Why Catholics Use Scripture and Tradition

Why Catholics Use Scripture and Tradition

Ascension Presents

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@g-radm3827 - 17.01.2024 22:53

The Magisterium is like the Sanhedrin who has authority to interpret the Law of Moses and teach, with the exception of the authority to hear and prosecute civil and socio-religious matters.

@pigsshania - 15.01.2024 14:30

Trinity is a latin word. The Bible was not written originally in Latin.

@christopherherrera695 - 13.01.2024 06:45

I left the Catholic Church to became apart of the IcC but I’m not spiritually educated enough to understand everything this video has me thinking about a lot of things I just left the ICC I’ve learned so much from them. But a lot of the structure seems not real to me for some reason it seems almost mandated or forced like. Not to badmouth anyone
they have great devotion but I think the interpretation is off. Pray for me anyone who see this I am going to talk to
A Catholic priest once I get back form an underway work trip. I feel exhausted spiritually I wish the right true way was just easy

@ibelieveitcauseiseentit9630 - 10.01.2024 15:41

Catholics don't just use scripture and tradition they overrule, ignore, distort, amd twist scripture to follow tradition.

Jesus spoke about this amd warned the pharasses about it.

@ginomaietta2702 - 07.01.2024 02:55

That was not a slam-dunk answer to be honest. He brought up 2 examples: purgatory and the Trinity. The Trinity "concept" is widely mentioned by Jesus in the bible which led to more debate in later years to actually give it the name Trinity. Purgatory is not even mentioned in the bible, so it is clearly added or "made-up". Mary plays no important role at all after the birth of Christ, not mentioned by any apostle later. Jesus preached and people were baptized and became followers: as simple as that, no catechism, confirmation or any wait period of instruction to deal with. You can add some tradition if you like but catholics actually change the requirements for becoming a follower of Christ.

@vceptx - 02.01.2024 21:55

Here is the doctrine of sola scriptura.

Sola scriptura is in the Bible and the teaching is very plain and clear that even a 2nd grader can understand:

Isaiah 8:20
20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

So therefore if you believe it's (Sola Scriptura) not in the Bible then you do not follow the Jesus of the Bible. There is only one truth, one way and one life and that is Jesus.

Mark 7:7
7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

John 5:39
39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

Jesus is the word of God made flesh. He is the way, the truth, the life.

John 1:1-11, John 14:6

@vceptx - 02.01.2024 21:48

Here is the doctrine of sola scriptura.

Sola scriptura is in the Bible and the teaching is very plain and clear that even a 2nd grader can understand:

Isaiah 8:20
20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

So therefore if you believe it's (Sola Scriptura) not in the Bible then you do not follow the Jesus of the Bible. There is only one truth, one way and one life and that is Jesus.

Mark 7:7
7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

John 5:39
39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

Jesus is the word of God made flesh. He is the way, the truth, the life.

John 1:1-11, John 14:6

@warden41 - 28.12.2023 05:01

Does the Bible not say for no other texts or to remove? Where does the Catechism fit here?

@Kewinowicz - 22.12.2023 16:13

A weak try to play down the bible and reduzing it to Equality to mere human tradition and philosophy

If The Bible truly is God's word, then the catholic should treat it as so and test all dogmas and teachings through the lens of the Bible

@SarahD-uy5pf - 19.12.2023 11:45

Not using tradition and the magisterium is why Protestants have a million different interpretations and denominations

@tprice1735 - 15.12.2023 19:20

Amazing how many of you support such a vile faith full of child abusers.

@roguescholar6370 - 15.12.2023 15:22

I had never new about this concept of tradition and the magisterium, and I went to Catholic school for twelve years. Thank you father Mike and Ascension Presents. My question, something that probably can't be explained briefly is why did the Church, magisterium, change the mass most recently? The whole idea of separating the possibility of physical miracles away from those of the soul is on the face of it seemingly most egregious.

@MacheteMambi - 15.12.2023 10:38

We must return to Traditional Mass. Novus order has collapsed the Church. Thru its irreverence at times and lack of Tradition it has resulted in the lack of faith for the flock

@davidlingaard860 - 09.12.2023 18:00

There has to be some reason why God allowed the Catholics to survive from the start up to this moment. They were the first God believers to enter the new world, not muslims not hindu not Buda.

@davidlingaard860 - 09.12.2023 17:50

Even though the word trinity is not in the bible , the words These three are one is in the bible. Verry simple to understand. All preachers in the world do not pray using the word Trinity , they allways say prayers starting with heavenly father or dear God. God is not angry at human applying the word Trinity to GOD.

@user-wx9tw9sq1f - 07.12.2023 03:05

Bible warns about the traditions of men as well as Baal worship, pedophilia is also wrong , do a talk on that?

@freakylocz14 - 02.12.2023 00:43

Where can Sacred Tradition be found?

@KaufmanNews - 29.11.2023 18:41

Are you vegan?

@karenbarth-vt7of - 26.11.2023 00:03

Where is that in the Bible? The Bible was written 2000 years ago, maybe it's time to review the thing and not take it by the letter. Sometimes I understand why christians ended up shipped to the New World

@reidirect - 22.11.2023 00:59

After listening to this. It reminds me specifically my study on Mormonism. And what they teach as well. It’s a short video I get it, but Mike skipped over serious 🧐 issues. Especially making the jump to Catholic Church is the first church. What…how can Catholic even to begin to make a claim like that. Early on African church’s took off so did Asian and Paul even made it to parts of Europe. Christians in Europe call them selves Baptist one day. That group also well before Roman Catholic. It’s easy to make claims and setup examples that don’t compare in anyway. Mike used trinity as example not talked about in the Bible in relation to sola scriptoria. Trinity has been obvious even before Jesus arrived. People have taken the gospel in relation to Trinity made their own interpretation much like Catholic has done ✅ on many issues. By church leaders proclaiming president by divine revelation. This is why we have Mormons and so many other cults. The gospel message is very clear and simple it’s Jesus and all He represents. Actually Jesus made it very simple so that even child can understand.

@imSinful2008 - 17.11.2023 16:01

Without the preserved Teachings of the apostle's we wouldn't have the New testament

@Bruce2518 - 15.11.2023 02:55


@Angela19720 - 14.11.2023 19:10

So many bibles out there today. What is the difference between Joel Osteen “Hope Bible” and our Catholic Christian Community Bible? I was gifted one last week but find something is not right with it! Could anyone help me on this? Is it ok to read it etc

@barendse1 - 13.11.2023 20:18

"We don't believe anything that doesn't come from scritpure"...no that is not what Sola Scriptura means. Sola Scriptura means that scripture has the highest authority. Scripture has authority over tradition or any man. This is a straw man argument because it's not what Sola Scriptura means.

@barendse1 - 13.11.2023 20:16

The Bible has authority. Yes. Did the Catholic Church give it authority. No. So to claim that Catholicism gave us the authority of the Bible is false. The Bible or scripture has self evident authority. It is God's word and we don't need and didn't need the claim that Catholicism gave us this.

@Bill-xx2yh - 10.11.2023 02:41

The pope said that Jesus IS a failure and sings to SATAN in the Vatican. There is great evil in the Vatican beyond the TREASURES and wealth. There is a "seat" above the "popes" for Lucifer when he is freed for a thousand years.

@rschiwal - 08.11.2023 17:22

My answer is simple. The Catholic Church was not formed out of the Bible. The Bible was compiled and written by the Catholic Church.

@dave1370 - 07.11.2023 02:23

No, Martin Luther didn't get rid of those books in the 1500s. St John chrysostom, Saint Cyril of jerusalem, and even Jerome didn't consider those books to be canonical.

@kirstenviers7928 - 03.11.2023 06:39

I'm happy to be fed these short sermons through my home feed, I learn things that I've had questions about as I live in a community with the Catholic Church. As I've said before, I stopped corresponding with Bishop Barron for reasons of disapproval in the Catholic Church perverting scripture to approve the LGBTQ, albeit on a narrow road; we all have a narrow road to heaven and I can assure you the LGBTQ will be kicked off my high wire. Anyway, there is much we could discuss; trying to maintain my promise to Bishop Barron to let the Catholic Church go about its business in faith believing through hard work and repitition that the world will be eradicated of the LGBTQ by putting more heat on the wound instead of ice, I do continue to listen to both of you and more because I love my Jewish brothers and sisters.

I see their hate and to a certain degree understand it and have no problems avoiding those who do not wish to discuss common ground, it is their family history we are debating and refurbishing to our speculations. Jesus is the Master, and by my knowledge of the Bible, he's given me permission to be equally as stubborn but I had better be righteous about it or else I'll have some wounds to lick. So, I have this question for you: "Why did the Catholic church decide to set up church to be a reflection of the Jewish synagogue when Jesus was quite simple in his teachings and profound in doing so?" To be sure you understand me:

1) You build grand churches, like Solomon did, and yet God through his profits spit on them saying "I don't need the temple, you do."
2) You say priests are there to help people repent and seek forgiveness when Jesus said he did away with the need for priests, build a a relationship with God through me and take out the middle man. Here is where I see a very deep divide between the Catholic Church and my Jewish brothers and sisters in that the Jews' priests were married men, with children and the Catholic Church is not leading the same Christ; and from what my eyes have had to see all my life it could be the culprit in the rampant spread of LGBTQ because you foresake your woman for? Idol worship of a woman? To initiate a conversation of spiritual marriage between a man and woman thereby foresaking the tents God gave us to fine tune our souls? (This last question returns to their age old battle over slave labor when the Northern tribes seceded from the 2 southern of Judah. Northern became idol worshipers who foresaked the blood and fell to Babylon first, dragging their Judean brothers and sisters behind them in the wake of their perversions of truth, facts.) Truthfully, I am not trusting of why you would foresake a woman when it is apparent to me how nice it is for you and others to form a union with one; you are a good looking man, I'm sure your mother would have liked grandchildren. 🙂I felt the same with Bishop Barron, as if a ponzi scheme to be a fill in for when their husbands fall short of Jesus.
3) Rules, where Jesus took 613 laws and boiled them down to one, both you and my stubborn Jewish brothers and sisters didn't stop there, you added more and our own U.S. supreme court website said the human brain cannot retain, let alone obey, too many laws. James 2:10 is helpful here for those who really strive to be diligent in their law abiding, and as for me I'm a rebel through and through and thank God for Jesus!

@freakylocz14 - 29.10.2023 00:46

Who else here besides me holds to a Prima Scriptura position regarding the Deposit of Faith?

@josephcade3541 - 30.09.2023 02:12

You're using a false Bible it's not the Catholic Vulgate Bible !!! The Vatican 2 church changed the Bibles they rewrote the Bible to fit their agenda their heresys.

In the directory for the application of principles and Norms on ecumenicalism by John Paul the 2 at marker 183,184,185 the Catholic Church declares a revision of the Bible to the point where every other denomination can agree with the newly-revised Bible.

That's a desecration of scripture it's a rejection of the Catholic Bible and that by itself excommunicate you from the church and even the church itself. It is impossible to talk to you about scripture when you reference a fake Bible

@josephcade3541 - 30.09.2023 01:44

You ask where is that in the Bible ? A stupid question. Since today's fake Catholic Church has decreed in the Vatican two documents that the Catholic Bible is to be revised to where all denominations agree with it that was fifteen years ago !!! It was the Catholic Church who revised the Catholic Bible as in changing its wording it's sentence structure and eliminating what could be found in the Vulgate Bible the Catholic Bible.

It is you who supports this church that desecrated the Catholic Bible so you say where does it say that in the Bible that question is irrelevant what Bible who's Bible the Bible that the Catholic Church altered revised redact censored

@calmdowngurl - 26.09.2023 20:53

Very informative

@Mandatory-Idiocracy - 23.09.2023 06:33

Matthew 15:3 He answered and said to them, “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? 4For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’ 5But you say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God”— 6then he need not honor his father or mother.’ Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition. 7Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:

8‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
9And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”

@Mandatory-Idiocracy - 23.09.2023 06:31

1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" NOT MARY but Jesus

@bunnybear-co1wn - 22.09.2023 21:14

Yeshua told this to the Pharisees: "why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?"

@user-eb9hd8fg9b - 13.09.2023 01:33

"sola scriptura" because the roman catholic church doesn't have faith in God to deliver us His word to us

@user-eb9hd8fg9b - 13.09.2023 01:31

the problem is that the roman catholic church has added "traditions" which were not part of the 1st century Christian church. it has made up many heresies and blasphemies as part of their "tradition", which can't be added, because the bible clearly says nothing can be added to it or subtracted from it. the magesterium of the catholic church means nothing.

@meganwilliams8494 - 09.09.2023 19:01

Im starting confirmation classes soon! I just became Catholic last year after going to Catholic school last year! (I am 14)

@DeePsix501 - 09.09.2023 03:36

I didn't know John Cena was a catholic priest

@user-ug2hk3go6i - 08.09.2023 22:28

Isn't the photograh behind you, on the right, a graven image?

@tammicortez4733 - 05.09.2023 22:45

Man is corrupt and easily deceived. Catholicism is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Catholics are indoctrinated. When tradition doesn’t align with scripture one should naturally question the teachings or traditions but Catholics are blinded because they are indoctrinated.

@tammicortez4733 - 05.09.2023 22:41

When tradition contradicts the word of God then it becomes problematic.

@alexhay7446 - 28.08.2023 03:48

This is tough. I'm an evangelical protestant but I honestly cant refute any of what you just said. I have a lot of reflecting to do. Thank you for such a well informed video, father. May the lord help me arrive at the right church.

@mikhailyaremkiv - 22.08.2023 20:56

Gods Word is not the only word, come let me tell you what else God said. Cant believe people actually fall for this nonsense.

@carolinerobinette - 20.08.2023 23:36

Thank you for making this video!!!

@kiwihans100 - 18.08.2023 18:49

Sadly the 'church fathers' that were the greatest influence in the formulation of the major creeds of both the catholic & protestant churches leaned heavily on GREEK PHILOSOPHY rather than the New testament. Three points prove this;
1. LOGOS. the Word. In the bible, God's Son, His spokesperson. In greek philosophy a principle of divine reason.
2. PHSYKE. Soul. In the bible A breathing being including their body & spirit of life. In greek philosophy. Mind, spirit,
3. HADES. The grave. in the bible. The grave of mankind. In greek philosophy. The underworld ruled by the god hades.
Conclusion; We see how greek philosophy shaped & changed biblical Christian teachings. Pauled warned us Col 2;8.

@KattyMeowstic - 16.08.2023 02:46

history and scholars claim otherwise about the purgatory though... I've always seen a lack of common sense in catholic theology

@LucasDanielSantoro - 14.08.2023 16:03

A question I like to ask hesitators is "If Jesus came down and told you to do X, would you do it?" That is usually answered with yes. Then I just quote that we are the Body of Jesus and as long as we are in communion each other and Jesus, we ARE Jesus. So you better listen to that community of yours. Also, this is probably how the Gospels were written, since it was not written by Jesus alone and yes Jesus plus people
