How To Become A Dermatologist | Our Journey

How To Become A Dermatologist | Our Journey


2 года назад

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those cats
those cats - 09.08.2023 21:04

thank u for this. i’m 13 and have struggled w some skin issues since i was 10 and have educated myself since, and rlly grew an interest in dermatology. i’m only in 8th grade but is definitely a dream i’m willing to work towards!!

Ximaaa - 09.08.2023 10:51

As a 14 year old literally going to freshmen year in like a week who is very interested in dermatology, I really hope that this helps me become a successful dermatologist! I actually already started studying the basics of defining skin lesions, and oh my it’s so interesting to learn about different skin problems! Thank you all so much for making content that provides a good amount of information and motivation!

Beeshk - 05.08.2023 03:04

Could you post a more in depth video regarding sub-rotations? Like traveling, how to find the proper place, etc. 😢

mateo - 30.05.2023 00:05

Vids like this are so impactful to aspiring medicine students. I’m a non trad doing undergrad rn hoping to find my path to dermatology. Coming from the blue collar workforce flying from helicopters and dangling from power lines working 100+ hours a week sometimes has definitely built my confidence and work ethic. I’m in my early 30’s tho doing a huge life change by going into medicine lol but age is just a number right 😅. Keep up with the content!

Sabaa Haj kabaha
Sabaa Haj kabaha - 25.05.2023 14:16

I'm a doctor as well!! literally continent far away, watching ur videos while thinking how hard is getting into dermatology and afraid of applying for it because I might not getting the spot, BUT YOU GUYS reminded me everything is possible !!
Wish me luck❤

Academic Aura
Academic Aura - 12.05.2023 19:39

I’m a third year medical student in Atlanta, Georgia. I’m interested in dermatology and really appreciate your tips!

Yurmama - 09.05.2023 05:36

What type of dermatologist are you guys?

Ana O
Ana O - 05.05.2023 21:43

I am about to start grad school for speech pathology. I’m watching this to inspire me. It’s not that bad 6 years all together plus 1 year to get your CCCS.

Chicago Mike
Chicago Mike - 20.04.2023 10:02

I apologize but dermatologists have done nothing for me. Bad skin all my life. You guys can’t even cure a zit. Sorry. I am not a hater just don’t think very highly of the field.

G - 08.04.2023 10:27

I have a psychology degree and I too took ceramics and art appreciation classes with it!! And lately I’ve been thinking about becoming a Dermatologist hence why I’m watching this video😂 I am Dr.Shah, Dr.Shah is I😂

MISSION POSSIBLE 😤🙉 - 18.03.2023 05:21

I have a 2.9 gpa because I failed Japanese and Chemistry and I can’t bring it back up, which is super annoying

littleblackdogs B
littleblackdogs B - 06.03.2023 01:51

I'm an academic librarian, and I love you guys for making this video. ❤

Gigi Cottor
Gigi Cottor - 02.03.2023 20:29

You guys are so inspiring and so real. You should be so proud of yourselves. Hearing your stories makes me so proud of you both. Love you guys.

Maria Nolasco
Maria Nolasco - 15.02.2023 09:28

Medical school is not a study alone the whole time you need to study with other people

Stella Wright
Stella Wright - 26.01.2023 17:20

So helpful❤

Nn Ll
Nn Ll - 07.01.2023 19:50

I just got my esthetician license at 21 now I want to study dermatology. This is so inspirational. Thanks guys !

Azsah Rescili
Azsah Rescili - 07.01.2023 07:20

I just recently decided I want to go to med school at 28 and as a single mother. I initially attained my BA in English but am returning to school to finish my prerequisites for Med school. Any advice for a single parent hoping to get in to med school?

Pau Sang
Pau Sang - 01.01.2023 07:35

I want to become dermatologist but only have to deal with face for skincare. are there dermatologist have to do with this where you don't have to go to college for 12 years.

86Kera - 16.12.2022 01:17

I wished growing up I had resources like this to spark interests like careers. Very inspiring stories . I’m obsessed with skin and would love to inspire other kids of color and also lack the sources like myself.

Wsg_yohana - 10.12.2022 10:26

I love how down to earth you guys are and this advices really motivate me. I definitely don’t have skin I’m confident of on my face and every time I go to the doctor I feel like I’m being judged and that’s why in the future I want to make people feel comfortable and well treated about their skin and that there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Rachel Nadya
Rachel Nadya - 20.11.2022 13:40

I really loved this video but I'm pending between a pediatric demertologist become I was taken to one when I was 5 years old and a cosmetic demertologist and I love beauty and making people looking there best but a major problem is I'm currently not doing science and it one of the main subjects required what do I do

Milton Rosa
Milton Rosa - 29.09.2022 17:38

I’m a 16 year old that isn’t so sure what he wants to do with his life yet I’m in 11th grade and dermatology has caught my eye I’m trying to reach for this type of career since it seems like a not so hard thing to do because of the work life hours that you have but here’s somethings about me academic wise I’m taking lots of advanced courses and honor classes but I still have a 2.99 cumulative gpa because when I was in a 9th grade I didn’t really try my best and when I got into 10th grade I still wasn’t doing my best but I had got motivation to try hard but I’m wondering if anyone could give me some good advice for like which high schools I could apply too that would accept that type of gpa I know I still have time but it’s been something that has been concerning me for a while now and also what are some tips from people who are in the dermatology career for high school students

Iss - 06.09.2022 02:09

I agree that relationships are very important to get to med school and afterwards. But the gpa is still super important. It was actually easier when you guys went to med school when over 60% MS1 were straight from undergrad. It's now about 20%. The top 50 schools want 1 or 2 gap years with 2 now becoming the standard. In 2021, you needed 200 volunteer hours plus shadowing. Average age of MS1 is 25. My son was accepted at just 1 school, top 100, 100th percentile mcat, 3.93gpa honors biology, was an organic chem ta and genetics researcher, ran a charity during covid. He is the youngest person in his MS1 class last year. Many entered with phds already and published research where they are first named researchers. It's such an arms race to get in but once in it's still a grind. 10% of the MS1s from his class failed and are repeating the year. Several are getting divorced too. You really have to devote every last minute to becoming a doctor. It's not something for the lazy. I get hives just thinking about this.

13 years to fellowship doesn't include the gap years. That's the minimum. Most applying now can add 2 more years. That's a long time to train.

Jl Rice
Jl Rice - 07.08.2022 03:34

Love your bromance❤️❤️

Isabel 214
Isabel 214 - 03.08.2022 22:10

My dream is to be a dermatologist. Currently the husband that i have is not supportive. Im surrounded by negativity everyday, unfortunately i cant get out of this situation till i have my own money. Im 23 a baby on the way as soon as he hits 1 im going to start studying and see the way i can enter college 😞 i really want to be someone in life..

AizelBonto - 02.08.2022 16:17

Would it be beneficial to major in bio-med and minor in nutrition if I want to be a dermatologist? Will it help me in the long run?

Krystal (クリスタル)
Krystal (クリスタル) - 29.07.2022 16:25

not me thinking dermatology was a semi-easy job only to find out it's 12 years of medical school and being good at math :(

Maddy Saya
Maddy Saya - 26.07.2022 10:42

Wait, I'm so confused. One of the dermatologists got into medical school with just a psych degree? Sorry I must've understood it wrong. I have my Masters in Edu. and also a licensed esthetician, but am trying to figure out what field to major in. Biology or Chemistry? Any help would be amazing! :)

Ritesh Chouhan
Ritesh Chouhan - 26.07.2022 05:28

Is that you DR. Strange 😳🕶️🤏

Cynthia Rodriguez
Cynthia Rodriguez - 17.07.2022 01:33

Hey! Is it a good idea to major in nursing while doing the Pre-Med route?

BalancedLifeStyle - 15.06.2022 07:30

I’m 29 and an esthetician. I am considering going to school to be a dermatologist. Would you say I’m running late in age or could i still have a successful career pay off the debt by the age of 41?

Rose - 07.06.2022 02:39

Im going to be a dermatologist and watching you two made me feel so much more confident in my decision. 🥰

M.k Dooley
M.k Dooley - 06.06.2022 04:16

I am not naturally good with science, but I’m hoping that this will be good… I really care about skin care and have for a long time… please tell me that my internship year won’t be like it is in Grey’s Antony…

Ifeanyi Chukwuka
Ifeanyi Chukwuka - 23.04.2022 17:40

Well, as a Nigerian doctor threatening to become a dermatologist in the U.S., let me just start with a high step 2 score. 😂

Sonya Hall
Sonya Hall - 06.04.2022 19:26

I love that I found your videos! I just found them and have done almost nothing but watch and research /investigate what I see. As much as I enjoy learning about skin care (finally making it a priority at age 50), I just enjoy y’all. Thanks for this video, it was so encouraging and heartwarming . It may or may it have made my eyes leak a little at a few points.

mickayla stewart
mickayla stewart - 05.04.2022 20:15

Salicylic acid isn’t a WHAT?!

acastillo1400 - 22.02.2022 07:14

I realized I wanted to become a dermatologist after highschool. I feel like i'm late to start because my grades weren't great and I don't know how to start my journey towards dermatology. I turn 21 soon and i feel like i wasted time. Does anyone have any tips to start my journey towards becoming a dermatologist?

Fortnite queen 🔥
Fortnite queen 🔥 - 30.01.2022 20:38

How long do you go to college before getting into med school?

Jackie Lucas
Jackie Lucas - 06.01.2022 23:05

I’m in my last year of my undergrad , didn’t take much science classes, but I wanna be a dermatologist. Should I go to a community college to finish the science classes ? Or is it too late for me ?

Kim Decker
Kim Decker - 06.01.2022 10:48

I'm almost 47 years old, have never wanted to be a physician in my life--let alone a derm--and had no logical reason for watching this vid other than pure curiosity (and pure affection for the docs :)

Verdict: The experience paid dividends. :) What an enlightening tale! Thank you for giving me a peek into your journeys, Drs., and thank you for doing such good work for your patients, for your viewers and for the world. You're building a better future as you help people like me build better skin! Hearts, hearts, hearts...

miranda sturce
miranda sturce - 20.12.2021 08:29

I am a licensed esthetician for 12 years, I am now 30 years old and I am super passionate about skin and what I do! I don’t have an associates or bachelors degree so I would be looking at 12/13 years of school, do you think it’s silly of me if I start now?

Raine - 03.11.2021 04:02

Thanks guys this was really encouraging

Red Bean
Red Bean - 29.10.2021 13:46

I am currently in year 9, moving into year 10 next year. I want to become a dermatologist, but I didn't pick advanced science as one of my electives for next year. Should I of picked it? If i choose to do chem,bio and physics in year 11, will I be far behind? I am worried. Thanks

Christie Nicole
Christie Nicole - 12.10.2021 03:31


Barbara Sôlha
Barbara Sôlha - 22.09.2021 23:26

Two months late into this video, but I’m so happy I came across it. I never applied myself so much at school, I would get good grades but I never truly set time to study. I’ve had a love for dermatology and it only started snowballing now. I took a year off of college but I’m back now, and in person, and so excited to start my journey. 23 years young and ready for what lies ahead of me. Thanks for the inspiration! It’s so nice hearing your stories, it shows that anything is possible as long as you believe and dedicate yourself! Much love and appreciation!

prqurn - 20.09.2021 06:50

the MCAT is a 2 day test? 🤔 I just took it, it was only 7 hours long

Marie Thomas
Marie Thomas - 16.09.2021 18:54

This was super fascinating. My son in law is in his second year of med school and I've learned so much from he and my daughter going through this whole process, but hearing you guys explain it all, helps me understand even more what they are currently living through and what they have to look forward to and how important family support is. Thanks for sharing! And I worked for a MOHS doc for years and it's funny to hear you all talk about the fellowship piece of it, because he would talk about the "pop up MOHS docs" that weren't formally fellowship trained. He'd get pretty salty about it. LOL

한별 - 16.09.2021 06:50

I am sophomore in high school and im very scared..because i hear this is a competitive field and takes 12 years of studying…if i fail i can’t turn back right?

TheMothernerd - 06.09.2021 20:07

If only I saw this video when I was 25. After a gruelling career in the fashion industry, I'm back in school but at the age of 41, with two kids, I no longer have the years or time left in me to pursue a med degree or even a PhD. I've decided to get a master's in counselling psych but dermatology is what I really wanted to do. 😭 Also, in Canada a doctor friend of mine let me know that med students don't even get to pick their residency. Say what?!?!
