WWE 2K18 - FULL ROSTER (RAW,SmackDown,NXT,205,Divas,Legends) [Concept]

WWE 2K18 - FULL ROSTER (RAW,SmackDown,NXT,205,Divas,Legends) [Concept]


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siva aprilia
siva aprilia - 04.01.2023 07:08

Link download sir

tandun chaos
tandun chaos - 12.06.2022 16:56

PlayStation 3

LucasNL - 18.04.2022 04:44

naruto storm revolution be like:

Ram Sundar Kartik
Ram Sundar Kartik - 10.01.2022 13:58

2k17 LOL LOL

Cryfex - 09.01.2022 11:35

How do you can that?

Lil panda playz
Lil panda playz - 17.12.2021 00:09

Yes professional editing 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅

Janet Ivette
Janet Ivette - 03.11.2021 01:29

This is awesome

Jacob - 10.08.2021 07:39

I want to know the name of the background music

DR - 15.07.2021 20:21

Ya no está Batista

WWE FAN - 30.03.2021 19:58


Iron Man Productions
Iron Man Productions - 26.03.2021 22:57

Daniel bryan legend?

Papaya - 09.02.2021 02:30

I wish shinsuke nakamura win wrestle mania

vijaya basker.J
vijaya basker.J - 12.01.2021 16:43

Why he put this vide just showing characters

Wacky woohoo pizza man
Wacky woohoo pizza man - 02.12.2020 22:40

Enzo amore 86

João Miguel
João Miguel - 19.10.2020 16:13

The game no hhh no Matt hardy no Jeff hardy no Rey mysterio

jihad el rahi
jihad el rahi - 13.10.2020 07:45

Fake i have the wwe 2k 2018 it s not like that Fake

Syful Islam
Syful Islam - 09.10.2020 07:23

Daniel Brayan is on the list of legends 😱🤪😵😵😵

Broccoli - 30.09.2020 09:48

Where the hell is Rey mysterio

Rahul Bhadana
Rahul Bhadana - 31.08.2020 13:43

Please make video of dowload these game please reply

Sam Sydra
Sam Sydra - 01.08.2020 15:18


Sam Sydra
Sam Sydra - 01.08.2020 15:18


Kenan VR
Kenan VR - 29.07.2020 10:53

It fake

Eugie - 25.07.2020 21:19

Where my boy Rey At?

Emily Pilkington
Emily Pilkington - 25.07.2020 20:47

How much is your game

WWE matric
WWE matric - 25.06.2020 23:40

Where can i download WWE 2k

ANNAMARIE MERCED - 17.06.2020 01:37

I played this before

ANNAMARIE MERCED - 17.06.2020 01:37

That is fake

Cheapify - 11.06.2020 17:31

yeah nice but it was a wrong design but its just cincept

Drivay Fulli
Drivay Fulli - 25.05.2020 06:55

Banana love are ,I

Ananna Hasan
Ananna Hasan - 02.05.2020 12:58

W2K 18 ps3 and ps4

Ananna Hasan
Ananna Hasan - 29.04.2020 00:52

Ps3w2k18 gameplay plz

MEME INDONESIA - 25.04.2020 03:17

Hey where kalisto

MEME INDONESIA - 25.04.2020 03:14

Hey wwe2k18 no have jack swager

Eliax_game28 turtle
Eliax_game28 turtle - 09.04.2020 03:59

Que decepción no esta triple hhh

Aaron11 - 09.04.2020 02:55

Theme song?

Adrian - 05.04.2020 23:58

Undertaker shouldn't be in smackdown roster. He is already a legend.

nompumelelo sithole
nompumelelo sithole - 05.04.2020 15:54

These overalls are fake

Barry Tube
Barry Tube - 31.03.2020 21:14

كذب تبحث عن المصارعين بالاسامي المعاي لايك

Shaun Moura
Shaun Moura - 26.03.2020 23:26

Fake click bait

Elisa Fernández Gutiérrez
Elisa Fernández Gutiérrez - 24.03.2020 18:18

is wwe 2k16 no 2018

Dee Ohlea
Dee Ohlea - 20.03.2020 23:15

My favorite one John Cena

Leo García
Leo García - 01.03.2020 06:41


Raghavendra Devadiga
Raghavendra Devadiga - 07.02.2020 16:58

Plz is game ka link do

TheManMythLegend - 06.02.2020 16:18

How has WWE not sued dis man yet

L S - 02.02.2020 20:35

Bro how did your create this music it's great

Chase Prewett
Chase Prewett - 11.01.2020 18:49

I have this game and this is not the roster.

Trent McDowell
Trent McDowell - 07.12.2019 10:49

Jesus Loves U. Jesus is the one true God who created U. Jesus Loves U more than anyone could ever Love U. Jesus knows everything about U. Jesus Loves U so much that he came to the Earth to die for your sins to be washed away so U can make it to Heaven. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

Jesus said to be forgiven for our sins, saved, and make it to Heaven we have to repent from our sins, follow Jesus, and do the Lord's will which is lead others to Jesus.

It doesnt matter what bad stuff U have done, he will forgive U, make U a new person, and change U into a better person. It doesnt matter what U been thru in the past, he will take take away your pain and set U free. It doesnt matter what your going thru right now he will give U peace, joy, strength, courage, and help U get thru it. And It doesnt matter what kind of problems U have, he will help U overcome them and make things better for U. If U are lost then Jesus will show U the way he will direct U, guide U, and show U what to do.

If U call on Jesus he will save U. If U start praying to him all the time then Jesus will start helping U. Jesus wants U to have a deep relationship with him where U pray to him everyday and talk to him. He wants U to be honest with him and admit to your sins and ask for forgiveness. He wants U to be honest about the sins U struggle with and ask him to help U overcone them He wants U to be honest and tell him how U feel. He wants U to tell him what U want and what U need. He wants U to talk to him about all your problems, he wants U to talk to him about whatever your situation is, and he wants U to talk to him about everything. He wants U ask him to help U with whatever U are going thru, and he wants U ask him to lead U the right way. He wants U to thank him for everything. And he wants U to praise him.

Jesus saved me and changed my whole life. He changed as a person. Jesus changed me from being person who was rude, disrespectful, negative, depressed, had a horrible attitude, a quick temper, always fighting people, holding grudges against people, being hateful to people, selfish. All i cared about was basketball, money, materialstic things, trying to look better than others, and respect. I was in streets, around the wrong people, a gangsta, always getting in trouble, going to jail, and i didnt care about nothing. Jesus changed me into a person who is Loving, caring, nice, positive, respectful, peaceful, joyful, forgiving, humble, thankful, giving person, no longer in the streets, no longer in trouble, no longer, and no longer live fir the worldly things but lives for Jesus.

God has plans for your life that are greater than your own plans for our life. And your true purpose in life is walk with Jesus, Love everybody, and lead others to Jesus. There is nothing more important than God. This life is jus temporary but Heaven and Hell is forever. This world has been corrupt since the beginning when the first humans sinned against God and the world became cursed. We are alll sinners and we all fall short of the glory of God. We are doomed to Hell without Jesus. We need Jesus cause God is Holy and perfect and we are sinners but when we repent from our sins, follow Jesus, abd do his will then we are cleansed of our sins, made new, abd made Holy and can stand before God on judgement day and be let into Heaven.

When we sin against God we get cursed. Our sins our forgiven if we ask for forgiveness and we repent from our sins but our sins dont go unpunished. So whatever we do bad it comes back on us and it can come back on your kids. God curses us to punish us to make us obedient to him cause he is our father and we are his children and jus like a father whoops his child abd gets on to his child when they do wrong, God does the same thing to us and its cause he Loves us and wants us to obey him, live right, abd do what he wants us to do so we can go to Heaven. We are suppose to fear God. Abd the fear of God is beggining of all knowledge. If U dont fear God then U aint gonna maje it to Heaven. We can be set free from curses thru Jesus if we fast which is giving up food, certain foods, or food and water, and worldly things like TV, video games, social media, internet and spending time in the presence of God by humbling yourself before God and praying, reading the Bible, and doing stuff for Jesus. The more worldly things U give up on your fast the more powerful it will be. And this can set U free from curses but sone curses U cant be set free from. Fasting can help U overcome sins, get rid of problems, heal U from sickness and disease, and help U get blessings from God.

The word of God tells us that Satan is the ruler of the Earth. God is control but Satan is trying to control everything here on Earth. Satan has his hand in everything. He is controlling Hollywood, movies, TV, radio, Governments, media, news, economy, drug trade, science community, and schools. Satan, the other Fallen Angels, and the Illuminati which Satan's followers. There are 13 royal bloodlines who are the richest families in the world and own about 90 percent of the money, a group of about 200 billionaires, most major corperations that are worldwide or nationwide, Satanic cults, and the Feee Mason brotherhood. They are running this Earth and trying to lead U to Hell by lying to U, decieving U, and trying to brainwash U into disobeying God, not following Jesus, and not doing the Lord's will. These evil people worship the Devil fir fortune, fame, and power and they serve the Devil by leading people to Hell.

Satan is also controlling religion. Thats why there are so many different religions cause Satan is trying to confuse people. Christianity is even a man made religion cause Christianity was stsrted by the Romans who were slaving God's people the Isrealites abd they took several books out the Hebrew Bible. The Roman Catholic is evil and the leaders worship the Devil. They control religion on the Earth. Christianitity preaches about the right Godcand out the right Bible but most preacherscand most churches dont speak the full truth of the Bible and tell U what U really gotta do to be saved. They preach watered down sermons and preach to make people feel good instesd of preaching what people need to know. Christianity had all these different denominations or religions inside one religion and they all making their own interpretations of the Bible when God's word is sinple and easy to understand. There shoupd only be one religion and thats Jesus. There is all these differebt religions so people wont follow the truth and thats Jesus cause Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life so Jesus is the truth. And Jesus is the word so the word of God is what were suppose to follow and we suppose to go off exactly what it says. Jesus said not to follow religion he said to follow him. Thats why its important that U read the Bible yourself and learn the word of God cause God said let no man decieve U. And U dont have to go to church cause Jesus never commanded us to. Jesus set his church up on a rock with his disciples. We are suppose to be disciples of Jesus. Our body is the temple of God so we are the church not a building. The church buildings are jus places U can go to praise God, have fellowship with others, and learn the word of Gid but U can do those things anywhere anytime.

Smoking, drinking, and taking medicine is witchcraft and is demonic. God says to stay sober cause Satan is roaming seeking who he can and destory. Alot of people dont know the spiritual part about drugs. When U are nit sober U open up a spiritual realm and demons come into U. Demons or evil spirits are what tempt us to sin, cause us problems, and make it hard for us to follow Jesus. So when U take any kind of drugs U arent sober and U invite demons into U. Abd people will say God created the herbs of the Earth fir us abd yes he did but irs for us to eat. God never told us to smoke them. That was sonething the Fallen Angels taught humans when they csne to them in the Early centuries. When U light up anything and smoke it that is a sacrifice to an evil entity. So alot of people are engaged in witchcraft and dont even know it. And people like to say they smoke, drink, or take medicine cause they depressed, stressed, mad, upset, or have health issues. And they say they doing it to get peace, joy, to relax, or to be healed but we are suppose to pray to Jesus for all those things. Jesus is our healer. So weed, alcohol, or medicine becomes an idol. So its a false idol or a false God and thats a sin to have false idols. And When U have sex with someone U become one in spirit so U become one with that person and U get all their spirits or their demons. When U listen to music that glorifies sin U are getting demons cause its cursed music. These artists signing to these major record labels are selling they soul to the Devil. Some actually are worshipping the Devil but even if U sign to most of these major record labels they tell U that U cabt talk about Jesus and certain stuff so when tjey sign that contract they are selling their soul. Its tje sane with women stripping, they making alot of money but they not suppose to be showing tjemselves naked to anybody and they cause people to lust and sin. So they sod their soul for the money. Abd its the sane with drug dealers they selling their soul. They selling oeople witchcfaft abd contributing to people destroying their soul to make that fast cash and big cash. They are all forms of selling your soul to the Devil.

Dont follow the world follow Jesus

Paramjeet kaur Paramjeet kaur bhatia
Paramjeet kaur Paramjeet kaur bhatia - 05.12.2019 20:18

Ya nahi hai 2k18

Reverse HQ
Reverse HQ - 29.11.2019 04:27

Why is Brock Lesnar 95 on the Xbox it says 93 or 92

Amal kris
Amal kris - 23.11.2019 20:07

Goldberg is underated
