Why Linux Is Better For Programming

Why Linux Is Better For Programming


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MAG320 - 04.10.2023 22:09

If you right click on the package you are attempting to install, then hit Open With, there a option that says "Software Install". Literally the quicker way when you don['t have time.

Melvin Reaño
Melvin Reaño - 29.09.2023 12:15

which linux distro is best in programming?

Siissioe123 - 27.09.2023 17:21

However, it's a sad fact that Stallman has not received the recognition he deserves for his pioneering work. Often, the term "Linux" is used generically to refer to the GNU/Linux operating system, ignoring the GNU part of the system. This can be seen as an injustice to Stallman and the GNU project, which have significantly contributed to creating a computing environment based on software freedom and sharing. Therefore, it's important to give proper credit to Stallman and the GNU project for their crucial role in the modern computing ecosystem. If we were to call "GNU/Linux" just "Linux," then we should apply the same naming principle to the Android operating system for phones since it uses the Linux kernel. However, it should be noted that Android is much more than just a kernel; it is a complete operating system with a diverse software ecosystem and a wide range of components that go beyond the Linux kernel. This analogy underscores the importance of recognizing the significant contributions and complexity of operating systems in their naming. However, it's a sad fact that Stallman has not received the recognition he deserves for his pioneering work. Often, the term "Linux" is used generically to refer to the GNU/Linux operating system, ignoring the GNU part of the system. This can be seen as an injustice to Stallman and the GNU project, which have significantly contributed to creating a computing environment based on software freedom and sharing. Therefore, it's important to give proper credit to Stallman and the GNU project for their crucial role in the modern computing ecosystem. If we were to call "GNU/Linux" just "Linux," then we should apply the same naming principle to the Android operating system for phones since it uses the Linux kernel. However, it should be noted that Android is much more than just a kernel; it is a complete operating system with a diverse software ecosystem and a wide range of components that go beyond the Linux kernel. This analogy underscores the importance of recognizing the significant contributions and complexity of operating systems in their naming.

Anonimowe Lwiątko
Anonimowe Lwiątko - 25.09.2023 22:59

I don't know... I feel like I prefer Windows to be honest. I used to program in my job on Linux in Eclipse/vim but having now CLion and even better, VS Code with extensions feel like a bliss. I still love bash but I can always use it in terminal with GitBash on Windows. Only thing I would use Linux for now is to build for linux, test application in runtime, run server or service. Otherwise I stick to Windows. I know some people could have really shitty experience with Windows but if you kept sticking to good systems (98, XP Professional, 7, 10/11) you actually could have good experience. Stay away from Windows Millenium, Vista, ME, 2000 and 8 though.

Sandeep D
Sandeep D - 19.09.2023 17:03

Does anyone know what distro he is using ? its simple, minimal, nice wm. I would like to try it out...

Luke - 17.09.2023 22:55

Not true for everybody. As a blind software engineer who relies on screen reader software to use my computer at all, let alone write code, my initial experiences with an Ubuntu VM have not been super positive. The big screen reader for Gnome is called Orca, and while I truly appreciate that it exists at all, it leaves a lot to be desired when compared with Established Windows and macOS screen readers like NVDA, JAWS, Narrator and VoiceOver. I would love to make the switch, but until the accessibility improves, I’m probably stuck with Windows for now

Weaponised battle toaster
Weaponised battle toaster - 17.09.2023 08:10


1MinuteFlipDoc - 16.09.2023 22:04

windows 11 plus WSL 2. very nice!!!

TheOneG36 జ్ఞ‌ా
TheOneG36 జ్ఞ‌ా - 16.09.2023 02:11

iam not a programmer but an IT-Technician since many years and just can say apt-get is since a while on windows "winget install vlc" will work quite similar as you would expect. Uppon Win10 but in 11 there is even an android subos always running. so yeah windows now is always linux PLUS windows i would say... technically.... ;)

Emmanuel Campos Ramos
Emmanuel Campos Ramos - 14.09.2023 19:29

Windows does all that.

Scotter - 11.09.2023 04:41

#1 - Linux is what runs in production - if writing server-side code you're almost certainly running your app on Linux in production. It's ideal to do development on your target platform
#2 - Related to #1: Docker runs natively, whereas you need virtualization to run Docker on MacOS and Windows. This is a huge benefit for me

Rois Ibnu Mukhlas
Rois Ibnu Mukhlas - 09.09.2023 03:53

i want to use linux, but most of my softwares are running on windows... and using Windows emulator in Linux is a no no for my 12 years old laptop

Chamara Pradeep Rajapaksha
Chamara Pradeep Rajapaksha - 08.09.2023 04:21

Which will linux distribution be efficient for programming?

Andrei U.
Andrei U. - 07.09.2023 17:03

it's not

Pavel Rak
Pavel Rak - 05.09.2023 21:37

Over the years I tried all 3 major platforms: Windows, Linux and macOS. End up using macOS as my main desktop environment over Linux. Simple reason is that Linux certainly does not "just work". Quite the opposite. I can't remember a time when I installed fresh Linux distro and didn't need to fix some issues. One time I even had to buy new wifi card so Linux stoped crashing (tried 3 distros, same issue). For me Linux as a desktop environment doesn't make sense at all and would rather go with Windows if I had no other choice (I actually use Windows for my C++ project).

Thanks to dedicated hardware macOS just works out of the box, installing homebrew (package manager) is as simple as copy-pasting one command into a terminal and it supports all tools/apps that I need for my line of work.

Now, would I recommend macOS to everyone? Certainly not. Depends on your preferences and the project/s you're working on.

Uche Oji
Uche Oji - 05.09.2023 20:24

Linux is super geeky, which is why most people don't understand the point of it. Mac and Windows break their backs to spin to buyers how intuitive, easy and fun their operating systems are.

kipmud - 03.09.2023 14:02

Claiming that installing something on Linux is easier than doing the same on windows is such a bold claim 😂. Also, what about the installation process compared to macOS? Windows isn’t the only OS alternative here.

_soden - 03.09.2023 12:57

Does Kite work well with C#?

Zeke Zhang
Zeke Zhang - 02.09.2023 05:46

I would’ve use Linux as my main OS if I am not using a lot of 3d software like Rhino3D and stuffs.

eldelgas31 - 01.09.2023 02:50

im too lazy to dual boot my pc with linux lol

Johannes Davidsen
Johannes Davidsen - 28.08.2023 19:49

Can you convert Windows programs ?

_sort - 28.08.2023 15:09

I love Linux, but as .NET C# developer i can't really use it. Because all my projects is tied around windows and its services. But i really love in linux that, terminal there is really powerful and main tool. I would like if windows will make more focus to cmd tools, is just really amazing concept.

HonkaDonkaBadonkars - 27.08.2023 13:06

I used Linux for few months and understand that it is not that bad. It's have ui, so i almost never used terminal, just download programs I need snd use tham.
What the point of discuss which os better if you can use multiplatform programs There's only os optimisation to hardware left.

Chastity Rose
Chastity Rose - 25.08.2023 20:59

This video sums up what I have been saying for years. I am comfortable using Linux because I feel uncomfortable in an IDE and write my makefiles to compile my code from the command line. On top of years of enjoying Linux and writing my own C programs, I found that when I use a Macbook there is a terminal and my Linux experience also helps me use my Mac as well. I started using computers back on computers with MS-DOS before I used Windows and got comfortable with command lines.

Vinit Vijay Sankhe
Vinit Vijay Sankhe - 20.08.2023 18:56

22 years of programming experience here . From Unix, Linux Windows MSDos worlds. Did Pascal, Prolog, COBOL, C,C++, VB, Java, C#, PHP, Javascript, Python my life.

But just to let you know Microsoft had server side javascript back in 1998. ASP used to run on VBScript and JavaScript. IIS had been the most performant and secure web server out there before Apache or NGINX were even conceptualised. Visual Studio had been the best IDE ever for coding until VSCode came around.

I personally struggled for like 15-18 years to code in Linux before linux came around unabashedly claiming it's "self proclaimed greatness in coding"

Wonder where it would be without VSCode?

So yes.


womp - 06.08.2023 08:25

As a professional developer, linux is not better for development.

Ihateandreykrasnokutsky - 03.08.2023 20:27

I've installed Linux LXDE for my father, and it's weird, because he is very conservative and not a computer man. He uses it for about 2+ years, and hardly will want to change this OS, because again he's conservative and doesn't like to change anything.

SagaSpace - 29.07.2023 17:33

I use Kali but cant fix its WiFi drive

Sandeep Reehal
Sandeep Reehal - 26.07.2023 20:51

My dad has an old Macbook pro 13 from early 2010
5/6 years ago mac os stopped getting updates and now even chrome wont be upgraded, and he's been using Ubuntu on it, works great 13 years later

Hussain Abbas
Hussain Abbas - 25.07.2023 00:20


Kinten Le
Kinten Le - 20.07.2023 16:39

One word: GNOME

Mark Anthony Sosa
Mark Anthony Sosa - 20.07.2023 03:55

One perk not mentioned is how you can mention how you use linux.

Devrath Gound
Devrath Gound - 19.07.2023 17:19

difference between linux and python ??

lens tika
lens tika - 15.07.2023 23:45

linux can whatsapp but can't video and voice whatsapp call

Muzamil Zaman
Muzamil Zaman - 14.07.2023 21:55

Programming tools for AI ?

Robert Chitoiu
Robert Chitoiu - 10.07.2023 03:47

Yea, as a very seasoned (some may say deep fried) developer, I read the headline and said BULLSHEIT. Not gonna bother to explain, as the top commented said it best.

Dênis Franco
Dênis Franco - 07.07.2023 17:36

just an addendum, it's been many years already you don't need to type apt-get anymore, just sudo apt install is enough, and the progress bar on this one will actually be in color and more readable

Better teen | مراهق أفضل
Better teen | مراهق أفضل - 30.06.2023 15:53

what Linux distro do you use?

Alejandro Castro
Alejandro Castro - 29.06.2023 10:58

With the exception of the VLC example (wich can be replicated with choco in windows) all the things you mentioned are extremely generalistic, so are heavily binded to the specific circumstances of each task for every person. I would really like to know more really specific examples, like the VLC one.

klejnot nilu
klejnot nilu - 28.06.2023 23:38


PHILLIP LAM - 28.06.2023 00:19

Linux is trash, it copied everything from windows but allows poor people to use it for free ? Might as well move to communist China

Gary DeMaroney
Gary DeMaroney - 27.06.2023 04:31

is @lynxesexe2837...actually Bill Gates!?!?!

Deep Foundation Design
Deep Foundation Design - 24.06.2023 22:09

How do you efficiently recieve data or drawings as an engineer, using Linux. I'd love to use Linux, however Autocad, Revit, Excel and so on won't work on Linux, or am I mistaken?

the ARGGHHH - 14.06.2023 05:16

The reason why Linux is perceived as a more secure environment than Windows is because Linux only acquires 2% of the market share.
If you were a hacker, you'd wanna spend your time efficiently by hacking the 80% population..
it's not like you're gonna spend more time to develop a virus for Windows.

Angel Talavera
Angel Talavera - 12.06.2023 02:07

Why VS Code on Linux?
