The AP Nasus Boom Is Here

The AP Nasus Boom Is Here

LoL Dobby

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@Drxskelle - 07.06.2024 03:49

garbage tier

@bingkingus - 06.06.2024 19:28

With the recent change to first strike making it now only give 10 gold is it still viable?

@VNRG1993 - 06.06.2024 18:27

so ap nasus is becoming meta again? I got flamed for it this season even if I alrdy played ap nasus several seasons ago and got to diamond with him, now ppl gonna accept it? most ppl are such meta sheeps

ty for highlighting his strength btw! but bit too late for me, cuz I alrdy quit the game, anyways gl and hf to everyone still playing

@bluboo2873 - 06.06.2024 16:03

I otp this champ and i play 5 times ap Nasus and this is soo good but in late game every champ oneshot u

@Lation94 - 06.06.2024 10:59

So many people tried this "new Nasus" build and went 1-7 in their laning phase and were utterly useless in teamfights because they are squishy and can only poke. So sad.

@isukekondo9861 - 06.06.2024 07:21

This is what i pull out everyti.e the enemy team picks Quinn or Vayne, you'll make them suffer

@MadIIMike - 06.06.2024 00:24

Telling Nasus players to not greed Q stacks seems kinda futile.

@kira8669 - 05.06.2024 23:59

Have you ever decided to transition into AD after getting Torch and Liandry's?

@guilhermesavian5445 - 05.06.2024 21:52

tldr - Just go normal nasus

@Elo-Stremyanka - 05.06.2024 20:03

Hello king ty for sharing ❤❤❤
Mb you can make a video about tristana this patch? Should be very interesting. Thank you.
From Russia with love 💕

@richard8670 - 05.06.2024 17:31

I'm convinced that this is genuinely broken as fuck. It has literally 0 counterplay and its so fking strong

@undetectedviper1121 - 05.06.2024 14:23

best champion for someone with no hands

@user-zk8zf4pz7w - 05.06.2024 12:21

Hey can you do the voice over videos again I really liked those better

@asdessss - 05.06.2024 11:47

Played against that and here is what I learned:
Nasus before blackfireT garbage. You just bait his E or trade HP where you always win the trade as nasus is scale champ and his early is weak;
Nasus with blackfireT annoying for 2-3 lvl (usually its 9-11 lvl). He can't do anything really just push and roam or stay. You just push wave and look for roam always. Ap nasus does not deal dmg to turrets at 9-11 lvl.
Laning phase ends, ap nasus in teamfights is garbage hence you win game easily. It just takes time as he can oneshot wave with one E when has blackfireT.

@catshow7078 - 05.06.2024 04:42

i've been saying that ap nasus is underrated for a while now, but with new items? insanely broken.

@shadownight9956 - 04.06.2024 15:32

Just pls rework nasus
Like even a dogshit rework is better than the state he is in right now

@bigshun4301 - 04.06.2024 00:25

that wukong was trash, bad priority reading, wave management and trading

@shiveringnewborn - 03.06.2024 22:34

ls was right. again

@diasvt.r4481 - 03.06.2024 10:45

never go full ap trust

@localneo-graphic4647 - 03.06.2024 03:57

That perma slow is pure AIDS. Also, why the fuck was that Zed doing?

@Fnino42069 - 02.06.2024 23:24

still viable even after the nerfs?

@fallenangel9614 - 02.06.2024 17:20

Someone did this in one of my rank games I was playing gwen and every time I would see him turn to e me I would w or all in. safe to say he lost but this is a cancer build

@itsyourguyskye - 02.06.2024 16:08


@TheCHRISintheMIX - 02.06.2024 15:52

Holy shit i haven't heard this song for ages. Banger

@anagramx267 - 02.06.2024 15:50

ive been playing this for a few games and it creates so much jg pressure lmao, ganking rate is a lot higher than usual

@theodorosgewrgiadis7485 - 02.06.2024 15:07

it works!!! i carried a game with this crazy build

@jere9915 - 02.06.2024 10:24

This video could be 10sec long , to introduce build and items , game play is just horrible... do that 6 minion push lvl 1 -> into lvl 3 gank and game is over for you 😁 ur only strong or even when u can poke

@fth2780 - 02.06.2024 09:30

You must rush swiftness boots very this pick. I faced one Nasus that does this sht to me and I counter it with urgot. Gonna timed my E with his W to mitigate that poke. You must have patient vs this abomination

@XvAstarisk - 02.06.2024 08:58

why not go tear first to have scorch?

@smileyad3243 - 02.06.2024 07:43

don’t worry, lane bully nasus doesn’t exist and can’t hurt you. AP nasus you sure?

@tsap9 - 02.06.2024 06:44

They should probably just nerf the ap scaling and base damage on this tbh. It's really uninteractive for both parties and all-around bad gameplay design for laning. If the enemy picks a champ with no good gap closer it's just a snorefest where you sit back at max range and spam e

@albinomitch - 02.06.2024 05:01

Even less interactive gameplay than yorick, I'm in.

@santumi2298 - 02.06.2024 04:25

This shit is so broken LMAO

@joaopeixoto6224 - 02.06.2024 04:19

I played nasus supp in gold like 1 week ago. Its strong, they had no chsnce

@IonutBisoc - 02.06.2024 03:10

Ignite Fiora + swiftes and maw =gg

@nino7771cp - 02.06.2024 02:43

I usually quite enjoy these videos as I love learning how the best of the best push the game to past its boundaries and really manipulate every resource they have to create something unique that can succeed, it helps me learn how to think about every aspect of the game and improve at it.

But after not one, not two but five ranked games in a row with an AP Nasus on my team when we desperately needed to good tank/physical bruiser to balance out the comp, that go anywhere between 0/5 and 3/10 and still act like it was the teams fault cause they're playing the "new hot OP strat"... Silver "challenger wannabe" Players are some of the most insufferable people I swear to god

@QifiShiina - 02.06.2024 02:04

The first game I played I faced an Ornn, he gained priority from lvl 1. If I approached him to try to poke I was poked too. When he got lvl 3 every time I got close to poke it allowed him to use his pillar and land the whole combo that always chunked 30% of my health. If I kept a safe distance I would lose XP and Gold, if I tried to poke I would pull the wave leading to an eternal freeze.

@coolboy9979 - 02.06.2024 01:56

Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it
Revert it

@scrymplehere5088 - 02.06.2024 00:53

Why not to buy liandry first? Torch scales with AP, but Liandry will make more damage in early game, no?

@ktskis1680 - 01.06.2024 23:19

how will i run down the enemy adc ??

@ramsason1182 - 01.06.2024 09:56

i wish canceer to who ever play this champion doesnt matter ad or ap its the same

@Apoz - 01.06.2024 07:35

If Nasus W wasn't bugged that slow resist doesn't work on it, the champ would be even more shit than it currently has been for the past 18 seasons

@quangminhnhungoc6679 - 01.06.2024 06:00

As a nasus main for years, i hope they can rework or mini-rework for him. Feel so sad :(
