What Professional Game Developers ACTUALLY Do...

What Professional Game Developers ACTUALLY Do...

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naejimba - 03.11.2023 09:49

But I don't learn enough about the code through the tutorials to know how to change anything; I'm not learning anything that I can apply to any other situation. It's not that I'm unfocused; I hit a point where I know what I want to do but have no idea how to do it, and even if I find a tutorial for that I can't just stitch things together because I don't know what the hell I'm doing and it just breaks the game and I have no idea why or how to fix it. If I ask for help somewhere people are great, but then they just give me some new code to replace it with and I have no idea why it works. The alternative is like giving monkeys a typewriter and expecting Shakespeare; the amount of time to learn by just stumbling across something from randomness doesn't seem efficient either.

Also, every time I open the fucking program there is some kind of update or something that changes... I just can't keep up. Many of the tutorials are already outdated (the new input system in Unity is a good example, which now haha learning Unity after the shit show what a great choice I've made) where everything I DO find uses an old way of doing it and I don't know how to change what they are showing me to work with the new system.

I can finish a tutorial (I've lost count of how many at this point)... but I don't learn a damn thing from it. There is no greater understanding happening; nothing sticks. It's like when you see someone give these buttons to a dog that makes human words. They're not actually understanding the language, they are just pushing those buttons and then seeing what response they get. All I'm left with are those few buttons that have been given to me; that doesn't teach the dog how to speak or actually express their own thoughts.

This just isn't working.

Derek Andrews
Derek Andrews - 06.10.2023 21:07

I'm glad when I started at 13 your choices were:


B Rod
B Rod - 02.10.2023 03:44

Seems like absolutely nothing, so many trash devs now a days

MaxTera - 24.09.2023 21:54

Thank you for this video. Sometimes I get lost in my journey of game development and try to find a new path or in other words loosing my focus as you mentioned. Even if this seems like common sense, sometimes someone needs to give a quick reminder of reality and get you back on the road. Thanks, I will finish my game and publish it on steam, I always wanted to do that, but I never did... Let this comment be as a promise that this time I will do it. Thanks again for showing the way.

The Lone Spider
The Lone Spider - 28.08.2023 12:47

They're busy having a phobia of mounted combat except Taleworlds, Rockstar once upon a time to an extent, Monolith, Owlcat Games and Pearl Abyss, and I don't know about Fromsoft, that remains to be seen.

I would really like to know what the hell is their problem with mount combat why are they so closed-minded, ignorant and uncreative when it comes to it.

3PO - 21.08.2023 08:43

so true

ZAYMAN GAME STUDIO - 15.08.2023 08:08

The link in the discord is expired.

Loay Al-Hakimi
Loay Al-Hakimi - 06.08.2023 11:36

Great what I have seen

hard to say
hard to say - 17.07.2023 07:41

Amazing video. Thank you.

zone of gamez2.0
zone of gamez2.0 - 09.07.2023 12:03

what did u study

delta Pi
delta Pi - 02.07.2023 00:43

"practice every single day". As a kid I used to be 1 hr max at my computer, because back then they were expensive and I had to share with my bigger brother. I had that 1 hr before he came from school. I learned SO MUCH. Then I got my own computer and things become chaotic for some odd reason. Tutorials, MMOs, YT videos... Now as a grown up I'm back at 1hr a day and I'm learning again. Sure, you can do more than 1hr a day. Most likely you should, but this binging behaviour and being weeks away from your progress. That is even way less effective than those few short hrs a day with consistency. So yeah, I can attest to this.

delta Pi
delta Pi - 02.07.2023 00:40

"Be an average implementer rather than an average tutorialist" uff. This felt like the school yard gut punch. But I also needed this one.

BLASTER XT9 - 04.04.2023 22:40

Reading is better for coding .

Jay Cash
Jay Cash - 31.03.2023 08:43

I like that ending! Great advice too!

Demonwater Demonwater
Demonwater Demonwater - 31.03.2023 02:37

yo text my mom if you want to learn game development off me but you would owe me 100 thousand dollars i'll give you free code and stuff and.. premade projects.. yo 856 495 5409

Demonwater Demonwater
Demonwater Demonwater - 31.03.2023 02:36

i'll teach yall game development for like.. 100 thousand dollars.. in which you don't gotta pay all at once..

Murnoth - 29.03.2023 10:23

It feels amazing to finally break through enough layers to get into a workflow. Learning additional systems can feel like drudgery all over again, but remembering how far you've come is proof that you can get through it and retain even more new tricks up your sleeve. As a complete beginner to any programming, I struggled so hard to learn Unreal blueprints until I finally started learning some basic Sorting Algorithms and got my grips on how to go about practicing them. A year later, I am finishing-up a 4 day project making Minesweeper for a cloud server tournament for most wins. Won't be perfect, but pushing this project to completion is teaching me So much. Feel proud of every milestone, learn more, and practice intently, cheers!

FPChris - 13.03.2023 03:33

Get a good Udemy course and skip all the “sponsor” and ads crap.

Ironwill - 17.02.2023 13:35


TreeAdam - 18.12.2022 17:27

i watched a video of yours the game dev memes and im saying thank you im called a pro game dev by my classmates but in reality im not the best so thanks.

Max Fun
Max Fun - 20.11.2022 11:50

What's funny is that I didnt think id fall for any of the points mentioned in this video. If youdve asked me 5 years ago, no way, until I did them myself, this year.

Focus is super important. See one of the reasons these things happened to me is due to burnout. After a while I just wanted to take a break and switch things up. So I started learning unreal without even publishing a single unity game, or yet alone a game, with other stuff I used for the past 2 years. I did make a few jam games and many practice projects. This stuff can get boring which isn't something I anticipated, but even so, remember to keep going.

Marno Franck
Marno Franck - 14.11.2022 22:35

I am Kenny, Kenny am I...😞

NegativeCharisma - 22.09.2022 23:42

Practice as much as you can, if 1 hour a day is it, at least its something, its better to make slow progress than no progress. But if more is possible, then hit it hard

Favio Valenzuela
Favio Valenzuela - 12.02.2022 22:47


Monhoo GameDev
Monhoo GameDev - 08.01.2022 09:22

I am starting to make game dev log, I already making my game in one year now. If you want to see I have some video about it

Favio Valenzuela
Favio Valenzuela - 14.12.2021 05:20

Great advice!

game development
game development - 24.11.2021 14:41

in today age its easy to lose focus

ANIMATION & GAMING - 24.10.2021 06:17

if anyone ask me for a Course I would like to suggest your Mini 7hrs course 😁

ANIMATION & GAMING - 24.10.2021 06:09

Teacher you are a Motivator 😃👏👍

Sanzidul - 23.10.2021 21:32

How did u learn unreal???

Utkarsh Navadiya
Utkarsh Navadiya - 09.10.2021 08:27

How Can i purchasing Monthly subscription? There are not buying option

My name is resh
My name is resh - 08.10.2021 09:22

Thank you for all the things that you taught us that they would never say

Water Cat
Water Cat - 07.10.2021 09:34

I don't agree with most the tips

1. I agree with the first tip but in my opinion you need to see the toutorial in the same time you want to I'mplome the system not the next day
2. I agree with the second the need to but not every day in my opinion not every one has the same free time and meny people bord to that every day and lost interest because of that practice consent is good but not over do it's do that in your own past
3. is good to not lose focus and try to stick to how to fix the problem however I don't recommend that for meny reasons first reason meny time the problem very harder to handle you don't able to do that and because of that you end up frustrated because off I segest wean that happens to move to other topics that imporuve your emotion and I disagree with other part ass well if watch tourial to fhinshit meny I have I problem on spefic topic and because meny time you want to spefic topic and watch I tutorial on the order to created that but wean you see the toutorial the you find the seloutio and you know handle the rest with your own why continue watching the tourial after that ?
4. I agree that I dasn't matter what is the place to learn however I don't agree with the part if you serious started to pay connect because meny people my self including do have this extra money to spend on toutorials

La Rana Arcade
La Rana Arcade - 07.10.2021 05:42

Awesome content, thanks for sharing

Abdullah Yahya
Abdullah Yahya - 06.10.2021 15:13

thank you 💖💖

Lycanaes - 06.10.2021 01:09

I was doing game development for a few years now, I never followed the tutorial through the end, I would always 'extract' basics and useful information from them and then i would put it all on paper. After putting it on the paper I would open a game engine and experiment, trying to do everything on my way, trying to figure out things on my own and it worked. I watched a lot of guys following tutorials and watching game dev speeches for hours but not making progress. Guys just do your own things in your own way, don't listen to every word they say, you have to do it in your own way and struggle because through that struggle you will over time understand how things work, you will gain skills and experience through trying. Keep being ambitious, keep being passionate and never give up! Great video man, very honest and super useful! Keep doing great work, mate.

Rokkr - 05.10.2021 22:53

Wish I'd figured this out before I earned over $40k in debt from college...

Syed Muhammad Ali Shah
Syed Muhammad Ali Shah - 05.10.2021 22:20

I am a big fan of your work and suggestions Sir Keep it Up!!!

Kahton - 04.10.2021 22:15

Nice content, thanks for sharing with us.

Underfunded Scientist
Underfunded Scientist - 04.10.2021 00:25

Such great advice

Bosco Barber Esbert
Bosco Barber Esbert - 04.10.2021 00:16

Nice tips! I'll keep them in my mind. Thank you for doing these videos man, they're actually very inspiring... :)

YESSINE - 03.10.2021 22:27

bro if you start uploading every 2 days youll srsly blow up! you got everything except an uploading schedule trust me ure vids are sick!

Suleiman Abdullah
Suleiman Abdullah - 03.10.2021 21:48

Great video fahir you always tell the truth

migcreatesgames - 03.10.2021 20:52

I like using the boxing method. "You have to spar often with new opponents to get better. You can't just hit the heavy bag and expect results"

Grinya PLAY
Grinya PLAY - 03.10.2021 17:13

Brilliant words!

Pixelbug Studio
Pixelbug Studio - 03.10.2021 17:11

This is so true. To learn game development you need to start developing games.

Zaid Dar
Zaid Dar - 03.10.2021 17:10

Your discord is filled with scammers and is falling apart, please give it attention

SORC Velvet
SORC Velvet - 03.10.2021 16:59

I feel like some of these tips go for almost everything you ever do. Whether your learning a language, learning to code or learning anything else in general. Thanks for your video!

Jay - 03.10.2021 16:51

Build your game engine never fall in tutorial hell🐱
