The Box Office: I built a bulletproof kid desk to work from home

The Box Office: I built a bulletproof kid desk to work from home

Patrick Desjardins

4 года назад

2,912 Просмотров

The Box Office is a desk that closes up to a box. My children cannot access wires or any of my equipment. As a software developer, my desk needed to be ergonomic have a second screen. The desk has an actuator that let the screen to be adjusted in height. The actuator can extend when I work standing up or be adjusted when I am seated.

The desk has fans with a sensor that checks the laptop temperature and it adjusts itself to cool down the laptop.

All wires as proxied by a power bar which is the only wire getting outside the box.

The box office is the perfect desk for working from home.

You can find some further information in this blog post:

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