The Last of Us Part II - Story Explained

The Last of Us Part II - Story Explained

Gaming Harry

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@theplayeralsoknownasmousecop - 03.02.2024 05:05

The only thing you got wrong is Isaac's death. When you arrive at the theater as Abby, you can check the radio Dina fixes and overhear the WLF scream that issac did in fact die from his injuries

@Endgame_01 - 28.01.2024 23:43

The idea of a cure didn't matter to Joel on the end because it meant losing the daughter he only just found. To call this selfish is to grossly misunderstand what happened.

This is a man who suffered the worst possible trauma anyone can, their child dying in their arms. Nothing matters more to a parent than their child. That isn't borne out of selfishness, it is borne out of love. He didn't care about himself at all, he only cared about Ellie. The events of the game are clear; fireflies didn't get Ellie's consent, and as a child, she isn't completely capable of providing consent.

The more I hear of your final thoughts, the more I disagree with you. Ellie didn't think about what Abby had gone through. Empire only changed her mind because she understood that, in her place, she would do the same, was doing exactly the same.

@daymogeezy - 27.01.2024 18:51

Heres my take, a lil bit. The Fireflies were the good guys. The rebellion. Against the government, Fredra. Joel was smuggler, just surviving. Joel was rightfully sad and bitter bout his daughter's murder. So he live a certain way until Ellie came in his life. Even tho Joel took care of Ellie on the way to the fireflies, which was his job. He grew a bond with her. Remind him of his daughter. Gets to the destination and bcuz Ellie reminds himself of his daughter. He murders the doctor and all fireflies in the building for one person. Now the cure may or may not worked. But Ellie want it that. A cure which she probably wish she could gave her dead girlfriend. Joel kinda was the Villian. But a villain we loved and a villain with a good reason for what he did. Joel paid for it. He cause a big ripple in events!!! Tlou part 2 was a fkn master piece!!! And i hate that ppl was acting like fools when first came out in 2020. Harassing and bullying a voice actress doing her job smh. Cant wait for tlou part 3. It may be the conclusion to the series. It would be a story like this in a horror game series again.

@myfakeaccount4523 - 16.01.2024 02:39

I had a hunch tlou2 story that would be boring and I was right. Glad I didn't bother playing.

@brianevans6423 - 12.01.2024 23:42

This woke piece of shit is in no way a sequel in my eyes. The first, was pure GOLD. WHY DID THEY KILL JOEL OFF SO QUICK!!?? SUCH A BETTER STORY COULD HAVE BEEN TOLD.

@omanlady123456 - 02.01.2024 05:47

i somehow feel that there is no next installment here

@ahmadwasim8035 - 29.12.2023 13:26

When I played last of us part 1 for the first time I shot the doctor on his knees but still he died

@fahimmuntaser9997 - 23.12.2023 15:54

There was no way to make a vaccine, so yeah zoel was right

@Still_who_Iam - 22.12.2023 16:16

The game is such a good story... but so depressing at the end.

@53pichu - 16.12.2023 22:54

Yea idgaf this series has so many plot holes. Like massive earth shattering black hole sized plot holes that it shouldnt be held as high as it is. And abby shouldve died at the end there’s literally no reason otherwise. Theres no lesson to be learned.

@pineapplesplash9166 - 10.12.2023 20:26

After playing the game again with full focus I realized I had it all wrong…

Abby never heard Ellie’s name. All she ever heard of her was that she was “the girl who’s immune.” She never got a name. And all she did know of Tommy was that he was Joel’s brother and that he was out in Jackson. Remember a firefly Refugee she spoke to gave her the information where to find Tommy which could lead to Joel. Abby and her group were camped out near the Jackson area.

She knew Joel’s name because marlene tells Jerry she's going to go tell joel what they're planing to do to (in a flashback) and abby is standing right there in the room.
When Tommy said "I'm Tommy and that's my BROTHER Joel” That was confirmation she found who she was looking for.

Abby and her friends never saw Ellie or Joel at the hospital. When Ellie confronted Nora she realized that was the immune girl because she was breathing in spores. After speaking to Nora she knew they were former fireflies.

That’s why When Abby confronted Ellie at the theater Ellie said “I’m the one you want, there’s no cure because of me” she knew this had something to do with the hospital situation but the cure is not why Abby killed Joel. Ellie doesn’t know that part.

When you play as Ellie (with Dina by your side) Dina was tryna figure out who could’ve done this and why. Ellie’s response was “idk, Joel crossed a lot of people” Dina kept trying to figure it out. Ellie didn’t necessarily care why. Abby didn’t know why Joel did what he did. She didn’t care.

Ellie and Abby are both filled with grief and hatred because they lost their father figure. Killing Joel didn’t bring joy to Abby or bring Jerry back or heal her pain. Ellie thought about the things Joel told her and realized killing Abby wasn’t gonna fix anything. My take away from the story now is that basically one had common sense and wasn’t being selfish. We saw Abby be the opposite of that. Owen wanted to just leave because Mel was pregnant but Abby went looking for Joel on her own anyway and almost died, she killed the guy she looking for even though he saved her, she put her friends in danger and Her comment to Ellie at the theater “You killed all my friends after we let you live." Like seriously, you really thought that people wouldn't come after you? Joel taught Ellie well. He lives on through the things he taught her.

@Alan_The_Jaguar - 01.12.2023 20:59

When you as abby comme to the theather to confront Ellie at the end of the game you can find in the radio room a transmission of the WLF confirming that issac was indeed killed on the Yara standoff, also you can see Issac in old FEDRA wanted posters as a nice detail

@mjoe1111211 - 16.11.2023 08:08

I just want to know who and why cut Abby's hair? I wish they showed more what happened out at the mansion. Just like we don't really see the settlement Joel left in the very first game. In 2 seasons they never went back to that place

@SadhoursXL - 08.11.2023 17:32

Naughty dog single handedly let a new villan kill all our lovable characters, Joel, Tommy and better worse Ellie lets her go after losing an arm

@takedemrisks - 30.09.2023 00:59

This game is good in my opinion certain mans are still crying cuz some old guy died now dats gay for sure

@negig2161 - 26.09.2023 03:36

Is Abby a man or what ?? Her design looks like a Side face and back of the head is of a Woman and body of a 100 kg Boxer

@negig2161 - 26.09.2023 03:29

What ?? Deena is a Lesbian like Elly but is Pregnant with Jesse's kid ?🤔🤔🤔

@negig2161 - 26.09.2023 03:16

Team Joel & Tommy >>>>> Team Abby & Ally

@negig2161 - 26.09.2023 02:50

Joel: Saves Abby and Her friends from Certain Death by a Storm and and Horde of Zombies...
Abby: Shoots him and his brother

And We are supposed to be backing these characters??🤡🤡🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

@TheSec09 - 06.09.2023 15:26

It's an excellent video and since I am on the second playthrough, it helps me wrap up things better and appreciate even more the story!
Still, I want to make two clarifications:
- Ellie does not know why Abby killed Joel. In their confrontation, she says “He did what he did to save me. There’s no cure because of me, I’m the one you want.” It seems Ellie thinks Abby is mad at Joel for taking away the cure, I don’t think she realizes she killed her father. In all of Ellie’s dialogue with Abby’s friends, it never came up.
- The background after beating the game is actually the building with a round tower mentioned by the rattler when Ellie points the shotgun at him, not the future location where Aby and Lev went.

@grimmmful - 04.09.2023 21:43

strange how Abby looks like a normal teen when she was tortured and left to die prior to her looking like a girl on steroids

@newseager4021 - 31.08.2023 02:50

Good video but god damn does this story fucking suck.

@loverosemary4186 - 27.08.2023 12:08

I feel like it was a good choice to not have Ellie die in the surgery because if the vaccine within her body is protecting her from the fungus infection, then it'd be running through her blood and possibly her immune system. So it would've been best to study her blood first to make sure or even run other tests to make sure that the surgery is the only way to make a vaccine. And since nobody in the game clearly didnt know this or even thought to consider Ellie's blood, it ended being a meaningless act (to others) to kill the doctor and everyone in the hospital to save Ellie.

And no, I'm not saying Joel isn't selfish, I do think he is a bit selfish but do consider he lost Sarah and he possibly saw Ellie as Sarah in a way since they do have similar character traits. And not to mention Joel clearly saw Ellie as more than a kid to smuggle for a job. He saw her as a daughter, and I only think that a father would feel the need to take such actions to save his daughter, rather it be a figurative or literal daughter. I believe that he is selfish, but not in a horrible way, he would rather see the world messed up instead of not having Ellie and having him go through the trauma and grief that he went through with Sarah.

Although this isn't an excuse for what he did, I'm just explaining that this might be what he felt about Ellie and how it would be best to explore options before coming to a definitive solution of killing the source of the vaccine. And some might be wondering that the fireflies must've tried before, I believe they still should've tried other things with Ellie because the white blood cells do help with fighting virus and whatnot.

@huangxin52 - 26.08.2023 16:18

Ellie is the cure to humanity, not the immunity but the forgiveness.

@theredandblueyakuza9256 - 21.08.2023 20:47

watching the series again this year after playing the game made me once again realize how much I support Joel, Ellie was basically his kid, he had taken care of her, cared for her, she has saved his life and vice versa, he saw her as his family, and he's supposed to let her be killed for the sake of the rest of the world? How many people would let that happen, who in their right mind will let their child die for the sake of people who don't give two shits about them, kill them all Joel, kill them all

@bilalmuzaffary6824 - 05.08.2023 08:52

The zombie stages seem like a copy of the ones in dying light maybe not the same exact ones but really similar

@brysebarnes6307 - 05.08.2023 06:39

it was said issac was dead theirs the radio transmissions goin back n forth once u get in the theater n discover ellies small hq area on the 2nd floor or 3rd floor

@indo42O - 27.07.2023 10:39

Very well done. My favorite narrative series of games ever

@hunter17835 - 25.07.2023 05:17

Yeah, the science is on Joel's side for what he did, even if it was for the wrong reasons. You don't need a degree to know that using the immunity of someone to make a cure works much better when said immune person is *alive*. The fact that the Fireflies immediately jumped into an operation to kill Ellie meant they would have doomed humanity anyway out of their own stupidity.

So yeah, there's literally no negative downside for Joel deciding to save Ellie and murder all the Fireflies. Sure, the only known doctor who might (and that's a big maybe) have been able to make a cure is dead, but as long as Ellie is alive, there's still hope.

@rwulf - 12.07.2023 05:46

My opinion: Joel was right to rescue Ellie. The fireflies were so incompetent they couldn't even buy a used car battery without a 90% squad mortality rate. there was no way they were going to successfully produce and distribute a cure.

@morenamorobe420 - 06.07.2023 00:54

I'm siding with Joel. In an apocalyptic or dystopian world, no one is ever truly right or wrong.

@nbaez - 28.06.2023 13:36

I guess Ellie is what she eats.

@mikeg4691 - 16.06.2023 18:11

How did Abby get those arms? 💉💉💉

@ruffboimags - 14.06.2023 00:48

I think the main issue is that not only was Ellie not informed she was going to die (unless I missed something BIG, they'd put her under to do a biopsy and she was still under when they decided to go ahead with the operation) but that she was a child. Even in a situation where she's had to mature faster than she should, I firmly believe Joel was in the right to stop the operation. He wasn't necessarily in the right to kill the doctor if there was any other option, or the rest of them, but I firmly believe that they were in the wrong. I think what should've happened was they bunkered down, told Ellie they needed to let her strain percolate for a while or something, and then in a few years when she's older and has the brain development to decide for herself, they sit her down and explain the situation, and then *let her choose*.

I think that was the main issue for me with the Fireflies and why I am on Joel's side in the end, at least with regards to that. She didn't get a choice. She didn't get a choice with Joel either, but she shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. The Fireflies, in my perspective, were 100% in the wrong trying to go ahead with the operation. On a child. That would 100% kill her. Maybe focus on trying to find someone else immune, it's unlikely Ellie was the only one.

I do think Joel should've told her the truth, though, even if she got pissed at him, he could at least say "you're a kid, you shouldn't have to make that choice. And if you want to go track them down again in a few years when you're grown and sacrifice yourself, I won't stop you, but RIGHT NOW what they were doing was wrong."

But maybe that's just me.

@keefer9953 - 10.06.2023 13:28

Honestly I want abby to die

@EveBatStudios - 31.05.2023 17:58

Joel was selfish but Joel was also a little psychotic. As someone who's survived some harrowing experiences myself I can tell you it takes something from you. The man had never had a moment of emotional resolution in his life. He was so bad at addressing his feelings his own brother walked away from him for a huge part of his life. (also something I've experienced in reverse) He couldn't hardly say goodbye to Tess. A man constantly collapsing under unresolved trauma can't plant his feet to make good decisions. A man plagued by loss is going to fight to hold onto what they feel they have left. By the time he woke up to hearing he was going to lose Ellie without even getting to say goodbye he was reacting like an unthinking machine lost to emotion. I always thought this part of his character was really well written and it shows intention in having the second game be about the effects and repercussions of that trauma.

@Sted1000 - 04.05.2023 04:40

Part of me feels the next game will be Abby hunting the female leader of the Rattlers, she might even pass by Jackson to enlist Ellie, although it might spark tension with Tommy and Dina ( just my theory)

@paulwinnusa7784 - 30.04.2023 05:31

You forgot that in the giraffe part in part one, as there were about to leave Joel ask her to just say the hell with it all and the two of them return to Jackson. Ellie says with what she had done that year that it had to be for something! As they were going down the stairs Ellie tells Joel that after they were done they could do whatever he wanted.
So there, nether one knew that Ellie would die! And the reason Joel was pissed was because he knew that if Ellie would have known she had to die she would’ve done it. Remember the fireflies never let Ellie become conscious! We know this after she wakes up in the truck with Joel and they’re leaving. Joel had to tell Ellie that they found the fireflies and couldn’t make a cure! Now if she was ever conscious she would know who had them!
Joel wouldn’t have done anything if they had of given Ellie a choice. That’s why he killed them all because just like his daughter, she never had the choice to live or die.
So all this bullshit about Joel was a bad person is unwarranted! At the end of the day the villains are the fireflies! Because they were willing to MURDER a little girl to get what they want!
You need to go back and play the whole ending of part 1!

@rahmanikakumalasari3986 - 22.04.2023 22:08


@michaelkhudson8 - 19.04.2023 19:47

well done synopsis!

@ivanovicsharapova2402 - 17.04.2023 05:08

I would’ve loved playing the second part but not a fan of why had to insert lesbian affairs in a game I don’t se the point at all that just killed my interest

@dominicbluawofogbe - 15.04.2023 00:16

“Before You Embark On A Journey Of Revenge, Dig Two Graves” — Confucius

@elplaga1830 - 13.04.2023 22:38

What if Abby’s mom and Ellie’s mom are the same person lol. They just don’t know …wah Wah Wah lou part 3?

@E_Sunbro - 09.04.2023 18:21

I don't agree with the statement regarding Joel undermining Tess' sacrifice simply because she was a goner anyway due to being bitten. Beyond that, I waffle on both sides of the fence as to whether Joel was justified or not.

That said, I tend to think that a cure wasn't viable. Even in the best of cases that if it were, the Fireflies in their dwindling numbers wouldn't have had the resources or manpower to distribute it, and arguably would have become a target of another group as a result of having this miracle cure, and then been wiped out anyway. The cure would have either then been sold as a commodity, or only provided to members of said group.

Then there's the issue of whether civilization could even be returned to "normal". Given the state of this world being so far gone, I don't think the infected are the biggest concern. Other people are.

@daddymcsnacks_561 - 25.03.2023 16:38

What a story of loss, love, revenge, forgiveness and acceptance. Joel is the catalyst for most of it. Say what you want about him but let's not forget about the luxury of morality in a peaceful society. I stand firm with the idea that a cure isn't the end all be all because you can still be killed by the infected. Which for the Fireflies was their purpose, once they got massacred they disband. It's interesting to see how characters react when their entire purpose is flipped upsidedown. They go on a crusade of revenge and push away those that love them. (Abby and Ellie) Then you have Abby who is not only saved by those deemed an enemy but becomes friends and risks everything for them. (Yara/Lily) When Abby kills Joel, she realized that all she did to get to that point wasn't as satisfying as she might have believed it to be in her mind. She is then left empty inside and her dad is still dead. Ellie hunting down Abby experiences a similar situation by pushing away Dina to avenge Joel's death. She couldn't just walk away and end the cycle of violence. Hard to imagine doing such a thing given the way they've been living for so long. Their world is constant fear and anxiety living until they have the security of Jackson or the Stadium. I'd suspect a lot of people would struggle with PTSD. Not to mention they don't have therapist or antipsychotic medication. Ellie like Abby gets her mark but instead of killing Abby she realizes that it won't bring Joel back. It too comes at a forever cost, she loses her fingers to play the guitar. At the end, we're left with the impression that Dina and JJ are also gone. It's a good story yet we're do we go from here?

It's just a guess but let's say they now introduce Ellie's actual father. The theme has been about a father figure so to me it would add up. They'd have to get cute with where the hell he's been this whole time but I'll leave that for the clever writer's. Perhaps a new faction of the Fireflies has emerged and they're doing Firefly stuff. Maybe they discovered another person who's immune? I wouldn't care for a chase for the cure because as I mentioned before I believe it's futile. Could Ellie and Abby cross paths and work together for a common goal? Now that could be interesting. Ok, I'm done with my guessing. Now we wait!

@ImAngelChanelle - 24.03.2023 18:36

Commenting again

@ImAngelChanelle - 24.03.2023 18:36


@joefeeney5497 - 23.03.2023 16:24

Great analysis. Super interesting, even for someone who hasn’t played the game.
