Derek Paravicini - British Musical Savant

Derek Paravicini - British Musical Savant

Just MovedByDerek

9 лет назад

25,993 Просмотров

J'ai été très touché par cette vidéo, visionnée sur YouTube en version originale. Je l'ai extraite et re-publiée, pour pouvoir ajouter des sous-titres, et permettre ainsi à mes amis de la comprendre.

I was quite moved by this video, that I first viewed on YouTube in original english version. I re-published it so I could add french captions and enable my friends, who are french, to understand it.

Copyrights : if this publishing infringes copyrights, please just let me know. I'll remove the video, and will be glad to provide the captions file so that the copyright owner can integrate them on the original version.
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