STAR WARS Woke. DISNEY Broke. Sex, Race & Politics.

STAR WARS Woke. DISNEY Broke. Sex, Race & Politics.

GQ Jedi

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@SombreroBeanieHat - 09.06.2024 05:06

Disney is Completely Satire. Word for word you are saying what I feel. I’m done with this company.

@margaretwood152 - 09.06.2024 05:26

"The Acolyte will insult your intelligence, no matter how little of it you possess. The problem is the writers and Disney, not the fans."
"(The Acolyte) is too Dumb for Children -&- too BORING for Adults." 🎞👎

🤔 In all Honesty: If you understand anything about Story & Character Structure, you will find that The ACOLYTE is below basic & is indeed pedestrian story-telling. I heard a Parent's quote that said it best:

(And just wait for Ep. 3 -&- 4.....apparently it will "BREAK Star Wars." ~ Film Threat/Alan Ng )

@jameshamer481 - 09.06.2024 05:26

As a gay man I want to tell you I'm not offended in any way and actually agree with you🎉🎉

@jayschmidt9977 - 09.06.2024 05:39

Great video GQ. Agree completely it shouldn’t matter what color, ethnicity or sexuality of the character they still need to be compelling and written well. The other part that hurts these shows is the constant attacking and mocking of the fan base. Lucasfilm needs to clean house on their PR department and start treating their customers with respect.

@paularangio8133 - 09.06.2024 06:27

Attacking the fans before the show premier meant they knew The Acolyte was hot garbage. The OT is the only Star Wars for me.

@edbbasher3277 - 09.06.2024 06:33

Wow. You really hit the nail on the head for all off the issues that the fan base had with Disney's control.

Weak characters, rewriting the core of the IP, unnecessarily forcing the woke agenda, etc.

@samjimenez - 09.06.2024 06:34

💯 Agreed 👍🏼 Disney has destroyed everything! Marvel's male characters, Indiana Jones & Star Wars! Star Wars is Dead now but we have the original trilogy and great figures and new vintage figures thanks to you brother! Keep up the great work! 🙌🏼

@troypeterson2156 - 09.06.2024 06:40

They deserve to lose everything. SW deserves to be laughed at and forgotten. Everyone responsible for how its been handled and whats been done with it since disney got it, deserves nothing but condemnation, mockery and ridicule.

@DaBlacKoncept - 09.06.2024 07:12

Think of it this way "NOONE" gets to loose a corporation billions of dollars and keep their jobs, and no commercial enterprise would keep producing products they know nobody wants. They are being paid by someone else to make this trash. SO collectively people need to stop being afraid and keep calling this out.

@BanthaPooDoo64 - 09.06.2024 07:42

👍😎👍 awesome review video ,I don’t watch the newer stuff so I’m not really missing anything

@vicknairwwerocks4300 - 09.06.2024 07:49

Can Disney stop destroying my franchise. Please! Disney has destroyed it to the point of death, sell it back to George please.

@erniesatticyoutube - 09.06.2024 08:04

Hey Brother! Well said. I agree with everything you said about the shallow writing in most of the shows. I’m tired of the agenda they are pushing, I see people as people are. No colors, race or gender but when thrown in your face every second it gets tiring. Star Wars is gone, over and done and will not recover with the people that run Disney entertainment. Unfortunately for the true fan. Great episode! I’m in Cali too. 👍🏻

@stevejohnson6739 - 09.06.2024 08:16

You couldn't be more correct. 💯 SPOT ON. Agree with everything except... "maybe Dave Filoni"... That would be a 'NO!"

@jaredreese8639 - 09.06.2024 09:15

I just pretend the original trilogy is the only Star Wars...and I'm never disappointed

@shawnbrevik9759 - 09.06.2024 09:19

Out of all your fantastic videos, this might be one of your best. It’s 100 percent true what you said. Even the padawan’s were void of a white male. There’s nothing wrong with inclusion, but Disney is forcing an agenda without putting any thought into writing and character development. Star Wars is dead.

@ClosedEyeVisualisations - 09.06.2024 11:47

Your hair is awesome dude. Great video too. Awesome toy collection as well.

@Trabunkle - 09.06.2024 12:44

The Force is Lesbian! 🤟🏻😂

@frederichiebler4690 - 09.06.2024 13:11

Why don't they go and create their own lesbian/trans/diversity space show from scratch instead of ruining a legacy like this? I hate the fact that they are using a beloved franchise, that has been cherished and appreciated by generations, to push their ideologies and serve their own agenda. As you said they don't understand Lucas' vision at all, when you listen to them they're literaly saying that Star Wars is patriachal, not diverse enough etc... I was absolutely appalled when during an interview, one of the actor said "Anakin destroyed the Death Star", that says it all...

@pinoyamericausmc783 - 09.06.2024 14:39

Yes, OT Star Wars is the only true Star Wars. Every GEN X fan knows that we are the gatekeepers that guard the integrity of Star Wars lore! Disney knows EXACTLY what it’s doing to Star Wars. It was bought from Lucas with the sole intention of being weaponized as another Marxist tool to reshape American culture. That’s why whenever we push back on their failures to bring about any entertainment value they smear us as racists, homophobes and misogynists. Our criticism inevitably strikes at the heart of their mission which is not to create awesome Star Wars content, but to dismantle and destroy traditional American culture. God bless GQ Jedi and God bless America! Kenner Vintage Star Wars is true Star Wars!!

@jasonhinman6173 - 09.06.2024 14:42

Any member of the Alphabet community that hates on the truth of this video is themselves the bigot they project. I just know there is hate from those people for us that feel this way. I was fooled with the The Force Awakens until I watched it the second time and realized it's just nostalgia bait. Rogue One was decent. The Mandolorian season 1 was a return to form. Everything else has been utter garbage. Even the toys outside of the first six has been uninspired. Star Wars is dead. I'm going to buy the Cantina, and OG trilogy items if I don't already have it, but I will not give Disney any more money.

@codyvictorlucas972 - 09.06.2024 14:46

It feels bad that white dudes can't talk about this kind of stuff without having to explicitly state that we don't have a problem with inclusion or other races in media, when realistically we're the race being blatantly excluded, and somehow we're still called bigots at the end of it anyway.

@kevinhoman306 - 09.06.2024 15:24

While I respect your opinion, I just think it’s silly to say a story that’s set 100 years before TPM doesn’t feel like Star Wars. Of course it doesn’t feel like Star Wars in the age of the empire, why are going in with the expectation that we’re going to get the same feelings like the OT gave us?

@MarkyD1967 - 09.06.2024 16:39


@davidmcaninch4714 - 09.06.2024 17:18

I’ve been avoiding Disney Star Wars since 2019. I’ve even been avoiding the Originals and Prequels. I’m done with it!!!!! Star Wars is dead!!!!!!!!! And it’s all Kennedy’s fault!!!!!!!!! Disney Star Wars has now become about quantity over quality!!!! And Dave Filoni is a traitor!!!!!!!! He was the Chosen One!!!!!!!!!!! It was said he would destroy the wokeness, not join it!!!!!!!!!!! Bring balance to the franchise, not leave it in darkness!!!!!!!!!!!!

@shortnotice352 - 09.06.2024 18:37

I guess that only matters if you look at in that light. Regardless of what their agenda might be. It's either good or bad. I haven't been on board since the last jedi left me scratching my head. I enjoyed Kenobi. I could care less what race or gender is on screen, as long as it's good content.

@KoolKatDave - 09.06.2024 19:52

Amen, brother! Life long SW fan here - I saw the first one in the theater in 1977 as a 10 year old. It was life changing. Could not wait to see Empire and Jedi. Everyone I know loves Leia and Lando. We are not sexist and racist fans as Disney wants to paint us!

@randyclark6010 - 09.06.2024 19:52

The director forced the staff to watch Fight Club before filming. After the opening fight scene. In the Jedi Temple the phrase “your eyes deceives you” might be what the acolyte is. Just like the end of Fight Club or the 6th sense. The twist is that there is no twins. The witches uses the force in a way the Jedi deem blasphemy.

@thekennercollector - 09.06.2024 20:40

This is exactly why Disney+ has set on fire, $11.4 Billion dollars since its inception, yes...billions...stockholders are pissed off, Bob Iger cannot save them and they continue to make shitty shows that are for 9% of the people out there instead of the other 91%, where they would actually make money, its truly mind boggling man...great video

@Papaupa2011 - 09.06.2024 23:25

I just dont like star wars anymore. Disney just destroyed one of the best frichise of the world.

@jtatum1112 - 10.06.2024 03:10

Rogue One was worth Lucas selling it...Honestly. Also I think Solo is fun as shit

@DougAtwood - 10.06.2024 05:05

I'm not really sure you can say that George was all about inclusivity and diversity. Sure, there are all kinds of alien species throughout the films, but if you look at actual casting, it tells a different story. Counting from memory, I think there is a grand total of THREE female characters with speaking parts in the OT. One of those has one line ("stand by ion control... fire"), the second has one scene (Mon Mothma), and then there's Leia. As for racial diversity, there's Lando, and a couple of rebel pilots in ROTJ who are on screen just long enough to die (and yes technically James Earl Jones as Vader's voice but he's not seen on-screen). And let's not forget the racial stereotype accent of the Nemoidians.

I do agree that Andor was beautifully shot and produced but didn't feel like Star Wars (IMHO if you want to be the first to drop the F-bomb in SW maybe you don't understand SW). I liked Kenobi, but it could have benefitted from some editing/tightening. BoBF was a disaster. Ahsoka was disappointing.

I really enjoy your channel, but I think your message in this video got a little muddled along the way. I get the valid complaints about weak writing, but when you start talking about "no white males in the cast" you start sounding more like some of the other fanboys I don't care for. Just my $.02 worth.

@DanIAmIBe - 10.06.2024 06:09

Cliched post tbh. Everyone wants a more rounded universe when it comes to aliens and droids, but try making some same sex couples or non-white people in Star Wars and all hell breaks loose. Yawn.

@superquad7 - 10.06.2024 09:29

New subcriber to your channel here, and youre totally right. The Acolyte is just awful. It's easily the worst thing "Star Wars", even more so than the new movies (which i dont care for, either). Agenda business aside, the show is just boring, stiff, and unengaging. Throw the firced agenda checkmark box into the fray, and presto: instant trash.

@onyachamp - 10.06.2024 16:02

I counted two white males that actually talked in episode 2.
They were at the jedi temple and then after literally a few lines were gone.
I had actually joked with my missus before watching the first 2 episodes with her that Star wars had gone woke and I hadn't seen ANY content or reviews for the ahow.
Very much a slap in the face to the core fans.
PS my other half is half caste and 2 of my daughters are gay.
I have no issue with a fair amount of equality but Disney have full blown gone off the deep end with it.
Not cool Mickey.

@DonnySpielberg - 10.06.2024 21:19

I just found your channel. Good stuff! And I know you must hear this all the time, but I LOVE the collection behind you! 👌

@Gijoeandstarwarsguy - 11.06.2024 03:33

Well said! Totally agree! I love the original trilogy the most as well as the 90s with the emergence of thrawn trilogy and dark horse comics era. Really great times. Ha, dude, you think these screen works from disney are trash? Have you read the post disney novels? Duuuude! I used to get every star wars novel and read them. Back then they were all good novels with any "bad" novels used to be bad because they would be like a saturday morning cartoon. Now post disney novels read like gay porn! And now they are bad because they are poor, terrible stories, improper characterzations of our heroes, and just gay porn with star wars characters! It completely stopped me from buying any post disney novels!

@ThereBeToys - 11.06.2024 03:59

I am gay and a lifelong Star Wars fan. While it might be cool to have a gay character in Star Wars, being gay within that universe wouldn’t even matter much when there are droids, creatures, aliens, spaceships. Identity would not be an issue to anyone.

But what I can’t stand is how we end up getting so much hate every time the company makes a bad show. What in the world does that have to do with us? Why are rainbow logos constantly used in thumbnails. LGBT people inevitably get the hate runoff, and companies capitalize off us for profit under the guise of diversity.

Leslye Headland does NOT define a whole community. No one person does. Regardless, a “mob of people” says woke, and the LGBT and black communities somehow also get a finger pointed their way. It’s happening constantly.

Nothing appealed to me about Acolyte. It simply wasn’t good. Of course inclusion and acceptance are important to me, but way more so in the real world. That isn’t happening when people seem to blame our existence more than the company’s bad content.

@StarWarsObsessed - 11.06.2024 07:03

Okay. I watch both episodes and I don't understand where you are getting that any character is part of the LGBTQ community. I'm a gay man and even I didn't see representation in any of the episodes. What am I missing?

@jedi69outcast - 11.06.2024 09:04

We have the guys who did an entire Dark Horse runs spanning generations. Use that as a template and keep it going

@ParanormalMetalMan - 12.06.2024 01:49

Totally with ya bro.. I feel exactly the same as you do thank you for putting your opinions out there 🙏

@justinjensick8515 - 12.06.2024 08:39

You’ve always spoken out against haters in your videos. Encouraged fans to collect what they want to collect. I respect that but this quite a hate filled video, imo.
Who cares if I like to watch new Star Wars shows. By no means perfect. This community has become so toxic.
I will collect what I want to collect.
I will watch what I want to watch.

@BackCave5 - 14.06.2024 06:08

Couldn’t agree more

@manlystranger4973 - 16.06.2024 20:25

I, too, wonder what would have happened if George had retained either ownership or control of the IP. I do not think George would have put it to bed. George had a bad habit of continually monkeying with each of the movies, especially New Hope. Every release from theatrical to re-release to VHS to DVD, etc. is a new movie in some form, be it a small tweak or a re-cut scene. George basically telegraphed to the world that it is OK to change his movies or the IP in any way anyone sees fit as he, himself, had little respect for the originally released versions. When George sold the IP, he was deep into changing the IP into something which appealed mainly to kids. I don't think this was a terrible strategy for the longevity of the IP, but it also was a signal to Disney to do whatever they thought would be most profitable, not what would make great entertainment. Wouldn't it have been great if Disney had built Luke's Tatooine homestead instead of the monstrosity they call a Star Wars themed area at Disney World?

@trevturp6891 - 17.06.2024 15:27

George didn't make a mistake selling Star Wars, he made a mistake selling Star Wars to Disney.

@theoneandonly6431 - 17.06.2024 20:35

I agree with what another posted comment said: Star Wars (for me), ended in 1983. I have not and will never involve myself with the prequels, tv shows, or any of the other "Star Wars" offerings, especially since Disney took over the reins. Star Wars was Lucas's property to do with what he wanted, but I will have no part of any of it, except for the 1977-1983 true legacy.

@chrisdavies5267 - 18.06.2024 21:18

I'm 51. I always loved starwars. I look at the franchise as a bottle of squash. Starwars has been diluted so much we are now drinking water.. but grateful for new fans of the time that are enjoying the current content.

@jonlautenschlaeger3348 - 22.06.2024 17:30

I understand you a OT guy it’s cool by me I grew up with this but i do disagree I like most of the Star Wars stuff everyone has a opinion and that is fine not going to knock you on it

@JohnnyStarWars - 23.06.2024 22:49

100% agree with you. Amazes me when they call fans toxic bigots. I've never ever seen a company divide its customer base as much as Disney Lucasfilm.
