How to test fishing rods CORRECTLY! Megabass Destroyer FMJ vs Perfect Pitch

How to test fishing rods CORRECTLY! Megabass Destroyer FMJ vs Perfect Pitch


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@BudjetBassin - 31.12.2019 23:41

Great information bro!Keep these videos coming in 2020!

@deangruwell6555 - 01.01.2020 02:09

You own the M.B javelin ?
Penny for your opinion please

P.s .. I’ll stop floor testing now - ha 😉

@nawinchester - 01.01.2020 03:50

Great video. Very interesting and informative.

@russhaight3225 - 01.01.2020 05:09

What have you been throwing on the conquest 842S?

@clemsondds - 01.01.2020 05:45

posted this on your last video but thought I would post here to see if I can get your thoughts: Nice setup! Couple questions. You said you like Daiwa over the stradic...mind if I ask why? I currently have the Ci4+ and am looking to add another reel. Was looking to get another Ci4+ but open to other ideas. I am getting the 7' expride as my main ned rig, and then my other spinning rig will be on a st croix premier 7M. Second question: What happened to your GLX 852? How did it compare to the expride and how do you think they all will compare to the whipsnake? I'm trying to decide between the expride, whipsnake and the 852. This will be for a ned rig, shakyhead, senko rig

@greyhunter9287 - 01.01.2020 23:10

I never really understood the floor test but I've watched so many other folks do it I just assumed I was missing something. This makes soooo much more sense. Thanks!

@jimbo0411 - 28.02.2020 05:39

If a rod has a more weight or heavier butt section compared to another rod, won't that affect how low it will bend also regardless of how stiff?

@bobsteve3366 - 17.04.2020 11:38

Do l have to take grip weight into consideration while doing the test as you did?

@PROutdoors94 - 24.04.2020 19:14

Do you think the Perfect Pitch is too soft for frogging? Bought the Perfect Pitch based on the tag mentioning it’s a frog rod but your test shows that it looks pretty soft. Now I’m worried lol.

@johnnguyen9406 - 03.05.2020 04:45

What are the Similarities and differences between the valdivia vs perfect pitch ?

@stanbanas8891 - 08.05.2020 18:18

Quick question is the megabass damoes similar to the shimano x pride 7'2 mh ? Using it for smaller jigs up to 3/8 Texas rigs which would you prefer

@ronniejacobsen3000 - 26.07.2020 21:14

I like this method in the same brand/line/length of rods, but sorta becomes irrelevant on different brands with different handles as the handles may be heavier/lighter which would not provide accurate results on comparing actions since this method is using the weight of the handles to influence the bend of the rod.

@tbarto100 - 06.08.2020 17:30

Do you hhave any experience with St Croix Avid x or Mojo bass lineup spinning rods. Just want to see how stiff he tips are compared to Legend? thanks

@bittabrutha31 - 21.12.2020 10:01

Man your gonna make somebody brake a rod in the store doing that move 🤦🏾‍♂️

@ernierodriguez3034 - 14.06.2021 18:52

Have ever done a review in the diawa steez spinning

@PunchFishing - 01.01.2020 02:02

I keep saying "Action" when I mean to say POWER when referring to the 'medium' rating of the spinning rods. Sorry! Action is moderate/fast/extra fast and POWER is light/medium light/medium/medium heavy/heavy.
