2002 Chevy Suburban Camper | Walk Around | SUBOVERLAND | CUSTOM |

2002 Chevy Suburban Camper | Walk Around | SUBOVERLAND | CUSTOM |


2 года назад

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@vince4316 - 13.05.2022 17:46

That's my truck!! Except I've got the Z71 and grey leather interior. Love that setup in the rear, that's how I have mine. Great new intro btw. Keep on Truckin!!

@freedomdove - 13.05.2022 19:34

I'm glad you've come out with some new model names. 👍

@xj-n-4lo196 - 13.05.2022 22:50

Nice build! Do you still offer the Rover trailers? If so, what is the price ranges on those?

@jvida405 - 14.05.2022 00:30

awesome custom build. nice to see the different options

@grumpyoldman2744 - 14.05.2022 00:55

That's a great idea Grady wonderful

@justmona9647 - 14.05.2022 04:05

I like this package!!!

@1FAST91SONOMA - 14.05.2022 14:40

I'm glad to see you guys offer more options as well as ditch the old naming scheme that always sounded like Itchy Nissan to me LOL. How much would a fully loaded Suboverland cost these days and have you guys considered offering the rear interior as a flat pack or set of dimensions yet? There are a lot of people who want that interior setup added to theirs but dont want to drive out there to have it all done up for them

@PopFizzPaperDani - 19.05.2022 02:54

YES!! I’ve been hoping to see yall do this single bed setup because it’s exactly what I’d want. Maybe with a fold down table top on the non-bed cubby side. Love this so much and so happy to see this layout option. 🤗
