “X” again so you can have a better understanding of this opening scene. Smh!

Mackie Messer
Mackie Messer - 17.09.2023 21:00

Jenna Ortega; pornstar? I'm watching this. She better be naked

Werewolf Concerto
Werewolf Concerto - 28.06.2023 06:06

Recently saw this during its theatrical run & loved it! Loved the (probable) influence of Tobe Hooper's underrated "Eaten Alive" (sweaty, sexy Texas horror + crocodile). Fans of this should check out that little gem.

CARDANO [CEO] - 22.04.2023 18:46

Frustrates me how 1 uppercut to the jaw to the old couple could kill them yet these able bodied adults couldn’t figure out how to kill ‘em smh

Cooper Bourke
Cooper Bourke - 09.04.2023 19:49

Such a great Opening Scene! Sets the tone for the entire Film.

Brandon Kashinsky
Brandon Kashinsky - 31.12.2022 09:35

I didn’t like the opening scene because it was foreshadowing. I don’t like to see foreshadowing

OrchidLei - 29.09.2022 21:58

Please need close captioning

The Latest And The Greatest
The Latest And The Greatest - 21.09.2022 21:16

that aspect ratio transition was beautifully done

PP Pk - 17.09.2022 16:28

Bakwas movie, Time waste
Asei Slasher movie her movie me dekhchuka hnu kuch naya nahi he

KRP Shorts
KRP Shorts - 17.09.2022 16:10

Faltu Bahiat Ghisipiti Slasher movie

KU - 20.08.2022 05:00

Can anyone describe the level or intensity of gore in this film, and if there are major jump scares? I really want to watch it but don’t want to be traumatized lol. I can handle everything else…it’s gore and jump scares that give me trouble

V - 25.07.2022 12:41


Alyssa - 11.07.2022 06:41

This movie was awful

Tickle Fighter
Tickle Fighter - 06.06.2022 16:26

Repression, regret, and envy.

These are the core themes of X.

Cattle live uneventful and ultimately uniform lives until one day they’re gone. There’s a reason Wayne and his makeshift family drive around them.

They are not cattle.

They are the counterculture. Sure they have their flaws but deep down all of them are friendly, kind, and passionate. Hedonistic and making the most of their youth and vitality.

Is it any coincidence the house they’re renting is full of warmth and light? Compared to the older couple who represent a repressed, regretful, and ultimately jealous society who only manage to find their jollies and bond by stifling, by “snuffing out,” the people who don’t represent their archaic values. It’s a culture war to them and they’re trying to preserve society.

Only then does warmth, and passion emerge in their home. They enjoy the things the young people like. Clearly they can relate and possibly even bond. Jackson and Pearl’s husband are both war veterans, not so different from each other, right?

But envy, they lash out in envy. The older couples’ repression leads to regret.

My one issue with this movie is that it’s anvilicious when it doesn’t need to be. Bobby Lynne, Wayne, Jackson, and the older couple TELL us through dialogue the themes of the film which I stated above.

Completely unnecessary when it does a decent job of conveying it via visual storytelling.

It ends on a positive note. The counterculture strikes back. The boomers lose, the young people and their progressive values endure after a harrowing battle. Unfortunately a young adult who was beginning to experiment with her sexuality, lost her life in the process. Something all too familiar to our generation

We millennials and Gen Z’ers desperately needed this movie in these trying times. Because it’s an allegory of what’s going on today.

Nice homages to Psycho and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, too.

armorao - 30.05.2022 12:50

now.. this is a trailer should be. powerfull and intrigueing.

Mike Morales
Mike Morales - 22.05.2022 09:49

A24’s not so best moments

dumpsky - 19.05.2022 23:40

hm... so apparent different aspect ratio makes this movie so good?

LadyWarrior - 18.05.2022 11:37

Typical, cliche, racist, overly gory violence against males mainly. Literally NOTHING to see here. NEXT

Mr.Miller - 17.05.2022 15:19

So you’re telling me this all could’ve been avoided had the old couple just made love at the beginning instead of the end? So tired of the pointless horror movies that just try to shock and awe the viewer and distract from the uninspiring stories.

Reaper Morningstar
Reaper Morningstar - 14.05.2022 11:54

That was the worst ever

Juliana Lopes
Juliana Lopes - 13.05.2022 17:48

Onde acho esse filme por favor

Captain Freedom
Captain Freedom - 11.05.2022 18:09

How is this not a total rip-off of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

George Ralph
George Ralph - 10.05.2022 18:49

"I already found this movie in that random DVD bin in the middle of the aisle at Walmart next to the rotisserie chickens."

A cuppa tea with Lucy
A cuppa tea with Lucy - 09.05.2022 23:06

Where can I watch this?

Fernando Maron
Fernando Maron - 09.05.2022 22:22

Not on A24 level, in my opinion, very bad movie.

On a Budget
On a Budget - 09.05.2022 06:14

the white cop is so handsome

D really
D really - 09.05.2022 02:58

ya , you gotta do better to get my interest.

Chameleon28 - 08.05.2022 17:38

The story telling in the first minute alone…beautiful work

Adam Massacre
Adam Massacre - 08.05.2022 11:40

The intro was great but the movie quickly got boring and overall kind of pointless.

Rob Madrigal
Rob Madrigal - 07.05.2022 13:45

Ok. Someone wrote in one of the comments below that this is a masterpiece. I enjoyed the fi a lot and was told by someone on Instagram that this film was trash 🗑️ no can anyone tell me which horror film present or past is a true masterpiece? Anyone? I want to see which film in the horror genre is truly the king of the horror genre.

Nicholas Novakowski
Nicholas Novakowski - 07.05.2022 09:16

What a horrible movie. A24 next time u wanna give a fucker a couple mil to make a movie like this. Stop all negotiations and call me I can make a fucking actual movie. So godamn bland for a24 make 4 more of these pieces of shit in one year. Company is donnzo. So disappointed this was made a film. Shit makes no sense. Waste of everyone’s time except for the bot comments. Seems like the robots loved this one

unbelievable - 06.05.2022 17:51

This movie was just stupid. I like A24 movies, but the old couple, was just cheesy.

Mohammed A
Mohammed A - 06.05.2022 15:41

‎۝ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى
‎النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا
‎عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا ۝ ﷺ..
‎اللهم نقّي قلوبنا...وأستر عيوبنا...وأغفر ذنوبنا...وفرّج كروبنا ...
‎وشافي مرضانا..وأرحم موتانا...وبارك يومنا...ويسّر أمرنا...واغفر لنا ولوالدينا

اذا فشلت في الاقلاع عن الذنب
فإياك ان تقلع عن الاستغفار

۝ God and His angels send blessings upon
The Prophet, O you who believe, pray
May the peace and blessings of God be upon him..
O Allah, purify our hearts... and conceal our shortcomings... and forgive our sins... and relieve our distress...
He healed our patients... and had mercy on our dead... and blessed our day... and eased our affairs... and forgive us and our parents.

If you fail to quit guilt
Do not stop asking for forgiveness

Dominick Efrim
Dominick Efrim - 06.05.2022 14:58

Never saw this movie. This scene makes no sense to me. Sorry...

sof - 06.05.2022 06:19

watched it with my friends last night, we loved it and qas scared to death!!!!

Planet_Dawsey - 05.05.2022 22:35

I’ve seen lots of edits of this movie but honestly it’s kind of mid

lace cox
lace cox - 05.05.2022 20:51

Movie sucked

nonreturn - 05.05.2022 10:26

Its about time we cut to the chase and give the people what they wanna see

nonreturn - 05.05.2022 10:24

Pretty good movie it had a self awareness that was cool too, actually a little surreal at times at the core a good slasher

Rasean Gainey
Rasean Gainey - 05.05.2022 02:15

this looks like the house from the Texas chainsaw movies

Broncos Country
Broncos Country - 05.05.2022 01:45

Borderline porno movie

Chester Copperpot
Chester Copperpot - 04.05.2022 10:09

I bet it was a woman voter.

El Dad
El Dad - 03.05.2022 19:07

Vu hier soir et franchement decu.

Jackie Yeh
Jackie Yeh - 03.05.2022 18:35

The aromatic prosecution maternally stir because gorilla supply listen besides a burly discovery. truthful, real banjo

winston smith
winston smith - 03.05.2022 00:34

This movie sucked ass and not in a good way.

anthony mason
anthony mason - 02.05.2022 12:27

who told A24 to be so good?!! Love these

Blaze14ZX - 02.05.2022 08:48

I was so shocked on how good this movie was. I did cringe at a few parts but it was such a good watch.

Marcus B.
Marcus B. - 02.05.2022 02:06

This movie has one of the most disturbing scenes of ANY movie I've ever watched. 😳
And I'm not talking about this opening scene...

Caesar - 02.05.2022 00:14

What a pleasant surprise of a movie! 😬

Best Fella
Best Fella - 01.05.2022 18:06

This movie started good but the second half is a huge disappointment.
