No.1 Harvard Doctor: The Shocking Link Between Your Diet ADHD & Autism!

No.1 Harvard Doctor: The Shocking Link Between Your Diet ADHD & Autism!

The Diary Of A CEO

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@TheDiaryOfACEO - 25.01.2024 11:07

This episode changed my opinion on mental health and mental health disorders. Bringing a new idea to why we’re in an epidemic that I’ve never hear before.

If you enjoyed this episode please do us a favour and give it a like 👍🏾helps us massively and determine what you guys want in future episodes

@jayapande00 - 31.01.2024 02:24


@eglebutkutyte9410 - 31.01.2024 01:55

As a close relative of someone fighting a bipolar disorder for many years with little success, I am watching this episode with tears in my eyes. We need more episodes like that with Chris Palmer and other guests as briliant as him. Mental health of our society's been declining, thus the topic itself deserves a close look in order to understand why we are becoming mentally ill. 
What are we eating? What kindof jobs do we do all day so that we feel so tired and drained? Do those jobs give us enough meaning? How do our relationships look these days? Are we able to make and cherish our friendships and family relationships? What do we do in our free time? Does that give us enough meaning... And then it comes to social media, it's another extremely broad topic which relation to the society's declining mental health should be explored again and again.
I can't thank you enough @TheDiaryofACEO for this podcast.

@katiez688 - 31.01.2024 01:52

Bill Maher once said “its the food people, its the food!” You can’t replace an animals natural diet with ultra processes foods and expect nothing to go haywire.

@lynandrews4160 - 31.01.2024 00:01

I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast. An excellent conversation by two thoughtful and considerate men. I think it made a lot of sense. Lyn

@4thHouseSun - 30.01.2024 23:16

Dude, you ask the best questions! Great interview, and GREAT guest.

@krishi.0 - 30.01.2024 22:26

You know one of cause of autism may be chemical farming and eating hormonal chemical food . Our food industry is hijacked by greedy evil businessmen .

@victoriaw5659 - 30.01.2024 22:10

Beautiful interview in the most important ways, thank you 🙏

@chelseaderry2440 - 30.01.2024 21:44


@aichampionofficial - 30.01.2024 20:54

Subscribed! Hope more do.

@JayCottz - 30.01.2024 20:37

Great interview! Saw him the other day on Mel Robbins podcast so was great to see another discussion with him.

@ellingeidbo8469 - 30.01.2024 20:05

Right. Autism isn't a genetic condition or anything. It's caused by disobedience to fad diets.

@onyenmehieihenagarankeoma2070 - 30.01.2024 18:46

We are eating in a way and manner that is triggering floods of Insulin.
Insulin is very pro inflammatory.
A ketogenic way of eating is an anti- insulin way of eating, and consequently reduces inflammation.

@milindbhai1 - 30.01.2024 18:29

I have subscribed, hit the bell icon and regularly watch your channel

@annettesallee2209 - 30.01.2024 17:53

amazing video, I could listen to this guest speak all day!

@bhvnraju8493 - 30.01.2024 17:26

Fascinating and thought provoking episode, Thanks to both of you for sharing and making us to understand 🙏🙏

@sarahbreisch4750 - 30.01.2024 16:56

I was waiting for him to mention mitochondria. I could feel it coming. Not because i understand cell biology so well, but because i read A Wind in the Door.

@janwallace5005 - 30.01.2024 16:50

For a start what is wrong with being autistic? These people are not broken, they may be in the minority right now but in 10 years they will be the majority. Yes they are different to previous generations but these kids are the new generation and the new human beings, as with all new upgrades there are some kinks in the system but nothing that can't sorted out if the entire system changes to meet their needs and it will have to. I have 2 children on the asperges scale my son has always had digestive problems at 33 he finally got help and treatment for it by earning enough money to go private, my daughter spent 5 years living on cheese, ham and jam sandwiches but eventually grew out of it. Neither they nor their father and I are obese or diabetic, they are well adjusted adults and to be honest I'm immensely proud of how they've navigated a fairly hostile world to become the wonderful human beings that they and their contemporaries are. Within 50 years Autism will be the new normal and there will be some kids more sensitive than others that's all, a new more compassionate human being.... What's not to love?

@tinatomlin6806 - 30.01.2024 16:09

They were ignoring mental health 30 years ago, I was 13, coming to school drunk, didn’t write more than one sentence for 2 years, hid in toilets all day for months, acting up in class, throwing chairs, threatening teachers. My mother was not called in once! I was left to sit at the back of the class reading because that’s all that would quiet me. Not ONE teacher asked me ‘what’s wrong?’. I had cuts up my arms that I would allow to bleed hoping someone would ask ‘what’s that?’. And this was in a good school (now a top South London state school).
They WERE ignoring the kids!!!! I left school and got pregnant 🤷‍♀️

@SajberVanderlast - 30.01.2024 14:34

Has anyone told this psych to stop whining when talking to a large audience? The irritating tone is VERY OFF-PUTTING even when his message is great.

@terryjackson8773 - 30.01.2024 14:32

Absolute b*llshit! Where's your proof? Correlation does not imply causation. Sure... you have SO many people in the US who are obese but who are you, without a shred of evidence, to say that that or diabetes or a combination of both is a cause of autism? Autism has NOT 'gone through the roof', it's just that autism under the entire umbrella of the spectrum is now far more recognised than it was previously. Kids are not put into insane asylums anymore because they are non-verbal. or are difficult kids or have weird mannerisms. They are just autistic. The cause has not yet been found but is more likely to be contributed by a possible combination of developmental, genetic and environmental factors, especially genetic. No one knows so stop trying to put an unproven cause on why.

@Drantico - 30.01.2024 13:14

The whole problem is the "enough"recover from mental health. This bar is different for each person. How can psychiatrists set such a metric for the whole population? Society as a whole has different possibilities for each and each person has their own limit... A lot of people are so much attracted to the standard of living, being happy etc that are rubbed on their faces on media... And that's sad.

@a.b.2694 - 30.01.2024 13:11

Everything’s except the vaccines.. yeah right e😂

@joselugo8267 - 30.01.2024 12:17

May God Bless both of you sirs. I see the hurt and conviction in your eyes. Thank you for what you do. May you accomplish your mission. GOD SPEED.

@valerieoshaughnessy8375 - 30.01.2024 11:14


@Magnulus76 - 30.01.2024 10:37

The keto diet actually gave me pretty bad depression after about a month or so when I tried it about eight years ago.

Now I just eat a whole food, plant-based diet. The weight loss is alot more sustainable.

The main thing people should do is avoid junk food and ultra-processed foods.

@pnrpnr6708 - 30.01.2024 09:30

I believe in ketojenic diet. I myself keep trying it for years but i didnt believe this guy is real. He doesnt have enough belkef or experience or evidence or interest between keto and menthal helath or something else. Something is not real. About keto he could give only 1 example. He must be taking care of hundreds of people with menthal health problems. He should have said many of his patients recover with keto. So physciatrist is physciatrist again. I think none of them are interested in metobolism ever now.

@sammartin590 - 30.01.2024 09:14

The comments at the end of this interview on Autism are a load of nonsense. Firstly, Autism is not a mental health issue, so please don’t group it in with mental illness. Secondly not all Autistics would even consider it a disorder. A difference in operating and processing does not make you disordered - it makes you different to the majority of society and you may suffer purely for that reason.
Finally as to the obesity / autism comment correlation is NOT causation, please get the basics right! Why is autism diagnosis sky rocketing? Maybe because we finally know what we are looking for. Generations of autistic people have lived and died without ever knowing they were autistic (predominantly females and high masking presentations). These people lived their whole lives not understanding why they didn’t fit in, why the people around them didn’t understand them. Finally we are finding these people. Of which I am one. THAT’s why numbers are up. I’m sure metabolic health accounts for a lot. But not for second do I believe metabolic health contributes to Autism. ASD and ADHD offers a lot of positive features such attention to detail, ability to specialise to a high degree, above average logic and reasoning to name a few.
People need to stop freaking out about the ‘increase in Autism’ and actually start talking to Autistic people so we can all live in a world built for us. The epidemic in mental health issues is being accelerated by neurodivergent people continually having to conform to increasingly rigid and stressful ‘norms’ and expectations of society. There is no pill for that and no diet either.

@nadiakerris1863 - 30.01.2024 09:11

Je dirais que ce monsieur avec son histoire d autisme essaie de noyer le poisson 🐟.
À l adolescence j'ai compris que les fast food étaient mauvais pour la santé.
Ça fait des décennies que je mange bio et non bio.
Des fruits et légumes.
De l'huile d olive et d autres huiles ,du beurre sur mes tartines et je pèse 51 kilos.
Pas de régime et de chichis.
Je suis du genre solitaire et pas un modèle de sociabilité.
Mais je sais faire la différence entre nourriture saine et non saine.
Les grandes entreprises de fast food et la paresse de cuisiner créent un vrai problème de santé à l'échelle mondiale.
Je ne suis pas plus intelligente qu une autre personne.

@siobhangreen5912 - 30.01.2024 06:11

10 minutes in and wow. This guy is fantastic. Thank you

@beastmodecardplayer5343 - 30.01.2024 01:56

This guy just looks sad period

@nerminacamovic1600 - 30.01.2024 01:25

Thank you for this amazing knowledge that you are sharing with us. ❤❤

@strictnonconformist7369 - 30.01.2024 00:36

I tend to believe it’s backwards science for the mothers, fathers of autistics: it’s not that they’re obese or diabetic itself, it’s that because of them being autistic with eating issues that a higher percentage of children are being assessed as being autistic and adhd, both known to have sensory issues and related eating issues.

That, combined with a hell of a lot more assessment/testing of both children and adults for both.

I write this as a 52 year-old AuDHD individual that was diagnosed at 31 unexpectedly as autistic, in the last year as ADHD. So many have slipped through the system due to masking, conscious or otherwise. So many stories are out there that parents get their kids assessed and realize, wait a minute, I was that way too as a kid.

@melrichards100 - 30.01.2024 00:14

In tears 6 minutes in. I feel what Chris is saying so deeply. Can’t wait to dive in.

@AgataNVDW0 - 29.01.2024 23:46

Thank you Dr !🙏🏻🙏🏻💐thank you for your extremely important work and efforts and giving strength to others ❤ wish you a lot of joy in life 💐

@s125h3 - 29.01.2024 22:17

Hypervigilence has happened to me hence im broken physically and mentally with metabolic illness

@s125h3 - 29.01.2024 22:08

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes later in life (about mid 40's) but could have been ill (unknowingly) years before that. Since this diagnosis i have been depressed, have the fight or flight syndrome a lot, which causes my blood pressure to now on insulin and not coping mentally

@monicadahlin - 29.01.2024 21:39

I read his book about 6 months ago and it was one of the best books I read last year! I wanted everybody to understand his amazing work but it seemed like no one really did yet. Now I can send them this podcast instead !! I dont know why his work means so much to me but it does. I think I have always known it has been this way in my heart. And finally someone proved it! And what a man!!

@MrAntonLucas - 29.01.2024 21:30

Sanitariums, what happened to them? There used to be so many sanitariums worldwide. Until the Pentagon, the largest building in the country was a sanitarium. Back when the population was a mere fraction of what it is today, these sanitariums were often filled to capacity. It is not true that more people are mentally ill than ever. Psychology and psychiatry are pseudo sciences about as practical as alchemy or string theory.

@TheMJT515 - 29.01.2024 20:53

God bless Chris Palmer!

@suzanneoakly439 - 29.01.2024 20:48

This is really useful

@paulwilson4594 - 29.01.2024 20:10

You got me, subscribed

@suzanneoakly439 - 29.01.2024 19:40

Maybe the world we live in needs to change

@suzanneoakly439 - 29.01.2024 19:34

Good guy

@rachelvallone8896 - 29.01.2024 19:06

Government who would kill people who are mentally ill or communist governments they pray on the week and the sick and the elderly. It’s so despicable on so many levels.

@MASSIMOcoffee - 29.01.2024 18:50

Thank you for this episode🙏🏼 I wish every single person on this planet watch this episode

@Gemmalu - 29.01.2024 18:42

Going carnivore completely changed my mental health. I never remembered a time in my life I wasn’t depressed until I went no/low carb. I am a completely different person now and so happy and hopeful. It saved my life.

@buggerfiggie8780 - 29.01.2024 18:26

Thank goodness for 🇨🇦 Canada. There are people who rather not suffer horrible homelessness, abuse, pain and suffering. QUALITY of LIFE NOT QUANTITY. This doctor is living in a fantasy world, where people have good food, clean air and a supportive family. Corporations feed us garbage for profit, medical care is profit based. Good luck.
