TOP 5 Gamification Examples In Education today!

TOP 5 Gamification Examples In Education today!


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@ryanweaver962 - 20.07.2023 17:37

Concepts of gamification and simulations and how that also leads to symbolic logic iterations of AI infusement of systems... it does NOT mean understanding rules of things (which the term "games" can be a reduction in Value; especially in things like court jurisprudence, political campaigns, municipal bond creations... on and on... The balance of "tight but loose"... being trained and understand but also not being too tight as to inhibit... while also not loosing the gravity of interconnected systems nor letting monetization over step it's role in multi sector "jazz" work....

Understanding the rules does not give folks the rights to violate them, nor create misjudgments and fear based control process because of past encroachment of rights of people and groups. The times we are in are filled with better opportunities.. connections with community matter a lot.

@Jamestheflexivore4657 - 16.02.2023 23:27

Here's an idea. Create a shooting game with many routes to go down. In order to get the answer you want to whatever question, you must move from a to b. But along the way, enemies shoot at you. Not only would you earn small points killing the enemies, but you would earn increased points getting the right answer to the question. Each section would be layed out like one question spawn room to 3 or 4 answer rooms. As questions increase in difficulty so do enemies, increasing the satisfaction in getting the right answer.

Learning takes longer this way but it is more effective for the student to learn. You could also apply this to puzzles, where you move in a room to get from a to b, a being the start position in the room and b being the answer position.

@dorrienvenables3057 - 22.05.2022 21:20

This now feels like an ad for Elucidat, why would you highlight one particular browser-based authoring tool anyways..

@marinash2405 - 13.02.2022 23:18

is there a gamification examples for young learners like kindergarten?

@battlefront1987 - 21.10.2021 10:24

stop moving hands

@abhishhk. - 17.09.2021 17:20

This is epic we play 10 hours of gta without fear why because its accessible to put ourselves om test again and again not loss

@sugra1969 - 08.06.2021 18:57

Good info

@rahelehakhavizadegan1882 - 26.04.2021 07:39

Thanks for the information 👌👌

@Kyoungeui - 08.04.2021 07:05

I think Padlet also is gamification tool!!

@jonnyrossshannon - 30.03.2021 22:34

great examples and well presented - thanks!

@alexmospanyuk985 - 20.10.2020 02:02

Archy learning sounds awesome!
