The Vietnam War Explained In 25 Minutes | Vietnam War Documentary

The Vietnam War Explained In 25 Minutes | Vietnam War Documentary

The Life Guide

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@bs004 - 17.01.2024 09:14

Good people with good intentions.
We can see where this is going.

@tiffanyi5645 - 16.01.2024 23:52

The amount of Vietnamese casualties is crazyyy!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️ And the fact that over 58k American soldiers died for this madness is truly outrageous! I get why so many people protested against this war

@akirale3078 - 16.01.2024 06:28

The Viet Cong were very cruel to the Vietnamese people. After robbing the government of Saigon - South Vietnam, they looted all wealth, property, and appliances from TVs, tables and chairs, houses and land, record players, and Honda cars. to the light poles and electric poles, loudly transporting them to build the North, which is very poor. They often curse America as a very cruel American-Puppet imperialist (Republic of Vietnam). They distort and distort history and indoctrinate them. Vietnamese people must hate America. But they send their children and grandchildren to America and Europe to study and settle in capitalist countries that they still consider to be capitalist countries. They are crooked and wicked. and lies and cunning. The Vietnamese people hate communists very much. When they speak up and fight for democracy, they suppress them and put them in prison. Vietnam is a country with no human rights, religion is also suppressed, no There is freedom of speech and press.

@user-ry7uf2vo8d - 15.01.2024 20:23

Must be American this

@reallymakesyouthink - 15.01.2024 12:10

This 900,000 fled south to be free from communism needs to be challenged.
In the Pentagon Papers there are clear records of methods US counter intelligence sabotaged the North. From damaging trains to putting out fake propaganda pretending to be the Viet Minh on both radio and with flyers. They even put a young boy on a plane headed south without his parents permission so they got on the next plane to get him.
Also the idea that they had an accurate count of people going in either direction is far fetched. So many different routes between North and South.

@stephaniejarrett-thorpe2287 - 15.01.2024 08:29

This is a perfect example of, “Hate the war, not the warrior.” The soldiers served as they were assigned. It was a terrible situation surely, but the soldiers still deserve support for their service and sacrifice. It’s c complex to sort out…

@slimboss32_tv - 13.01.2024 12:28

Basically America want power to take over the world😞

@kevincruise3521 - 12.01.2024 22:36

Great job on this video

@adamlee3772 - 12.01.2024 02:18

A very interesting video. Thank you for taking the time to produce and post it.

@deolieu5342 - 10.01.2024 15:44

Ông cha ta đã quyết tâm tiêu diệt kẻ thù để lấy sự tự do tôi yêu việt nam

@andreye63 - 09.01.2024 20:50

Complete bullshit! All the troubles of north and south Vietnam are caused by the US invasion! The main culprits of Vietnam's troubles are the American administration! Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Kissinger. It was they who arranged death and destruction for the Vietnamese people under the guise of beautiful slogans for freedom and independence

@quyphu4793 - 09.01.2024 18:04

Người mông cổ. Trung cộng. Pháp. Mỹ chào đón qua làm ăn chứ mang vũ khí qua đất mẹ thì trở về xác

@skyking6989 - 09.01.2024 13:49

And for fucking what? 58k American soldiers killed for nothing!!

@Zion66666 - 06.01.2024 12:49

American soldiers like to glorify their time in Vietnam even though they got their asses soundly kicked. True patriots like Muhammad Ali recognised the unjust evil perpetrated by the Americans and made true sacrifices for their country. These are the people who should be thanked for their service. Not the brainless idiots who went to die in the jungles of Nam

@BinhLe-bz2eu - 05.01.2024 10:49

Before US Democrats President LB Johnson declare US military action to Vietnam. The South Vietnamese army had 250,000 and the North Vietnamese army had 60,000 troops. But when the War started and US Democrats President LB Johnson deployed 500,000 ground troops to Vietnam and they did their "Search and Destroyed mission." The Communist North Vietnamese gain mass support for their cause and their army grew from 60,000 to over a 1,000,000. America cause the Democratic South Vietnam to fall to the Communist North. American even today still said they came to help the South Vietnamese against communist when they cut off all promise military aids to South Vietnam.

@doanhvu9593 - 01.01.2024 14:40

in fact 900 000 people go to south mostly is catholics and pro-french
South vietnam at that time is state of vietnam( france puppet) then diem overthrown and establish repuclic of vietnam

During the Paris conference
- North Vietnam did not recognize the Republic of Vietnam as a country and considered the DMZ only a temporary separation line like in the Geneva conference. North Vietnam asked American troops to withdraw, but they did not need to.

-America wants to withdraw its troops but North Vietnam must also withdraw its troops and America wants dmz to be its national border

In the end, the terms of the conference were in favor of the North Vietnamese side (Remember that during operation linebaker 2, many American B52s were shot down and prolonged bombing like rolling thunder did not solve anything).South vietnam refuse sign but america threatened to cut aid

Actually, I think what you said about ARVN lacking weapons and ammunition at the end of the war is incorrect
Both the ARVN and PAVN's tanks and heavy artillery (field artillery and mortars 85mm or larger in caliber) suffered severe ammunition shortages. PAVN General Văn Tiến Dũng wrote that, compared to 1973, the 1974 ARVN's "firepower had decreased by nearly 60 percent because of bomb and ammunition shortages. Its mobility was also reduced by half due to lack of aircraft, vehicles, and fuel... The reduction of U.S. aid made it impossible for the puppet troops to carry out their combat plans and build up their forces." Reduction in firepower continued throughout the next year as the ARVN attempted to conserve ammunition. In the heavy fighting of July 1974 through March 1975, the ARVN expended an average of 18,267 tons of ammunition per month, compared to 66,500 tons per month in 1972, a more than 72% reduction. On the other side, PAVN's entire stock of heavy artillery and tank ammunition in 1974, including all ammunition held by combat units at forward warehouses, and in the PAVN's strategic reserves, totaled just 100,000 rounds. The ammunition problem was so serious that the PAVN artillery command had to replace the larger weapons in a number of units with obsolete 76.2mm and 57mm artillery pieces drawn out of storage for which there still was adequate ammunition. Consequently, the offensive would rely partly on captured ARVN stocks

@suefrench8721 - 01.01.2024 09:52

Died for nothing! I feel so sorry for the vets and the families of those who didn't come home. And the Americans seem always to be right in the thick of things. That country is a warring nation. The budget for the military is over 50% of the total and there are few cities in the US that don't have streets lined with tent homes. I hope that someone with some smarts does enough research to find out how this happened. But no politicians need apply. They're the disease, not the cure.

@christinabejerano3403 - 01.01.2024 04:07

I had my vitnam/ my fair share didnt win the war but live to fight anthoer battle.wounded soldier dont go to war.

@user-lv2bf5yw4r - 30.12.2023 18:50

Nói về bình lính chết nhiều nhát là
1 Trung Quốc
2 Pháp
3 Mỹ.
4 comboda
5 nhật

@user-lv2bf5yw4r - 30.12.2023 18:47

Mỹ và Việt Nam van chưa ác liệt như Việt Nam và Trung Quốc. Trung Quốc chết vơi ky lục. Một cuộc chiến bien giới .số thương vong gấp 4 lần với Mỹ cả một thập niên

@user-lv2bf5yw4r - 30.12.2023 18:40

Đang le ra Mỹ và Việt Nam khong nên có cuộc chiến. Mỹ đã sai lam đây Việt Nam gần gũi với trung quốc.giờ Mỹ khó lòng mà hãm dược trung quốc. My có thông minh tới mấy vẫn phạm sai lầm.

@manuelhynesjavier7032 - 30.12.2023 02:38

I finally get to listen to the history,I'll listen and learn in 2023👍📻😎👂🤠🤠☃️🌲

@rohanchaudhary1874 - 28.12.2023 19:35

Nice presentation. Peace

@elbagrau - 26.12.2023 20:13

The american f*cked up everything they did outside of the United States.
When would they start taking care of themselves and leave the other nations alone ?

@Dr.Snooze-gt5yg - 24.12.2023 01:22

Vietnam was a depopu.lation war too

When a German would have never surrendered, they surrendered by the hundreds of thousands, around 425,000. Monsters like Joseph Mengele rose to power and We're doing medical experiments on children

The world could be a better place if everyone that wants to get out of here can get a take home synthetic opiode euthanasia drink, but since all you bleeding hearts would rather force people to suffer and won't let them leave, globalists then create wars to depopu.late you, even though you will bleed, it is more humane then letting you starve to death. That's why they used bullets in WW2, and people were not going to starve their own children so they could feed people's future children When they wouldn't leave their country and were trying to starve then to death by their invasion and manipulation of the food prices once they bought the grocery stores, or in today's market: raised the piece of everything 4x so you can starve your families and feed illegal migrants future children When they don't feed their own children: you do. You're forced to build them free housing and are taxed to buy the building materials. They work for cash and buy your house for half price when they are able to work for less and your lease your home. I know one who came here illegally, had a family everyone else paid for on free housing, worked for cash and bought 2 investment properties and his own house when everyone else lost theirs. Bums bought your politicians with some coke so they would make you build then free housing and feed his ever multiplying family which throws them a dollar each to continue the overpopulation scheme to starve you to death for their future children

It was a depop.ulation war
America dropped off its extra. They dropped men off on on D Day in parachutes instead of bombs on 5 machine gun nests. They could have air through holes on their boats with shower riddles, even pushed the steel boat gate on bouys and floated a movable shield through the waters and taken position behind it up the beach. They had one last meal for them and fed it to them right before they hit the water. Navy aquatics 101. When boats were taking fire the Commanders ordered to do the gate.

There were 7 million tons of grain one year in Ukraine, only 3 million the next. Stalin invaded and their soldiers cut legs off of people, cooked them and ate them. Then it was about the de-Stalinization of Russia.

When there was enough food to feed the people WW2 ended.

Don't tell them it's a depop.ulation war, let them die as heroes. Problem with that: they'll not know the real reason and become baby boomers, everyone will overpopulate again soon beyond the planets ability to feed them

The sun got hotter, maybe another star hit it, this planet has been thawing and getting less rain

A good chance in most places of the world someone will eat your body and loved ones bodies when they die or donate organs

If the earth has to go every curable fever causing virus released at the same time and probablly the whole thing is done in 1 week, people would probablly go to sleep and go from exhaustion

Bacterial cysts, malaria, a superbug, etc, I don't think any would survive

When they keep releasing one at a time everyone gets stronger but your always getting sick. The stupid thing with Coronnna is that people didn't go Pauly, they suffocated for 13 minutes and drowned in their lungs, and it was an epic fall for 21. The people whom the flu would have killed went with that instead, but the suffocated for 13 minutes

And take school shooters to a wharehouse and leak out the video and it will end. I had a dream of an iron X cross with a hook blade in the center, the Universe said "It hurts back." You're policy of never punishing anyone with equal pain brings torment on the innocent and never stops it. Take one to a wharehouse, who wants to do the next one?

Half the world world take home a fentynal overdose say thanks and get to leave, you'll have enough food to feed everyone and the poorest will have 2 houses 2 cars a cow and ice cream, and oil to last the planet. Why do unnecessary depop.ulation wars? Or they will. They do late in life abortions for your extra people

Then you can close the coffins
Say bye to zombies

The rats made a virus to kill the people to eat the people. Bubonic plague, corrona

With what's coming you want everyone who doesn't want to be here to be able to get out of here

Legalize and make available a synthetic opioid take home drink with a micro serial number, you can verify who was the purchaser if someone died and didn't buy one.

You're about to have 1/2 of what you do now, hurry up or send your kids to war or virsuses again. People are going to bed hungry because they're forcing half the world to be here that doesn't want to be here. Why are you in a depression even with them?

Or someone will do every curable fever causing virus all at once and wipe it all.

@SyGiba27 - 20.12.2023 16:06

Resulting a great victory of Vietnamese against usimperialism..

@HuongHoang-xg8qf - 17.12.2023 17:53

Người Việt Nam chúng tôi đã chịu quá nhiều đau khổ vì chiến tranh mà Mỹ gây ra

@OneEyeWise - 17.12.2023 17:50

I was born into a world war torn, lost my beloved brother aged only 19, I'd survived hell on Earth to struggle with ptsd all my life, now an old man this I say... you can go fuk yourself along with all the foreign invaders of Vietnam, from the chinese, mongols, japs, frenchies and yankees.

@joshmoyers4750 - 17.12.2023 17:33

it's a 28 minute video.....

@netijenlokal8143 - 17.12.2023 13:53

kebiadapan Amerika yg Sesungguhnya

@ritikkarwasra7464 - 17.12.2023 08:19

Americans (rulers) have been the worst enemies of mankind. I wonder how there could have been Lincoln

@NorthEastMechanic - 17.12.2023 02:07

AWESOME video! Appricate what you do. Education is priceless! 🫡

@slavia_mbugua - 17.12.2023 00:47


Dear Reader,






(Borderline Sacred)


Heartfelt Dedication; In Memory Of;

Justin Moore - The Ones That Didn’t Make It Back Home

We are in each other's prayers eternally.

@user-ht6nw2sb5e - 16.12.2023 05:08

17 + 3 months Fort Polk LA Tigerland Basic Training, Army RA.

@nas84payne - 15.12.2023 11:49

Arguably America’s most humiliating war defeat.

@HDN1308 - 14.12.2023 18:12

Căm thù quân xâm lược và không bao giờ đầu hàng, khuất phục ❤🇻🇳

@Charlie35Bui - 14.12.2023 00:32

Madame Binh, a great Vietnamese diplomat said : " American can land on Moon then return Earth safety, but in Vietnam they don't "

@EliseMalone - 14.12.2023 00:16

I just came here to say that my dad fought in Vietnam and passed away two years ago, and received two purple hearts. He was always afraid of fireworks but he told me all his stories from childhood and my dad was one of the greatest people I am sure that I will ever meet. My dad is a true story of American freedom and I hope you will always recognize the freedom we have attributed to also having the strongest military in the world. RIP and I love you Dad, never forget it! <3

@bill1usmc - 13.12.2023 22:17

Trying to decide whether this narrative was simply another regurgitation of progressive leftist talking points or communist propaganda. More than likely a bit of both since there's little discernible difference between the two. US military personel didn't lose shit, an apathetic command and spineless political powers jointed forces with the leftist media and soured the public preception of our involvement in South East Asia. What most leftist happily gloss over is the resulting genocide in Cambodia that was a direct result of US failure to stay the course. 1.5 to 3 million deaths make any comparison to what atrocities the US is supposed to have commited laughable. The US military was on course to obliterate the NVA but defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory. Welcome to the Orwellian reality of the 21st century. 😏

@JackRosetta - 12.12.2023 01:46

The Vietnam War was a Crusade. The Catholic South vs the Buddhist North. After the war, the Viet cong exterminated 200K Catholics but they didn't read Roman history because Catholics multiply and now Vietnam is a majority Catholic country! GOD WINS!

@PostalWorker14 - 11.12.2023 17:11

I could see sacrificing your life and body in WW2 because Germany and Japan were evil but the other wars were the US showing it’s power

@PostalWorker14 - 11.12.2023 17:04

We had troops in Korea and Japan How was communism a threat in Vietnam I served in Korea in the 1990s they were happy to have us there Communism is oppressive so is colonialism

@seosamh.forbes - 08.12.2023 23:02

A thing I respect about Ho Chi Minh is he never had personal hatred in his heart for us. As you can see from him willing to petition President Wilson and quoted as saying "When this is all over, we will invite the Americans for tea." And ever since the war ended our relationship with Vietnam has been fairly solid.

@jedidaddy5215 - 07.12.2023 04:00

Awesome. Very informative learned a bunch

@khangkhangchannel3222 - 06.12.2023 15:37

Quá khứ đau thương đã qua đi rồi, hãy hướng về phía trước những điều tốt đẹp nhất. Tôi là người Việt Nam, tôi yêu đồng bào tôi . Máu chảy trong người tôi là dòng máu người Việt nam.
