Does she need her C4? (Kirara Revew & Guide)

Does she need her C4? (Kirara Revew & Guide)

Jello Impact

1 год назад

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@stribijev - 24.05.2023 11:28

Unfortunately, I am at 70 pity and will have to skip the latest banners entirely. However, I have both Yelan and Sayu (and Scara) for fast exploration, and pulled Kaveh as my fourth dendro character (beside Collei, Dendro MC and Nahida), and hope to make use of his dendro damage healing capabilities that I believe outweigh Kirara's dendro defensive talent. If I get Kirara's C4 one day, I will consider inviting her to my Nilou team, but right now, I just do not have a chance, nor resources.

@thewanderingartists - 24.05.2023 11:50

I just want kirara I don't need yae or yoimiya

@srinivasbharadwaj95 - 24.05.2023 11:52

great video. personally I am saving for kazuha since i already have yae. since kirara is new she will have a re run soon just like baizhu. cant risk not getting kazuha coz he may not be back for 500 days. waterboy always comes to rescue in clutch moments haha. even though I have yelan, my xingqui's usage rate still consistently higher coz the dmg reduction just feels so much more impactful to me than yelan's dmg boost. it is so evident against hyper aggressive mobs like the conc beasts. in teams where only 1 slot hydro is available i just default xingqui and yelan is more of situational pick although she is great too. but i think at 4 57 you mean the shield is more durable. it doesnt actually last longer meaning there is no duration increase. and speaking of shield durability, xingqui's rainswords increase shield durability by 100% not 50%. if a shield can absorb 100 damage and an enemy hits you for 100 damage, it can tank 1 hit. with rainswords incoming damage is reduced by 50% approximately for ease of calculation purposes. now you actually take 50 damage from the enemy thereby allowing your shield to tank 2 hits which is basically doubling the shield durability from 1 hit to 2 hits or in other words shield durability is increased by 100%

@chokeolatte - 24.05.2023 11:53

Great point about how the three defensive Dendro characters don't necessarily need to compete with each other for existence as they have their different playstyles. Esp. the part about playing for which design you like.

I don't like playing Yaoyao because I've experienced many times not being able to switch to my taller characters because my Yaoyao somehow got into a small crevice in overworld combat situations...

I prefer Baizhu out of all of them but it's not really fair for me to say "well why not just use Baizhu or Yaoyao instead" when talking about playing Kirara since the point of these characters being released in quite quick succession is for players with different preferences to have a choice.

So good for people who like Kirara's design and wished for her! Glad to see she's not super overshadowed by her defensive Dendro seniors, but can rather coexist with them on the same game while each having different strengths.

@arondyte318 - 24.05.2023 11:57

After testing her quite a bit and as expected, I find her pretty mid. She’s definitely below Baizhu and Yaoyao for me. Yaoyao has decent off field healing and dendro application even at C0 and her panic button Q has alot of AOE dendro application + a ton of party wide healing. Baizhu on the other hand has a sizeable amount of on demand partywide healing with just his skill as well as a three pronged Q that provides off field healing/interruption resistance and dendro application whenever it breaks (not to mention dendro application with his NA). Kirara has a thicc stackable shield but that’s about it. Her off field utility is C4 locked which is pretty meh. As of right now I don’t really have any use for her so she’s gonna be benched for quite awhile till a complementary support character comes out (kind of like Layla+Mika). She’s really REALLY cute at least 🐱🐱🐱

Now off to hibernate till Focalors comes out 😂

@Shookiii - 24.05.2023 12:16

I just want 1 kirara pleaseeee 🥲🥲🥲

@supergriffin844 - 24.05.2023 12:45

I got kirara I'm using retracing bolide but just found out the shield strength buff doesn't work when off field

@epicdarkraifournineone8006 - 24.05.2023 14:30

I have to skip her for now but she looks so fun!

@peanhead2543 - 24.05.2023 15:27

too bad i dont like her design, maybe because i never really like kawaii-esque character, except Yoimiya

@coolmaddy90 - 24.05.2023 15:39

First 10 pull and without hitting a 5 star! Lucky me!

@coolmaddy90 - 24.05.2023 15:49

How is she in Tighnari, Cyno teams? Would have liked to see you experiment her in a few more teams!

@gabrielvitor9344 - 24.05.2023 16:01

75 pulls to get Yae, got my first Kirara ate 68 and stopped there, I'll eventually test her, when I get spectres 😅

@THESocialJusticeWarrior - 24.05.2023 17:04

Seems like her and YaoYao would be a good combo but no one is talking about it :/

@JelloImpact - 24.05.2023 18:18

I also tested her with
- Cyno: highly don’t recommend as her shield doesn’t last long enough.
- Tighnari: good! Better than Yao Yao about the same as baizhu

@NexCyber - 24.05.2023 18:40

Only 4 wishes and I get her , I really hope that a good Aoe hydro character appears in fontaine

@CRandyGamble - 24.05.2023 19:50

Good to know she's fine at c0, I won't feel so pressed to get her. She seems like a nice comfort character but not necessary. Love her design and voice tho! Super cute!

@yehtetlin8793 - 24.05.2023 21:00

Is she good with Lion's Roar on quicken team?

@kokushiibou - 24.05.2023 22:13

i wanted her and i was guaranteed next 5* but at like 20 pity so i figured it’d be safe. c1 yoimiya and two yun jin’s and now i’m out of primos :( patch is new though so hopefully soon

@prakhar6852 - 24.05.2023 22:19

How u like her in keqing aggravate team with instructor? If she uses r5 sapwood she can provide keqing as much em as nahida in that team with shielding dmg and interruption res is her shield without sac sword manageable or very weak cause in keqing team u can just quickswap her to refresh shield fast ?

@pinkwhite - 24.05.2023 23:08

i got dumbass yae instead fml

@frankmagyar5532 - 25.05.2023 04:11

I'm chilling on this banner and marathoned all the TGC content today. My new favorite team is Itto Zhongli and Raiden.

@jajathenewking6131 - 25.05.2023 09:16

Kirara is so fun and cute.
Burgon Hu tao is now my favorite way to travel and damage with Yelan and Nahida.

@Marqiyahu - 26.05.2023 08:09

160 Pulls no Kiara ill try to enjoy her through your videos

@kx2174 - 26.05.2023 11:21

The Nilou, Kirara, XQ, Nahida team is really fun. I manged to 36* with it and Kirara is still only lv. 80.

@bjornnilsson2941 - 26.05.2023 16:51

I got Kirara c1 without ruining my pity for Alhaitham. I was at 0 pity and no guarantee so it seemed safe. I already have both Yoi and Yae since earlier tho so I'm still happy I didn't get an oopsie-con. Didn't fully prefarm her mats so I haven't had a chance to test her out properly. I feel like she's a mix between Yaoyao and Layla which are two of my favorite 3.0+ units so far, combined her "Yoimiya if catgirl" personality all in all she's a big win. As for overworld, which is the only thing I've tested so far, her climbing is unique and useful, but running in cat box mode on flat terrain is not advisable. I thought maybe she would be similar to Sayu but unfortunately she doesn't get a speed boost. So she is about as fast as sprinting with a child character. She is however useful enough to complete my overworld mobility team: Wanderer, Yelan, Sayu and Kirara. The elemental synergy isn't the highest but she is still useful in giving Wanderer a shield while airborne.

@darylewalker6862 - 26.05.2023 17:46

Shields don’t stack, so Kirara’s and Thoma’s shields can’t double-protect. Xingqiu’s damage-reduction does stack with shields (individually), and DR techniques do add together.

@philkersonchong9848 - 27.05.2023 10:04

Shields dont stack. If a certain dmg is applied, all the shields takes that dmg.

@squash8584 - 27.05.2023 23:07

A quick question i got fischl pretty quick when i started so i made a hyper bloom team with her i used fischl dendro traveler barbara and yaoyao now i got yae and kirara c1 idk what to do now I don’t have any anemo characters or hydro so what team should i use? It’s driving me crazy so after looking at your vids i decided yae fischl yaoyao and barbara but its not working so well could anyone please help me i want to use yae im saving for kazuha so i can replace Barbara please do leave suggestions

@notganoy1215 - 28.05.2023 09:01

this mad man is playing on mobile

@mmdinnovations2990 - 29.05.2023 02:50

My biggest issue this Abyss cycle were the consecrated beasts and it actually took me several attempts to figure out the two comps to use to clear all the way through plus I decided to do it with handicaps... both my Baizhu and Kirara were at level 75 and under geared when I did my runs. Resin poverty is still a huge problem for me as I have nasty habit of developing more that one character at a time, but that's just me.

For the top half, I used Dehya, Yae, Kirara and Kokomi which is a comp that been I've been running in the open world primarily to keep Kirara alive when she was being built. It's not optimal but it is versatile. However, their burst cycle is very respectable - almost in the 1 million range give or take about 100K. Second half was a brute force team consisting of Zhongli, Raiden, Eula and Baizhu. Their burst cycle is roughly in the same 1 million range, it's just that they can do it far more often than the other team. If I play them perfectly and every one crits (in my dreams) their burst cycle is closer to the 2 million range.

What impressed me about Kirara was her ability to bring enough cores into the fight against the Matrix boss on 12-3 upper to allow the others to finish him off in short order when he became vulnerable plus her ability to get behind the Geo shield guys' shield and allow me to KO him from behind. As for the consecrated beasts, trying to spot their whatchamacallit to weaken them was like next to impossible so I ended up with the solution of trapping them in Dehya's circle, setting Yae's totem and Kokomi's Jellyfish in the circle and then just popping Kirara into her box form and bouncing her around between the two beasts; their HP went down so quickly that it only needed two (or was it three(?)) rotations to finish both of them.

I really do like Kirara a lot. She so flexible, nimble/mobile and darn useful overall. She also saved a domain run earlier today when all the 5 stars died and she had to solo the last 2 mobs. As for Baizhu, I admit I didn't really like him all that much but as a healer, I think he's actually the better than Kokomi. The more I use him the more I like him. At the very least, I didn't have to worry about Raiden's or Eula's health after Zhongli's shield expired and it would be disadvantageous to break their burst cycles to refresh his shield. Baizhu easily kept their HP at 100% through all 3 chambers with minimal on field time while also keeping a sufficient amount of Dendro reactions for Raiden to usefully employ.

@zesanx - 30.05.2023 22:59

Thanks for this. I'll be keeping it in mind. Glad double HP is easy to come by

@pyrotechie878 - 04.06.2023 18:59

I don't know if someone said this/you already know, but you can use Sacrificial and hold mode. The kick at the end will trigger Sacrificial.

@youtubeisamazing9591 - 06.06.2023 11:44

great vid! ty

@remonstar5888 - 13.06.2023 14:40

Kirara before her C4 is a Dendro unit that's very well tuned for quick swap aggravate comp. She don't apply a lot of dendro, but she apply enough to maintain quicken aura on the enemy. Her burst, while seems a bit clunky actually synergizes well with anemo units you'll often find in aggravate teams (which excludes Venti for some reason). You can use it to extend quicken duration by simply using your cc skills.

@ava3603 - 14.06.2023 10:41

Great video!!!

@webdevessentials - 17.06.2023 07:41

I was blessed with C6 Kirara while pulling for C2 Yoimiya

@freydomgod7112 - 14.07.2023 20:07

kirara is very good on keqing aggravate team considering her shiled duration aligns well with keqing, kazuha and fischl's cooldowns

@jensmeyer4542 - 30.12.2023 18:43

Hello i am from the future and I am infact playing Furina-Catbox Hyperbloom

@ronnieketchum1241 - 09.05.2024 22:18

I use Kirara not cause she's strong. But CAT

@SakuraNyan - 18.05.2024 07:39

I actually started playing during Kirara's first run, and I ended up getting her on my 13th limited banner wish ever (7th was Kokusei (Keqing) I literally ran Kirara and Kokusei as two core parts of my main team for ages. And I had Kirara's as a mainstay in my team for so long that it was only after I got Tinari (lost the 50/50 on Chiori's banner, and then got his C1 from the standard banner).

@ravissary79 - 05.07.2024 23:31

Now that she's getting a new GREAT costume design, I'm finally interested in building her.

@Shane_A_M - 28.07.2024 07:51

Have you considered doing an updated guide for her? If you have Key and C6 I’m pretty sure she’s BiS for Clorinde Aggravate now, and pretty close on Sapwood (build on Instructors), but I don’t have Nahida so I can’t say for sure or test the comparison for myself.
