Do Custom BDC Turrets Work?

Do Custom BDC Turrets Work?


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@livefiretacticaltraining7674 - 02.08.2024 16:36

Thanks for the message Greg. Your beginnings sound very much like mine. I returned to God in 2007. I too have made many constant improvements during that time, and I too used to swear like you

I have not touched even one drop of alcohol in about 14 years, and never will again. I stopped smoking at about the same time, after doing it my entire life since I was like 10! Stopping smoking was hard for me.

Before I actually wanted to stop, I was always "trying to quit". And I learned that when you say that, you are not really serious about it yet. When I was always "trying to quit", which was for the entire 30-year period I smoked, I was always afraid. Afraid of not having that cigarette. I would picture myself out drinking with "friends" the next weekend, or after that meal, or during that drive to work, etc., and try to picture myself in that situation without a cigarette, and fear would come over me. I couldn't picture it. When I was "trying to quit", I was able to quit for days, more times than I can count. I was able to quit for weeks many times, and sometimes even a couple of months. But it was always this difficult struggle where I was always afraid of breaking down again until I finally would.

But once I "decided to stop", it was not that difficult. Stopping alcohol, and getting rid of all my "friends" helped too, which meant really going it alone. But I'm not alone. I have the Lord with me, always.

Another bad habit I used to have, was always speeding, tailgating, running red lights, and just being angry behind the wheel. Now, I am the polar opposite. I have become a nice guy. Now, if someone cuts me off, I don't lay on the horn, I just slow down and let them in and give them grace. Yet, I find, that when I make a mistake on the road, even though I've extended grace to everyone else, when I make a mistake and accidentally cut someone off, they go ballistic and flip me off. I forgive people and give them grace, but I don't always get the same from others when I make a mistake.

But it sounds like we share a lot in common. You know who really hated Jesus, was the Pharisees. Yep, they are the ones that crucified Him. They were the "Spiritual Authority". They are the ones that stood at the foot of the Cross and said, "If he really is the son of God, let him come down from that cross so we may see and believe". I know EXACTLY how Jesus felt there, with the exception of being nailed to the cross. But just that feeling aside from the pain, is very difficult to absorb. But Jesus prayed for them while he was nailed up there. Which is cool.

@livefiretacticaltraining7674 - 02.08.2024 18:45

Hey Greg, what about the “Whiz Wheels”? Do you ever use those for a field back up? From my understanding it’s supposed to be the same thing as the Kestrel but in a slide rule format.

@foonus406 - 02.08.2024 20:10

Very well explained Greg. I though about these at one point and came to the same conclusion. Being in Canada and hunting in temperatures that vary from -40 to +110 you often need to make an adjustment for the FPS, the BDC is going to bite you there.
What I would like is some way aside from tape to change the Parallax knob to something with marked distances, and those numbers actually be on.
I've got several scopes and the majority don't even put numbers on the parallax (Leupold, Nightforce, Ziess), Vortex does mark some, though the Diamondback seems to be over 40 yards off and has no effect past 200 yards. Their PSTII is a mid range scope, but it is THE ONLY scope I have ever used that has a paralax dial with marked numbers that are actually accurate. By accurate I mean you can actually use the paralax dial to find your range by clarity of the picture and the markings on the dial will actually give you your accurate range. Seems odd to me the mid range scope can do it where the higher priced ones don't even bother trying to mark them numerically. Literally have to put white tape on there and put the numbers on there by hand.

Thanks for the Video!

@toddvandyke8737 - 03.08.2024 03:51

Mr Dykstra, thank you for the challenge! We are called to separate ourselves from our sinful ways and to emulate our Savior. Below are a few verses old and new testament as guidance.
Rev. 3:15-16 “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
James1:22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
Proverbs 10:9 He who walks in integrity walks securely, But he who perverts his ways will be found out.
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
1st John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

@albertlemont5471 - 04.08.2024 15:45

Could you give me your opinion on the Streloc program? I dont hunt long range. For the record my long range is past 3 to 350. I do like to plink at distances further. Just not much opportunity in Maine. The longest range i have is 409 yards. Just wondering about the Streloc app is all.
Thank you for all the information you put out.

@kurtcolson769 - 04.08.2024 16:51

Good stuff. Steep inclines/declines…. Would be another source of error stacked on top of your examples that immediately comes to mind

@kurtissmith4555 - 04.08.2024 18:00

something i would like to see a video on , dealing with Cold bore impacts in a hunting scenario

@JCJustice-kv2gy - 04.08.2024 19:21

Well done and presented young man. Keep standing up strong. 👍👍👍👍👍Once a soldier always a soldier

@tikkamarksman - 04.08.2024 20:09

Is it right tht the ADJ is roughly 1/10 of the wind drift ?

@ronws2007 - 04.08.2024 20:25

An excellent topic and presentation.

Not only are BDC or yardage turrets going to be off, so are the poor man's version, the stickers you can put on your turret. For precisely the reasons you listed.

In addition, even at close range, I don't use MPBR zero. Mostly because of using factory ammo and factory rifles. I have rifles that I can shoot and get less than 1 inch of dispersion for 3 shots. But there is that dispersion and I would still only call it a 3 shot 1 MOA shooting system (me and the rifle.) The variances between one round and the next produces enough dispersion. Add to that the rise and fall of MPBR and you could miss the intended target. Granted, shooting at a deer at 100 yards or less will not matter much but I believe in the aim small miss small maxim.

For wind, it depends. Variable or small wind, I will hold in the reticle but still dial elevation. Constant wind at 250 yards, dial the solution in the app.

@456wjd - 04.08.2024 23:15

I would definitely like a ‘station pressure vs barometric pressure’ video. If it helps us get on target better I’m for it👍

@bryanschmidt1276 - 05.08.2024 00:17

Mr. Primalrights,

i want to preface this by saying that i respect your opinion on this subject. you are obviously both experienced in the area of shooting and very well informed. furthermore, i mostly agree with the sentiment laid out in this video, though i think you overstate the boundaries of change. while, yes, the changes can occur thusly over the course of an entire year, the daily changes (or known locational changes such as elevation) are much more manageable and therefore offsets can easily work....yada yada's a well beaten horse. anywho.......moving on.

my single point of (real) contention is, admittedly, an outlier: the Revic (previously Gunwerks) BR4 is a ballistic calculating range finder. and, while it is not alone in this area, it is unique in one way. it gives an (environmentally corrected) "shoot to" range. in otherwards, it measures (in real time, from the device) the environment (like temperature, elevation, pressure, angle of shot, and yes - even spin drift) and gives a corrected distance (based on the user input ballistic parameters) as a read out, called a "shoot to" distance. at this point simply dial to the stated (corrected) distance and pull the trigger. assuming the shooter has trued his ballistics at range, this will work (see any of the many videos about this device on you tube.) i myself own/use this device and can testify to its accuracy out to 500 yds (though i have yet to have the opportunity for testing at further ranges.) and of course there is the great equalizer (and the reason, though certainly not the only reason, we are not all professional competition shooters): wind. i make no claims as to this device's ability to compensate for horizontal dispersion. only vertical. after all, the shooter has to know/do something :)

i hope i haven't offended you (or anyone else who may be reading this comment) - it was most certainly not my intention. i have watched many of your videos (especially on reloading) and have the utmost respect for you and the content you painstakingly continue to provide on this forum (you tube.) thank you for providing it. i hope you will continue for many years!


@bobfugazy4916 - 05.08.2024 06:49

Interest topic. I have heard about temp affecting elevation. Wind direction is more challenging at longer distances because of the changes between here and target.

I’m not a fan of gadgets and gizmos.

Finally, I thought about inches of Hydrogen (😄) and couldn’t find any direct conversion tables but I would imagine that it would in the miles or hundreds of miles because of the density of Hydrogen. 29inHg = 395 inH2O, Hydrogen = I’ll have to play with that (it’s late). Shooting day tomorrow!

Always interesting videos Greg. Thanks for allowing me some mental exercises regarding pressure.

@bradleytyrrell4417 - 05.08.2024 15:02

Well said mate.. best and most informative information 👌 out keep it coming mate from Australia 🇦🇺

@spencerschulty9528 - 08.08.2024 02:32

Ecclesiastes 7,5
Better to be criticized by a wise person then be praised by a fool.

@alexgustafson2582 - 11.08.2024 21:20

it's so Ironic I just came to this exact conclusion a few days ago. You could not be more correct when you say people only care about how you perceive them for their own personal pleasure and are only interested in what you have to offer them. I'm actually still trying to come to terms with this. It's really depressing

@gc5Hayward - 13.08.2024 05:13

Well said my brother, well said. ✝️
