Romania in the EU

Romania in the EU

EU Made Simple

10 месяцев назад

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Neamtu Gabriel
Neamtu Gabriel - 19.11.2023 17:09

Fk europe , WHO ,WEF and all the ELITES FK YOU !

Luca Alex
Luca Alex - 17.11.2023 16:58

you didnt mention enviromental standards which make construction of infrastructure almost impossible

Margareta Broscoi
Margareta Broscoi - 16.11.2023 15:21

Thank you for the video.
Very informative.
I also see the comments of people from another countries in favour of Romanian people.
May God Bless you all who has spoken such kind words .❤

Adam Nagy
Adam Nagy - 16.11.2023 08:51

God bless Romania, I really feel Romanian! Romanian PPP per capita has surpassed in previous year Spain, Czech Republic and Poland, and has put even bigger gap than Estonia's. Romania now has 1,2 million IT engineers, it's huge, 2nd per capita as number after Israel (mostly from Israel are American Jews though). This country is giving us great opportunities, I returned here after studying abroad!!! PS. God bless Romania and its friends!

Gigi Gigi
Gigi Gigi - 15.11.2023 15:26


radu ioan
radu ioan - 14.11.2023 15:56

With maximum corruption ( corrupting the prim-minister and the entire Romanian Parliament) Austria managed to be the owner of the Romanian oil and gas reserves totaling billions of euro . Austria captured also the banking system buying the biggest state owned bank fol small money .... With corruption , bribing political leaders .. Some UE states with big interest in Romanian economy torpedoed in secret major infrastructure projects , and today openly block Romania to enter the Schengen zone . All to stop the formidable economic development of Romania based on an exceptional quality of people. Frustration and hatred inevitably appeared in the Romanian elite. Holland and Austria are our declared enemies.

Just a Romanian Ball(RPTK)
Just a Romanian Ball(RPTK) - 09.11.2023 22:48

as a Romanian i respect all people and i dont think that imigritation is so bad maybe people wont go so mcuh into Austria and + it makes that country population bigger i think, and for me its good that we are in EU and NATO cuz we are more portected and we are evolving our country!

Andrei Mirion
Andrei Mirion - 08.11.2023 11:12

Very good video, all points are very true. Coruption is our biggest problem from which all other issues derrive. We don't absorb all those european funds because it's tough for our politicians to steal from them so they rather use national funding which they can control however and to whomever they want. All the good things you hear from Romania is thanks to its hardworking people, not our government which is currently just a big criminal organization. Surprised to see all this love from the rest of the world, much respect !

Vik - 07.11.2023 20:37

AUR Is ass, these guys were responsible for having a couple of AUR members S-A a 17 year old girl at one of their political scout camps.

👑Julius Cezar de Romania 👑
👑Julius Cezar de Romania 👑 - 07.11.2023 08:38

You Should Make a Video About who was behind killing our President.! You should know you're talking same language as them😂

Boris Ginsin
Boris Ginsin - 07.11.2023 00:25

Yeee,,this veasels ,,are matching for themselves not for us ,but pure for themselves oonly,,,,,, vanderkuur is not our leader nor this ciolan,,,, we are not slaves of EU,,,, your propaganda we re not interested as n,go to work or sing to another table,,,,

George Rice
George Rice - 06.11.2023 23:58

I agree I have a lot of Romanian friends they are hard working and lovely people they have been some very hard times

Lucian Chiriazi
Lucian Chiriazi - 06.11.2023 16:27

What a joke… please don’t

Lae Kopernik
Lae Kopernik - 06.11.2023 09:58

The worst thing that happen to Romania was that to join the EU

Lae Kopernik
Lae Kopernik - 06.11.2023 09:56

EU has destroyed Romania economically and socially.
Making from Romania just a consumer country for EU west products

Octavian-Codruț Popescu
Octavian-Codruț Popescu - 06.11.2023 09:33

As a Romanian I confirm that this summary is accurate

TdsEasterEvent - 06.11.2023 08:04

I am romanian.

danut avram
danut avram - 04.11.2023 16:39

Lies and more LIES !!

Cookiemaster1933 - 03.11.2023 21:49

Can't wait for Kingdom of Romania comeback or unification with our moldovan brothers🇷🇴🇲🇩

Just Saying
Just Saying - 02.11.2023 16:33

I'm romanian. In the name of my country I would like to thank you all for the kind comments I have read

Eddy - 30.10.2023 16:16

pretty acurate view ..... and as a romanian......i still can't see the country beeing accepted into Schenghen. HUUUGE liability with corruption and now that AUR is getting traction get rdy for a total sh*tshow in the parliament. Hungary 2.0

Pupic Pupic
Pupic Pupic - 29.10.2023 15:58

Fuck eu nato love Romania fuck USA

Clima Gabriel
Clima Gabriel - 28.10.2023 12:45

Yeah I can see why some countries would be skeptical. Romanians are largely uneducated and corrupt. Saying that as a Romanian myself, from things I have observed on the ground.

IONUT GALATANU - 28.10.2023 04:49

We didnt vote to get in ue!

kapitan bomba
kapitan bomba - 27.10.2023 23:59

eu made simple are you retard,or just stupid?At 3.46 Hungary have border with Germany???U must be the worst kind of geografist,or the most imbecils!!!

MrMrMrCaf - 27.10.2023 00:26

Romanians , please vote to keep Mr. Cristian Terhes in the European Parliament. Thank you! 🙏

NeGiDa - 26.10.2023 15:59

is totally wrong about Austria lying about migrant problems, they want full exploitation rights of Romanian gas and oil and that is why they oppose Romania's entry into Schengen. 🤬

Szilard Fekete
Szilard Fekete - 26.10.2023 15:18

I couldn't find anyone else commenting on this.. but you confounded Chechia with Hungary at 3.45 when talking about import. 🙂

Florin Ancuta
Florin Ancuta - 25.10.2023 19:22

Romania has right to join of Shenghen area in EU since 2011

Boccaccio2000 - 25.10.2023 07:02

To understand why Romania remained a highly corrupted state you should check the Parlament component parties : First is PSD - which is a party created by the soviet agent Ion Iliescu, populated with ex high rank commies and fully controlled by Kremlin. Second major party is PNL - which is a party initially created indeed by liberals, but infiltrated so much with Russian political agents during the 34 years of "democracy" that presently there is no difference between this party and the PSD. Third is AUR - a "nationalist" anti-european party which suddenly appeared on the Romanian political scene few years before fuelled by inexplicable huge funds with unknown origin. This party, which has a semiretard leader and is largely populated on top with pro-Russia individuals, is believed being created and funded by Russia as an alternative to PSD, which slowly started to loose electorate at that time due to Kremlin style repression of opposition. The only democratic pro-european party at present seems to be USR, which has only 15 percent in Parliament and do not benefit the significant funds during elections compared with rest of the parties controlled by Russia. Last but not the least is the UDMR, which represent the maghiar minority in Romania and constantly winning around 6 percent in the Parliament. Having this percentage allow this party to play with the other parties and managed many times to obtain ministers in the government. I believe this party is in close contact wih the the Viktor Orban and his party in Hungaria - which is also controlled by Russia. Add also an "independent" untouchable Justice populated on top with Russian agents, which constantly oppose democratic laws and always promote favorable laws for corruption and you have the whole picture of Romania.

antonio Castelbranco
antonio Castelbranco - 24.10.2023 22:29

Romania is great country and so close to the portuguese. Romania will soon be a more important player in the European Union.

Potato PC
Potato PC - 24.10.2023 21:09

As an Romanian democracy suxx way more than communism. In 2023 your democratic but controlled billion times more. So fk off saying communism suxx and democratic works. It's an acceptable lie for USA cia, who literally exterminated Ceausescu... Cia did a lot of dirty jobs in Europe. Just search for Gladio, you will see who got our no. 1leader down. The only one who managed to tell USA and Russia to fk off. So communism respect 🤬🐷

ExiSTEIN - 22.10.2023 06:02

CIOLACUL PM,,,👹👹👹👹👹👹🤢🤢🤢🤢🦴🦴🦴🦴☣☣☣☣☢☢☢☢👎👎👎👎👎👎

Nick Stoica
Nick Stoica - 22.10.2023 03:53

Amazingly not a single word about the rampant and deeply entrenched corruption that keeps this beautiful country in a tight neo communist grip…special pensions to a select few…mind boggling, cronyism, nepotism, rampant fraud of everything that can be turned into cash …etc etc etc🤷‍♂️

Bogdan Dobrescu
Bogdan Dobrescu - 21.10.2023 20:38

Bullshit lvl 999.

islamic satanic verses
islamic satanic verses - 20.10.2023 20:17

My advice to Romania is to leave that rubbish EU the soonest possible time before it will be too late for the country! If Romanians don't want to end up like France, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Spain, and the UK, countries ruined by millions of hostile islamic lunatic psychos and killers who hate Europe and the western civilized world so much but love their generous welfare system!

Dinco422 - 20.10.2023 19:41

A good video :)

Dimitrie Vijelie
Dimitrie Vijelie - 20.10.2023 19:16

since Romania join EU we had only promises that they will help the country with lots of things and industries and instead they ROBBED ROMANIA in every single possible way while Romanians in west europe is treated like 2-nd class citizens ........... we are seen as Mexicans of europe just pariah so fuck europe we don't give a shit for their "democratic" lies and values we don't want to follow globalist brainwashing to be called europeans we are PROUD to be ROMANIAN just like our ancestry in EUROPE DACIA now fuck off

andrei mircea
andrei mircea - 20.10.2023 16:14

In my opinion, the whole Schengen debacle is basically the government whining that they’re being treated unfairly when in fact they’re barely (if that at all) doing the minimum. I don’t think we are Schengen worthy yet. I would love for Romania to join, but I completely understand those who don’t want us in. Mainly because of our corruption and general incompetence I believe we’re not good enough for Schengen.
In rest, the video is a decent analysis of the Romania’s place in the EU, but I have critiques:
1) PSD is socially conservative as well. Outside of the USR all the parties are socially conservative. The difference between parties is concerning economic views.
2) AUR is a far-right party, not just a “right-wing party”. They gained traction because they took advantage of the simple mindsets of the uneducated and engineers who were neglecting by our government for the past too long not even really helped to be retrained for new, more functioning industries.
3) While corruption is a enormous, the crappy educational system feeds into it. If I were to sum up our number 1 problem I would say that it is both corruption and crappy education because they go hand in hand, feeding off each other.
4) Romania was more oppressive than the USSR or at the very least, just as. My parents, as well as other boomers tell me constant stories of how they feared the secret police because it could’ve been anyone. So just surviving (which was impossible because of the crappy ration system that underfed our people), was a hard task because if you tried to at least get the bare minimum to survive (let alone attempt consume non-propaganda media or books), you risk having the secret police take you at any time to the political prisons (gulags with a different branding), and risk being tortured and overworked in the cells. And if someone in your family was taken by the secret police then good luck finding work as a spouse, because no one would hire you. Also, minority rights weren’t a thing, the Rromani people faced a lot of segregation and raids by the Ceausescu Government and the previous administration. If you were disabled, you were basically put in a facility for life.

sergerea - 19.10.2023 17:27

If i was to make a caricature between Austria and would be like :"Ewww...Romanians smell to good...!""
