Many years ago when I was becoming a standout economics student, teacher's assistant for economics, and economics tutor, I realized just how flawed economic theory is.
I understand how I may come off arrogant stating that, but please read on. That was my personal experience.
The premise behind nearly all economic theory -- right or left-leaning -- is that demand drives the economy. The notion of the "informed, reasonable consumer" and all that shell game ideology. I realized back then that most markets were in effect monopolies, or oligopolies. Economy is primarily driven by the supply side of the market.
These suppliers (read: monopolies) have tools such as marketing and propaganda which turn the "informed, reasonable consumer" into a mindless consumerist.
I know that sounds extreme, but just look at last year. Things were far from perfect during the lock downs, but we learned to live with much less consumerism. We were forced to.
I believe that's the reason people started quitting their jobs and taking on other rolls in society, such as bringing up their kids, and becoming more active in volunteer causes. I believe people are beginning to wake up from this ideal that "success" is being able to spend money on our "wants" and not our needs. People in general are staring to live decently with less money.
I also believe that many of the supply chain issues have ideological underpinnings. They are political in nature. Take OPEC, for instance. They absolutely have a preference. They prefer any republican touting the benefits of oil in today's economy, so they openly sabotage a democratic president by controlling the supply chain. What they don't realize is that Obama had more to do with OPEC's current power than any republican president in the modern political epoch.
Every one of these events is driven by the whims of the powerful, and the need to influence our votes. Don't discount that for one second.
I understand your arguments for why we should be producing more goods within the United States to aid with the inflation woes. But don’t we also have to source raw materials within our borders in order to do this? With all of the attention on slowing climate change, how do we address raw material sourcing within our borders, while simultaneously encouraging limits on greenhouse gas and other pollutants?
ОтветитьSince we left the gold standard and issued fiat currency and banks issued more fractional lending, the monetary system has been inflationary. The Government and the Federal Reserve try to control this inflation with taxes and interest rates. How's that working? Just add a ZERO to the price of anything from 1965 to find out.
ОтветитьLiberals: We spent trillions on unnecessary wars!
Liberals: You should've used that money to pay for my College Tuition!
Inflation: Another one bites the dust.
Turn your microphones up.
ОтветитьClass B cdl makes more money then class A cdl. And I go home every night. How is that a fucking thing? I am happy for my luck, but class A cdl should be more respected. Or maybe that is a sign of the times we are in.
ОтветитьWhy is there no promotion on 'Krystal Kyle & Friends' for Secular talk but there is for 'Breaking Points'?
Ответить'The era of easy money is here' - Jerome Powell. The central bank's around the world buy bonds for 18 straight months increasing the money supply in countries all over the world and here has nothing to do with it. The stock market has been inflated since march 2020 and no one wants the party to end
ОтветитьI've been holding back for a long time now in making any comments, and maybe I've missed something, but is Kyle and Krystal dating each other?
ОтветитьThey always lie and it works most of the time.
ОтветитьThought experiment: double the money supply, what happens to prices?
10x the money supply?
At some point the money supply matters. Chances are what we are seeing is a cimbination of increase un money supply and supply chain problems.
Krystal, I love in NOVA, where you live, what on earth are you talking about outside of gas prices? Love you!
Ответить"Paying people enough to live off of contributes to inflation"
No, Covid, 5 trillion to the stock market, 6 endless wars, and constant bailouts for failing corporations saw to that.
The Corporatists already got what they wanted a gutted shitty hyper compromised bill and weak fake resistance.
not voting supporting the bill at this point is the least you can do.
economics is pseudo science...
ОтветитьBreaking points has become straight up insufferable right wing talking points. Krystal is looking more and more like a grifter, Kyle should consider cutting relations with her.
ОтветитьWhy does the US have 6.2% inflation when inflation is
Saudi Arabia .8%
Switzerland 1.2%
France 2.6%
Australia 3%
Italy 3%
UK 3.1%
No kyle inflation isnt tied only to supply. Its the combination and relation of the money supply and supply of goods and services. I dont see how you could arbitrarily increase the money supply without devaluing it even if the supply of goods stayed the same.
ОтветитьIt's true there are supply chain issues and it's increasing prices, but the main reason is that the fed printed an absurd amount of USD over the past few years.
ОтветитьThey know or can find out, as you did, the truth of what you're saying. THEY DON'T CARE! Destroying the Democrats in the polls and elections is what matters and all that matters to them. Someone, needs to get to Bernie Sanders who needs to get to Biden and explain to him that his legacy is going to go down as a worse than Trump's for weakness and the democrats stand to not only both house and senate but in the white House in 2024 as well. Kyle has proposed a way to show that Biden is as great a leader as FDR. Kyle has suggested that the Dems pass whatever they can get through both houses. But when the bill reaches Biden's desk the top documents in the pile to be signed should be executive actions implementing many, if not all, items removed during negotiations which Biden will sign first. He will have outfoxed the fox in the hen house. If he doesn't do that then he will bring down the Democratic Party and bring on a fascist regime that would not hesitate to destroy America, perhaps forever.
ОтветитьComment for the algorithm.
Ответитьi bet they pass the defense budget at a trillion a year. pres. manchun will have no problem with that
ОтветитьKyle, you lost all credibility since you started working with Krystal "Sagaar did nothing wrong" Ball. Stop pandering to right-wingers you fucking grifter.
Ответитьthe valley girl explaining inflation, is like a Playboy bunny explaining sexual exploitation a train wreck.
ОтветитьI can't believe you just tried to say inflation has nothing to do with an increase of the money supply. That is BASIC economics, bro. Just admit that pumping money into the economy is not a good solution. For anything.
ОтветитьLol. The official media narrative is to place the onus on supply chain issues entirely. The fact that you think the opposite is true is beyond hysterical
Ответитьpretty sure it's Kyle's terrible fade that's causing inflation
Ответитьyo, what's up with Kyle's haircut? The barber done did him wrong...
ОтветитьEldercare would help my grandpa who served in WW2 and worked for the Coast Guard and because he was exposed to asbestos at the Coast Guard and now it is affecting his health. My grandfather was a healthy 96 year old. His side lives very long. He had an aunt who lived to 112. He's been fully retired for about 5 years.
ОтветитьThe wealthy/ Corporations get government hand outs yet working class people are expected to work for crumbs or they are called lazy anti American socialist or communist bums. How dare people want a living wage.
ОтветитьEveryday I move farther left
ОтветитьElectric cars also destroy the environment through resource mining, manufacturing processes and ultimately going to the landfill in mass droves. The pollution they cause is simply unnecessary as is the amount of urban space squandered on parking and other paved over autocentric wastes. They also perpetuate urban sprawl, the food deserts that come from that invariably, along with cities that are not navigable as a pedestrian or bicyclist and are, in fact, inhospitable to humanity. They add to traffic congestion. Commodification of societal needs and normalization of trying to substitute rampant consumerism where we need standardized, regulated and uniform public utilities doesn’t work.
Putting the financial burden of transportation inefficiently and directly on the individual citizen is simply not wise or fair and hasn’t been the norm for even 80 years. We need to invest in commuter rail that’s properly implemented as it typically is overseas. A commuter rail system is an engineering marvel while buses are just buses. The most reliable predictor of a neighborhood being impoverished is if it has no commuter rail connection. The American people are apathetic through decades of disenfranchisement and a lot of that marginalization (eg Robert Moses’s racist urban renewal) is through divestment of public infrastructure, utilities and programs to help the American people. We’re past the point of car dominated transportation being anything better than a tragic hindrance or an outright travesty. Public works materially improving life for the taxpaying citizenry will bolster civic pride.
Transcontinental High Speed Rail should integrate seamlessly with commuter rail networks so it can evenly function as one cohesive system and this will convert flyover country back into a thriving heartland by functioning as an artery of commute and commerce which will reduce clustering on the coasts. Similarly, wholly integrated circuits of commuter rail blended with interurban routes, light rail lines, street car grids, subways, and even trolleys along with ferries functioning together as a comprehensive series of interwoven systems would prevent people from having to live on top of each other in city centers in order to have quick access to urban cores and downtown areas so this would stimulate our local economies and prevent gentrification from demolishing cherished heirlooms of our historicity, destroying our classic neighborhoods, shredding the fabric of our communities and toppling our civic landmarks and architectural heirlooms along with other social capital such as venerable culture generating venues.
Numerous studies show that built environments of homogenously bleak and bland duplitecture dreck that profiteering developers push on us for their privatized gains to our public loss for the riches of themselves and corporate slumlords not only cause homelessness from being financially inaccessible to most Americans, but also cause depression from creating such a devastatingly sterile, cold, unloving urban habitat that’s too congested and overcrowded to work properly as a correctly engineered built environment. Our roadways are overcrowded and no amount of widening them and adding lanes will do anything to help it because it just leads to induced demand that inevitably grinds to a halt at snags and bottlenecks down the road. Shouldn’t American cities be thriving centers of culture and character rather than austere and chintzy morasses of mediocrity?
I believe that we can design the cities of our nation to reflect a future that embraces humanity and that we also must for America to have any sort of a bright future ahead of it. Right now we are mired in the destruction of our cities from the inward attacking neocolonial oppressors who weaponize their clout of wealth against the nation for their own off-shore un-American gains of privileged, parasitic, private profits. This greed fueled anti-social exploitation is present day feudalism driving us into another gilded age. Tons of new petrochemical building “luxury living” housing units remain empty serving only as financial assets in investment portfolios of hedge fund and permanent capital firm cretins sheltering dubiously acquired wealth instead of as direly needed shelter for humans. We deserve a landscape we can be proud of and country should come first before corporate looting and exploitation. Legacies are important and live on forever.
With space opened up in our cities we could rebuild beloved structures gone from economic and environmental disaster utilizing new technologies such as hempcrete and 3-D printing. We could create vertical agriculture etc. on spots currently now just serving as paved over squares and nothing more. We can extend democracy into offering the taxpayer residents democratic say in what their city consists of, how it looks and how it operates promoting civic engagement and participation.
the printing of all that extra money might also be part of it
ОтветитьJust like how all the economists in 2008 said the crisis was contained to Just the sub prime Market 🙄 more money in the system chasing fewer goods it is the stimulus and low interest rates
Ответитьas Prof Wolff said recently ...
Inflation is when the price is raised.. BY THE OWNER!
YOU have no choice on the price of the good you buy except not buying it... try to not buy gas
MOST inflation is OWNER raising price when they think they CAN and you won't revolt if they can blame something else, like supply chain, OPEC etc..
See how the price raise easily when OPEC decide to limit the flow ... then it take longer to drop down if the flow is good...
Because the PRICE of goods is NOT based on the cost of production (in some high competition it does) but usually the price is set to HOW MUCH people are willing to pay for it.
Specialist are hired to evaluate a market and set a price to capture the most market at the highest price possible estimating how many customer would opt not to buy instead, when you have a monopoly it's easier, see the price of pharma drug with exclusive patent, like the Epipen or insulin...
Thats quite possibly the worst haircut ive seen
ОтветитьSo, has the scholarly economics profession, as a whole, ditched the excessive money supply as the root cause of inflation model? I'm doubtful, but I'd like to hear it addressed by some university teaching-economists (not the political economic shills or the armchair economist talking heads). I realize there were various schools with the profession in the past, but are there still many, or any, who still support the money supply view?
ОтветитьI don't think there are two people in the media with whom I agree more than the two of you on most everything. Thank you, Krystal and Kyle.
ОтветитьThanks Krystal for the Truckers story/dilemma... Because of pay for miles going down the road means a drivers time means nothing and is continually wasted because it does not cost the company anything.... The industry wants robots!!!!!
ОтветитьBorrowing a meme from facebook...
"Due to financial reasons... I will be passing away"
Aww Minnie Mouse and Cartman discussing bubblegum price hikes.
ОтветитьKrystal just brought the house down on Real Time! You represented the left. Great job!
ОтветитьNationalizing the railroads and ports would not solve all the problems but would make the supply chain more efficient.
ОтветитьSupply chains are fine now and prices keep going up which means this entire video is absolute bullshit. Kyle is so lazy he doesnt want to study basic economics.