One thing I’ve always found interesting is the fact that if you try and see a complex problem from multiple points of view, purists on either side will call you an “apologist.”
Say, for example, you’re trying to determine the root cause of a criminal; why he committed the actions he did.
Some might call you an apologist, stating that you’re hurting victims by examining the criminal, when all you should do is condemn.
There’s a ton of that going on regarding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. No matter which side you attempt to examine or explain, the other side will call you an apologist of the enemy.
For the most part, I see no problem with trying to see both sides of an issue.
The Israeli/Palestinian conflict has been around for hundreds of years; to try and sum it up in a sentence is impossible.
That said, as a comedian, it’s my job to over-simplify issues in order to get a laugh.
(Or, in the least, a chuckle.)
With every joke, I succeed in some eyes, and fail in others.
And that’s fine; in baseball, you’re considered a God if you can bat .300.
(Imagine being a comedian and only getting laughs for 30% of your show. 70% silence? You’d be fired, often.)
What’s funny to me, then, is when I’ve got a joke that is succeeding with a majority of the audience, and then one person feels the need to shout their disapproval.
It always makes me laugh, because if I’m on stage, and 199 people are laughing, and one isn’t? The problem isn’t me. No matter how much you pout, cross your arms, and furrow your brow, the problem isn’t me.
#truth #win #confidence #life
Humor is subjective.
All that said, there are some issues where even though it’s a complex problem, there is a fairly simple cut-and-dried side to take.
For example: harming others.
No matter what trauma an attacker went through in their life, the fact they took it out on others is unacceptable.
So, to all the mass shooter apologists out there who took umbrage with my video on Monday, I’d like you to answer the question I ask at the end of today’s video.
And I’d like you to answer honestly.