American 5 piece HC Punk band from
A t l a n t a / Georgia, formed in 2018.
Their sound's pulling from influences
in punk, garage rock, hardcore, doom,
psychedelic and hip hop. Performing
l i v e at 'Roundhouse' in London on
Thursday, 14th of November 2 0 2 4,
supporting 'Amyl And The Sniffers'.
00:00 / 01. Boss Up
03:01 / 02. Freaky
05:43 / 03. Crossfire
07:15 / 04. In The Wire
08:49 / 05. NYAG
11:15 / 06. Perdido (Chris vocals)
13:59 / 07. Hierba Mala (Chris vocals)
15:37 / 08. Sense Yourself
17:54 / 09. Wage For War
21:40 / 10. In Your Mind
25:45 / 11. Upchuck