Jimmy Bullard vs Iona Chipping Competition!!

Jimmy Bullard vs Iona Chipping Competition!!

On the Road with Iona

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@davidlloyd-cx3er - 27.02.2025 14:17

Great video Iona 🎉🎉

@1cleandude - 15.11.2024 02:51

Jimmy could be a good stunt double for Jason Statham yeah! Iona = Princess of the Universe!🙏🙏🙏

@arveey - 09.11.2024 12:04

Gees Ruxley is where I started in around '95. Great vid, thanks guys 🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️

@66stangRh - 08.11.2024 03:21

I love any match or round of golf with Iona in it. Thank you to you both for making this for us all!!! ❤❤❤

@kevos65 - 08.11.2024 01:49

Even if I didn't love golf which I do, I'd just tune in to watch Iona, just saying 🙂

@samholmes9290 - 06.11.2024 07:49

The question “who’s your favourite golfer?”

For me… Id agree with Jimmy with the early years of seve etc, later years of woods and Michelson and garcia. I’d have to go for Justin Rose though! Apart from the guys previously mentioned he’s been a stalwart on the PDC, Ryder cup legend, European tour boss, almost a senior but has and can still mix it! Uk open qualifier at Burnham and Berrow and was in one of the last groups on the final day! Absolute legend!

Justin Rose for me 🏌🏼‍♂️

@allanthorpe7139 - 06.11.2024 01:22

Another great video 👏

@Gra8332 - 04.11.2024 17:44

As someone who from a boy always played football. I always ha d the dream of becoming professional and buying my mother a house and taking care of her. Sadly never quite made it. I took up golf late. I work in a profession where sadly a lot of the time I see people at their worst. From that I got diagnosed with PTSD which I tried to fight through on my own until after 8 years it beat me. Golf getting out and playing. Fresh air. Banter with friends then even a drink in the clubhouse helps me so much. I’d be lost without golf. I’m no Jimmy I’m a mid hcap but I love trying to getting better. Good golf content I love it

@dhall058 - 04.11.2024 09:07

Once again, a 2,000% awesome episode!

@eriknash8783 - 04.11.2024 07:21

I have no idea who this guy is as I do not follow soccer at all, but this might be the best series ever. Loved the non stop chatter between these two. So good!!!

@malcolmcalvert3252 - 03.11.2024 23:04

Great entertainment, chipping is a skill lots of people struggle with

@aimeecurtin1 - 03.11.2024 17:04

I'd love to play with you Iona, you're so chilled and it's great to watch! :)

@derekfyfe6875 - 02.11.2024 20:58


@richardmarsh1769 - 01.11.2024 23:41

I love this !

@paulnorbury2100 - 01.11.2024 23:38

Fantastic loved the banter - look forward to the match 👍⛳️🏌🏿‍♂️👍

@kenphillips7594 - 01.11.2024 10:15

Just who is this bloke? Is he known to UK folks?

@martinhanks4315 - 31.10.2024 23:55

Great video i practice my short game three times a week started holing chip shots again and getting them close to the hole

@nicholasjones3239 - 31.10.2024 22:40

Great content ❤ ( cream always comes to the top )

@lisaslatter52 - 31.10.2024 14:16

Both favourites

@jonathandavidpope7812 - 31.10.2024 14:02

Nice to glimpse Worplesdon. My father was a member there in the 50s and 60s, and I remember walking round with him when I was a boy.

@kevinhasnip6170 - 31.10.2024 02:06

iona is just a brilliant presenter

@donherman8877 - 31.10.2024 01:18

Iona is magic!

@PatrikBruckner - 30.10.2024 22:47

What a gem of a video! Yous are great!

@StephenRoxborough - 30.10.2024 22:27

I have watched quite a number of your videos now Iona . You are a proper golfer who is able to communicate the joy of the game along with the frustration! That thing of playing well one day and then as if you’ve never played before the next. Love Jimmy from his footballing days he must have been a nightmare to play against ! Thanks to you both for a very entertaining video. Hope to see more of you together on screen.

@Wonder7472 - 30.10.2024 18:33

Talks about learning the rules...... firstly learn how to rake a bunker...... 5 hcap at best

@strings2wood - 30.10.2024 15:56

From an Aussie fan, great fun and a good challenge. Loved the ribbing in the play off and both gave as good as they got. Maybe not both in the backswing...LOL. Keep up the great job on informative and entertaining content!

@ianmcmillan2634 - 30.10.2024 12:24

Lovely stuff Iona and Jimmy. Love how several of the Golf channels are cross polinating to make great content.

@TOFFEEBLUECAST - 30.10.2024 11:18

Great watch such nice people

@garytownley8834 - 30.10.2024 10:45

Golf never matching Football interesting what about qualifying for the OPEN?

@soulshaker17 - 30.10.2024 05:25

I like Iona. Down to earth and humble

@tonymead1186 - 30.10.2024 01:18

Great chemistry between you and Jimmy Iona, fine golfers and real people x

@johntaggart859 - 30.10.2024 01:14

Sublime entertainment as always…

@TheGeordieGolfer - 30.10.2024 00:58

Cracking, loved that 👌🏻❤️

@WilliamRoth-q5v - 29.10.2024 23:14

Another Great episode Iona!! I love the fun in your voice!!! Such a great pleasure to watch!!! Look forward to the next one!!

@stephenwray3776 - 29.10.2024 21:37

Loved that Iona. Especially the bit where you are tightrope walking the distance in the background while Jimmy explains his claw grip 😂x

@evanconway2825 - 29.10.2024 21:07

Golf Life & On the Road are amazing..

@kencooper-s7l - 29.10.2024 19:44

Such good content and fierce competition. Thank you.

@johnwallace520 - 29.10.2024 16:23

I just love this channel. Total quality, so relaxed and complete entertainment.

@jackplatt1154 - 29.10.2024 16:19

You two together is 👌

@ChrisMajor-c2e - 29.10.2024 16:16

Hi Iona, you mentioned on golf life that you have a video coming out about you can’t stand to close to a golf ball….when will this be live please.

@MikeHogan-cy8hs - 29.10.2024 13:38

You two are epic

@gg2822 - 29.10.2024 12:04

Iona you are just a great interviewer the way you make your guests seem so at ease

@glenndavenport9077 - 29.10.2024 11:45

That looked like great fun love the channel 👍🏻

@markpalmer5757 - 29.10.2024 11:27

Loved the video. Well done on getting into the sensible Bulldog. An 18 hole match v Bully would be a great watch.

@dougm659 - 29.10.2024 10:32

Love this stuff…great people enjoying and talking about the best sport there is. So reassuring to hear that everyone can have a good game and then it vanishes suddenly!

@jamesturnbull1894 - 29.10.2024 10:09

Cabrera's ball striking was off the charts.. Saw him a few times round Wentworth Different class.....

@colinwalker3009 - 29.10.2024 05:43

Scotland 4 England 3 😂

@danielhughes7183 - 29.10.2024 04:53

if there is a mixed gender or a pairs golf challenge you guys should go for it and what a video that would make.

@timthatcher5533 - 29.10.2024 03:56

Favorite YT Channel. Love how the accent comes on with her favorites!

@markvpinkham - 29.10.2024 03:54

Jimmy is a great interview. Fun times.
