The Story of the Ship.
Launched in 1824, HMS Unicorn is the most original old ship in the world. Originally constructed as a 46-gun frigate at Chatham Royal Dockyard, Unicorn arrived in Dundee in 1873 as a training ship for the Royal Naval Reserves – a role she carried out until the 1960s
As Unicorn was built shortly after the naval wars against Napoleon ended, she was never rigged; she only went to sea for the voyage from Chatham to Dundee, during which she was under tow. The model was made by Justin Dempster in the video.
HMS Unicorn is a surviving sailing frigate of the successful Leda class, although the original design had been modified by the time that the Unicorn was built, to incorporate a circular stern and "small-timber" system of construction. Listed as part of the National Historic Fleet, Unicorn is now a museum ship in Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom. She is the oldest ship in Scotland, one of the six oldest ships in the world, and one of the last intact warships from the age of sail
The roof that covers her upper deck is thought to be original, although portions of it were removed in the 1970s and replaced.
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