How To Communicate With Extraterrestrials (ETs): They DO NOT Want You To KNOW THIS! Dr. Steven Greer

How To Communicate With Extraterrestrials (ETs): They DO NOT Want You To KNOW THIS! Dr. Steven Greer

Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation

2 года назад

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Waveworld1 Geo
Waveworld1 Geo - 03.10.2023 17:40

What an amazing interview! I listen to it the 2nd time as there is so much valuable information! I love Dr Steven Greer;s work. Thanks to you two!

Lionel Figueroa
Lionel Figueroa - 03.10.2023 02:13

This guy is a liar and i can prove it!

Oliver Taveras
Oliver Taveras - 03.10.2023 00:42

Aliens speak to me when i take shrooms. I can see how regular shapes would look in thise dimensions. There are unlimited dimensions. The flash before my eyes i just cant make sence of the geometries. There are realms of hell and that are closer to source. My purpose is to help source realise itself in a trillion year long process. By working on the self and achieving moksha we can evolve this individual consciousness into its next phase. Bad karma is taking away from this process. Good karma comes from speeding this process up in this dimension. Your consciousness is multi dimensional thats why you can imagine yourself from the corner of the room. Less is more this language is very subtle. Thats what ive gathered through my trips.

IGY 6 - 02.10.2023 18:21

Consciousness moves faster than light because we are all 100% connected

Bad One
Bad One - 01.10.2023 11:42

Forget Roswell and Movie Encounter DH, The Ancestors created hybrids on the Earth and now they coming back to take them (hybrids) back to their planet.

Carole Thompson
Carole Thompson - 30.09.2023 17:16

I totaly agree with all he says god bless him &thank you ❤

Shopper - 30.09.2023 16:46

Contact makers, please ask with me for healing for my spouse with ALS.

Edward Martinez
Edward Martinez - 30.09.2023 07:00

The bible will tell you everything. the bible relates to what you are talking about. if you are questioning the answers are in the bible

Court Seidel
Court Seidel - 30.09.2023 04:00

you must protect yourself and be cautious when channeling other beings and have good intent no negativity in mind.

Love Slinger's
Love Slinger's - 30.09.2023 01:38

So sad this has all been covered up from the public😅😅😅

Marie Sauvagetova
Marie Sauvagetova - 29.09.2023 23:14

Ps// YES Michael--they ARE trying to communicate with us ! --For instance not far where I now live = in SW England 🐦🐢🐦So called "Crop circles" in Wiltshire / UK.

Marie Sauvagetova
Marie Sauvagetova - 29.09.2023 23:07

Thank you very much dear Michael--and Dr GREER !--Amazing conversation; so many important messages ; mind--opening facts and inspiring ideas !😊😊😊 This is the 2nd of your conversation Michael with Dr GREER that I am watching today==St Michael "s Day ( 29 th September) @ I am so grateful to you Both..😄😃Am watching from a magical place where I now live= AVEBURY in UK.;
One of the ""Galactic/Interstellar Stations"" possibly. .Your 1 ye "old" daughter Anabella is Absolutely Beautiful dear Michael 🐴🐦🐢🐺🐩.M.S.

Richard Escalante
Richard Escalante - 29.09.2023 22:59

ET needs to abduct the leaders of all country's to explain there stupidity if they don't wake we will be diminished from exiting end of story.

Victoria Hare
Victoria Hare - 29.09.2023 01:37

What about Cern? It scares me that nobody talks about it.

Victoria Hare
Victoria Hare - 29.09.2023 01:19

What about Cern? They are working to create the big bang what they're bringing in are evil entities. Including their ritual that was nasty.😢😢😢

TONY LAWRENCE - 29.09.2023 00:39

i have a message. i feel iam a seeder. just search my info. there's a connection. the giants of the pasts.and any bones found disappear? why? they could be an early version of the Anunnaki. type of time loop we all may be in. i have no proof just my feeling. what keeps coming up Why are giants and their bones so important. they disappear? there's a link. Search time loops also.

Faith N Grace
Faith N Grace - 28.09.2023 21:11

I want them ( extraterrestrials) to help us get rid of the evil elite🙏

JOHN GORDON - 28.09.2023 00:30

Hole lot of psychological red flags about this guy.....?

B Crouch
B Crouch - 27.09.2023 08:04

They have been destroying the earth for decades with Geo engineering. All of this crap needs stopped because soon it will be too late

Ricardo Lemos
Ricardo Lemos - 27.09.2023 00:42

✨ Thank you Dr Greer!!! ❤👍👍👍💪💪💪

LDee77 - 26.09.2023 21:19

According to Puranic sources, Krishna's death marked the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BCE. Lasting for 432,000 years (1,200 divine years), Kali Yuga began 5,124 years ago and has 426,876 years left as of 2023 CE. Kali Yuga will end in the year 428,899 CE.

kisspurr - 26.09.2023 21:03

I wonder if they have Nicola Tesla’s papers

Dwight - 26.09.2023 03:54

And answer to all ho want to know

Dwight - 26.09.2023 03:37

The way he talks I know their is a true living God

Dwight - 26.09.2023 03:33

The man with all the answers and the answer is all true facts

Sugarmoongarden - 26.09.2023 01:16

Y would they torture and kill him that makes us violent enemies n I'm positive they will get over us we cant defend ourselves against aliens jeeez wtf

Cali G 23
Cali G 23 - 24.09.2023 22:27

I f w Dr Greer. 💯💯💯👊🏾🌎

TheVictor - 23.09.2023 21:11

Hey, check this (is very important):
I would not trust him. He say many interesting things. But what he doesn't say, is that many people were abducted by aliens and operated on by the aliens in pain while awake.
But he say that all aliens are good and only the secret government is evil. But that's not true. We all know all the all these reports about Alien abductions, about the pain those people had because that.
In Peru was an attack in the last week, the people there say. And they said as well, that those Aliens seemed like lights-beings. In an other Video Dr. Steven Greer does also say such Aliens exist, that are coming from other dimension. But in the same time he say that all aliens are peaceful and not evil. But ironically in Peru the people there were attacked by these aliens, made by lights. Descripted like he descript these Aliens.
So, it's definitely fact, that if Aliens exist, they are not all peaceful. At least not really trustfully. So then why he say all Aliens are peacefull, when the aren't? At least not Full.
I mean, a abduction is not really a peaceful action. You know?
So, Either he's playing a double game here with us. Or the whole thing is a complete lie. And everything that has to do with aliens is a lie and Aliens were never here on earth. Also if they somewhere does exist.

TheVictor - 23.09.2023 18:35

Well, now be careful that your statements don't cause people to go crazy mentally and become shizophrenic just because they think they can come into contact with aliens with their minds.

Because the first thing they do when they think they can try to communicate with something invisible, is that they actually start talking shizophrenically to themselves and to their own brain, thinking in the same time that they are thoughts from ghosts or angels or even aliens.

Conclusion: So I don't think it's a smart idea to claim we can talk to aliens we can't see. So sorry, but I think that's nonsense. And extremely dangerous. In my opinion a bad, bad idea, to think this is something that will happen and we could do that.

Bryan Pinelli
Bryan Pinelli - 23.09.2023 07:04

Reagan wasn't president when "close encounters of the third kind" came out.

Nicholas Fanzo
Nicholas Fanzo - 23.09.2023 01:53

Folks, Get Dr.Greer in front of as many American leaders you can! Write letters! Write to your senators, your house representatives, the president.

My dad served and told me this stuff in the 80s ! He’s right!

lybeat - 22.09.2023 17:25

thank God for Dr Greer (and for Michael, of course!!!)

Chris M
Chris M - 22.09.2023 14:33

Why have all of the President's past and Present... different Countries.. NATO... called on a "New World Order"?

Kees Verhagen
Kees Verhagen - 22.09.2023 06:14

Listened to atleast 20 video of dr. Greer. And i still am not one mm closer to any kind of evidence.

Secret Lee
Secret Lee - 21.09.2023 23:13

There not helping us,we don't want to communicate with more THIEVES...go back to your own planet,we got enough problems🖕

Lovely God Is My True North
Lovely God Is My True North - 21.09.2023 22:04

Let's clarify, Mr. Not Dr. Engineering tech but not a calculus based mentality. Basically, he doesn't talk like a physicist or scientist. Maybe a Dr. In Sociology or Economics. Then I can say I have a Master's in Internal Relations. SMH.

Rahul Dev
Rahul Dev - 21.09.2023 08:25

I am interest in ET powerbank that I could put in my pocket and power entire city with it if needed.

Big Chase
Big Chase - 21.09.2023 05:52

I have followed Dr Greer for years, I love his work.

craig burbank
craig burbank - 21.09.2023 01:19

Jesus is the way the truth and the life

Stefan Albu
Stefan Albu - 20.09.2023 20:22

Man and woman....boys and girls....communication problems....stuff like that....

Jim McTigue
Jim McTigue - 20.09.2023 12:19


aye river
aye river - 20.09.2023 10:57

i just curious to know like if blasting neuclear weapons disrupt space time then what about hundereds or thousands or even more stars that blast everything out in space with even more distructive power than neuclear does that booming stars like super novas and stuff like that does that dont disrupt space time comunication?

Valery Thamm
Valery Thamm - 20.09.2023 07:43

I love this channel, I love Dr. Greer AND I learned the proper name for my Automatic Writing. Keep up the good work! Star Love!! Valery

Eli - 20.09.2023 06:16

buncha malerky. aliens are demonically controlled wetsuits. They do communicate via telepathy but without Jesus Christ they can hyptonize you in a weird way.

Leeds Lad..
Leeds Lad.. - 20.09.2023 01:26

How come he never let's us know if they have weapons??

John Toffee
John Toffee - 20.09.2023 00:36

What level is it when aliens come into your bedroom, immobilise you and impart knowledge?

JOHN SIZEMORE - 19.09.2023 21:27

Grow gaia eat reptileans if your hungry write ur gov or just know thay r not and u have there address

Deena Light
Deena Light - 19.09.2023 19:10

First time to.listen thank you DR
