Ancient Mysteries: The Search For Shangri-La (S3, E17) | Full Episode

Ancient Mysteries: The Search For Shangri-La (S3, E17) | Full Episode


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@Gaymergirl69X - 06.07.2024 01:41

Oh this is 1 of my favorite episodes....this is the history channel programming I ❤

@xBlackShadowsZz - 06.07.2024 01:50

If anyone seting sail to the Himalayas or Antarctica , pls sign me up

@paracletes - 06.07.2024 01:56

Beautiful! great episode

@lokeshchowdary9885 - 06.07.2024 01:57

Maybe the one in the Hindu contexts “shambala” might be the same as shangri La

@CaseSensitive101 - 06.07.2024 02:00

I was taken to Shangri-La three times, it's beyond a three peaked mountain top in the Himalayas. There is an ancient tree there and a small lake next to the lake is a large log that has been hollowed out and made into a conference area. While inside the hollowed out giant log I saw the three thrones with one in the center that had a rainbow over it and a very long table made of wood and highly polished with 420 seats. The third time I was taken there were two others that met me they claimed to be Enoch and Elisha, but one just looked like an old black man and the other one was an Asian woman that didn't appear as if she would take any kind of shadiness off anyone, she appeared to be really mad and looking for something to take it out on, I hope she's not for real, because if she was, I already know humanity doesn't want to see her coming at all.
After all of that I never really understood why that man with no face kept taking me there but he said those two and the others in Shangri-La would help me when the times come, it was funny because when I said, "I don't need no Shangri-La to help me", I woke up before I could finish saying it and ended up waking my wife instead. That's not the only things I've seen in dreams, I've also seen the fall of mankind here on earth and there will be nothing but women and small children left at the end. Maybe that's why the men are trying to be women these days.

@SavannahShepherd669 - 06.07.2024 02:01

Yay for throwback when humanity was acknowledged for its triumphs & creations, not all given to so called aliens lol

@ricblic901 - 06.07.2024 02:16

This city will be found right after the Garden of Eden, Atlantis, the fountain of youth and other mythical places around the world are found.

@willieknows2708 - 06.07.2024 03:05

Wonderful Episode. 😀
Gratitude 🤲 Your Way.

@willieknows2708 - 06.07.2024 03:05

Wonderful Episode. 😀
Gratitude 🤲 Your Way.

@nemoxero - 06.07.2024 04:29

It's not a place, it's a meditative experience within...

@arongilbert5828 - 06.07.2024 04:58


@christopherscott7400 - 06.07.2024 05:13

Every myth has come from a real place, things may be added thats not true but its there waiting to be found. LOOK

@Cruzman11 - 06.07.2024 09:18

Is it real friends

@Warg666 - 06.07.2024 13:00

When they put the ones with Spock or Leonard Nemoy on them, an u know he is dead, it's like watching a 90's episode of a TV show!~

@AdmiralSavol - 07.07.2024 02:30

Love to hear Leonard nimoys voice over may he rip

@brandon8331 - 07.07.2024 02:51

why the guys eye ball go up like that ??

@k172134 - 07.07.2024 05:24


@kevin61906 - 08.07.2024 06:23

Well know I know what the Three Dog Night song (shambala) is referring to always thought it was some hippie term.... Guess not

@zandrarose2258 - 08.07.2024 08:46

Aren't we already immortal beings living in temporary bodies?

@voycressv460 - 10.09.2024 21:08

You are learning my son.

@Nathan28Nathan - 26.12.2024 08:08

Is it inside the inner earth ? As they say that the earth is hollow

@Mesnaldo1 - 27.12.2024 03:31

Uncharted 2 said it’s real.

@Artofdanieljoseph - 01.02.2025 18:05

My goodness I loved history’s mysteries when I was growing up!

@peterlafayette5595 - 24.03.2025 09:06

Shambalae la is no one place.
