Cyberpunk 2077’s NEW Cyberware Capacity System Explained! (2.0 Update)

Cyberpunk 2077’s NEW Cyberware Capacity System Explained! (2.0 Update)


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MovableMosquito - 01.10.2023 16:35

Why is all my cyberware tier 4 now? it was all tier 5 before the update

Michael Ferrone
Michael Ferrone - 30.09.2023 23:23

I feel like a cool "debuff" for having too much cyberware would be to include hallucinations and ui changes. Early signs would be like having random npc's marked as enemies while acting normal, but in extream cases, they would seem to turn into goons trying to kill you. If you fight back, your view of them would glitch out and they'd be regular people again. Full Cybercycosis would be the point where it seems everyone it trying to kill you with no indication of what threats are real or hallucinated.

Wyatt The Sans
Wyatt The Sans - 29.09.2023 00:13

... "Nah, fuck that. Computer, initiate more cyberware slots mod."

JustAMemeGuy - 28.09.2023 09:00

So is this just for DLC only? Or will this affect the actual game too? Because I’d hate it if all my progress would be for naught after an update changes everything about the damn game

JoaoSsini - 28.09.2023 05:05

can someone tell me how to get the second heart after the 2.0 update? pls :(

Dreamer23245 - 26.09.2023 22:14

So it was finally nerfed 😅

Naray Daniels
Naray Daniels - 26.09.2023 15:12

Heres a slept on update, you can actually remove cyberware, besides face, this makes my Ganic V feel more Ganic.

Fist of Da Golden Monkey
Fist of Da Golden Monkey - 26.09.2023 09:54

I'm on ps5 and it's bugged... unlocked the perc to go over the capacity it never let's you.. soon as I unequip one all go "req" red.. wtf gotta reload my game... all my current saves say "undiscoverable" wtf... jank fest with new update.. 5star maxxteck don't even render or have animations some times lol ps4 style haha crafting ammo is also busted as hell... just keeps allowing you to craft while never letting you know your auto stop

KI7KO-AFOXI - 25.09.2023 22:47

The tabletop RPG states that Cyberpsychosis doesn't exist. It's basically the user just suffering from stress/trauma and deciding that since they have all this cyberware, they can wreak some havoc. So V not suffering from cyberpsychosis is nothing too strange.

Shane Mays
Shane Mays - 25.09.2023 20:25

I want the hyper muscular body the animals got, maybe even just some full body conversions.

Skyler Lampe
Skyler Lampe - 25.09.2023 12:48


Joel Rivera
Joel Rivera - 24.09.2023 13:48

Honestly thank god for the armor system in cyber ware, now netrunners and cool builds won't be glass cannons.

oversized biscuit
oversized biscuit - 24.09.2023 02:45

it feels so good that maxtac can actually have a larger chance on taking me down

JohnJaggerJack - 24.09.2023 00:33

It would be awesome if it had the imunoblockers mechanics in it. Much like how in the anime where you build up resistance to it and the only treatment is to dechrome the heck out of your tits or get higher grade imunoblockers. The cyber-psychosis debuff should definitely be a thing, where you see visions, enemies and stuff that is not there, so it forces the player to either ride it out until flat-lining, or again, dechrome the heck out of your tits.

Shai Loufton
Shai Loufton - 22.09.2023 18:53

Too little, too late

noha7ers - 22.09.2023 16:15

I love it

Rotcrawler - 22.09.2023 15:43

Ok so they went from being an unfinished broken mess, to fixing all the bugs, to taking active steps to make the game less fun.... wtf....???

darklink 5891
darklink 5891 - 22.09.2023 07:44

I hate this decision and now refuse to play the game whether its for balance purposes or not it makes zero sense it makes perfect sense as to why v is able to have all the cyberware slots filled because v effectively has 2 brains simultaneously with johnny silverhand being the second brain effectively

lucianoromero777 - 22.09.2023 03:48

So if there is a limit due to cyberpsychosis then maybe we will indeed get Johnny removed, because mike said himself V doesn’t have to worry about cyberpsychosis because of The engram buffing any psychosis

XSinxKatX - 22.09.2023 01:05

Im excited to see what they do for the sequel now if its to 2.0s level with more cosmetics itll be perfect

Jack Black
Jack Black - 22.09.2023 00:50

It's trash.
Can't even play a some of builds at all as their core been reduced to support abilities EXCLUSIVELY.
Perks don't even work either.
The more they go with these fucking balance patches in a fucking singleplayer game, the more boring it gets'
This is launch day all over again.
It runs smoother tho.

Invisible - 21.09.2023 23:23

thanks! won't be updating anytime soon! i'm happy with my game as is.. being a full cyborg > being restricted
frankly.. if i can't play as i wish.... i'm not playing. the original game allowed you to go GODMODE and i loved a power fantasy!
can't play that way anymore? i'll drop it.

Dargon - 21.09.2023 22:20

When is the update being released?

yoda gaming
yoda gaming - 21.09.2023 18:25

i want ability to play as 100% pure bloody flesh and bones human, no cyberware enchancments

Zeus - 21.09.2023 11:50

if they were to ever make a cyberpunk 2 they needa add multiplayer similar to gta i think that'd be littttttt

Dan G
Dan G - 20.09.2023 17:03

I think they couldnt add cuberpsychosis is because v is essentially immune to it but they can still feel the strain from them on their mind. Cant wait for tommorrow tho.

joeflo ggg
joeflo ggg - 20.09.2023 16:38

Damn it! I just got Cyberpunk 2077!
I finally got a build going I like!!!

WHY??? I have to start over completely.............
cries in corner (T.T)

DarkZeroUnit - 20.09.2023 04:45

I hope there's a mod that removes the limitation and 0% chance of uncontrolled ungah bunga

Aether Storm
Aether Storm - 19.09.2023 23:46

This video only leaves me with one question - Can you finally unequip cyberware?

NotSoStealthMission - 19.09.2023 07:00


Beanboxer - 19.09.2023 03:56

Is it reccomended to play throughout the whole story again to better build yourself or will it be fine if i just use the endgame save file?

John Skaggs
John Skaggs - 18.09.2023 19:25

Shouldn't the better tiered Cyberware be more efficient and usable?

adamgbk1 - 18.09.2023 18:32

I always liked the idea that the chip so aggressively rewrites Jonny onto V that it effectively negates cyberphycosis and I hope whatever the new system is that it allows my headcannon to stay intact.

lord Wassel
lord Wassel - 18.09.2023 17:54

Do I need a new save file?

Mr.Autistic - 18.09.2023 14:44

Seeing all this update I can’t wait for dlc probably bring more cosmetic and perk I hope . I wanna start new game for it but I think I don’t have the hearts for it

Richárd Tóth
Richárd Tóth - 17.09.2023 21:30

You instadied on max diffculty anyway so debuffs are basically meaningless. Also noobs who dunno what to use to be a literal god in the game deserve to die. Not like it is rocket science what is op and what is gargbage though.....

CrniWuk - 17.09.2023 17:33

I am really not sure about this. It seems more like a somewhat superficial change as I feel they just gone the easy route here of, put too much chrome in you and you get "de-buffs". Deus Ex Human Revolution had something similar already. I would have hoped the system and gameplay around cyberware considering how much of an impact it has on the Pen and Paper game would have been better thought out in the game. Not only from a gameplay mechanic but also the role playing. The way how character treat you the way how it influences quest lines, the personality of the player and so on. It's probably rather difficult to really model the cyber-psychosis here but I still wish they would have done more than just "now you take damage to your health".

Jonathan Joestar
Jonathan Joestar - 17.09.2023 17:28

Translation: You were having too much fun so we decided to shit on everything.

Goose of the Cosmos
Goose of the Cosmos - 17.09.2023 01:18

Would have been fun if they added some kind of thing to simulate cyberpsychosis like weird controls and (purposeful) visulal glitches but i understand that it would probably have caused issues

Khang Hua
Khang Hua - 16.09.2023 20:34

Now v have cyberspycho limit damn
David now be able to have a upper hand on v vs david

Thick99 - 16.09.2023 14:30

Sadly no 2 ARMS slot :c

TGClericOLL - 16.09.2023 07:03

I have an unhealthy amount of hours in one of my saves and I'm so glad they are rebalancing cyberware. I would like there to be some kind of debuff if you spam cyberware abilities to quickly like decreased defence, healing rate, or damage but there probably won't be. I also want there to be a healing item buffer to stop inhaler spam but that's just me. I am super curious what these debuffs are as if its just increased damage taken i'll honestly keep my super borged maniac (he dies in two hits to most everything on very hard anyways) because the sandy is just that broken at keeping you alive (its basically an invunrability button)

Risjohn Shelton
Risjohn Shelton - 16.09.2023 06:53

Tbh If I Can't Go Cyberpsycho Why Even Have This System In Place My Revy Character From Black Lagoon Is A Mad Woman Now She'll Be All Tame And Whatnot 😒

Over Chad
Over Chad - 15.09.2023 22:07

Man I should load up my old character with this new update. His whole body is filled up with chrome.

Drakuba - 15.09.2023 20:54

im glad i havent played CP yet, you can only play game for the first time once afterall. I just have to wait like half a year after the DLC drops so they can polish all the kinks before its ready

blastingsound - 15.09.2023 15:38

OKAY! SO! IDK if its a glitch, or something with my computer ... because its NOT my hardware, ive doublechecked ... but there's this thing that happens when i started upgrading my character and weapons that i think would be a neat little feature for "cyberpsychosis":

i was walking down the street, pulled out my pistol and all of a sudden.... it just starts shooting ROUND AFTER ROUND AFTER ROUND, there's like 35 round per mag, ... the whole ordeal took about 10 seconds, but the whole time i was freaking out, looking at my mouse/keyboard, controller, plug ins, nothing was showing any visible sign of damage.... but my character for SOME reason would just NOT LET UP on the trigger until it was completely empty... pulled out my other pistol.. doesnt work, immediately switches back to the firing one automatically... panic .... so once the mag was empty, everyone around was fleeing in fear, the police were on their way, and i was just sitting there confused trying to figure out wtf happend .... and all i could think was "is this a cyber-psychosis" feature?????!!! not sure if it was a bug... but man did it freak me out and look enough like lore accurate Cyber-Psychosis.

maybe they could add that or build on it.... or maybe i need a new computer lol

Strawhat Overlord
Strawhat Overlord - 15.09.2023 08:09

So if you augment yourself too much, you actually lose effectiveness, genius, totally makes sense. /s

I already didn't really want to play the expansion because ****ing silverhand is shoehorned in again, and now apparently my character is gonna be borderline unplayable too. Thanks a lot CDPR.

Now the only way I'm ever touching the game ever again is on PC where I can hopefully mod that dumb shit out.

Hollow - 14.09.2023 22:42

Friendly feedback. Amazing video but your mic hurts my ears.
