How 2023 Broke Our Climate Models with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Gavin Schmidt

How 2023 Broke Our Climate Models with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Gavin Schmidt


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@StarTalk - 24.01.2024 01:37

What was your biggest takeaway from this Explainer?

@chrisgarciahostof-isitjust6697 - 10.02.2024 07:07

Has the measurement tool accuracy increased? Could that skew results over time?

@gilbertbloomer586 - 10.02.2024 06:52

The correct pronunciation of Buoy or Buoys is the same as boy and boys in British English and Australian English. Americans get it wrong as usual. haha

@geezenslaw - 10.02.2024 04:11

Very eye opening vid to say the least... (and entertaining...) notwithstanding the so-called agency 'we' are supposed to have has no incentive behind it... case-in-point: at a certain expense I completely converted my only residence (a 40' sloop) to all electric... I have no fuel onboard except for a very large pile of Coulombs... nonetheless: there is no monetary incentive for me to do this in spite of the fact that my EL bill for all 12 months of '23 was a whooping $236.60...

@aquariustarot1606 - 10.02.2024 02:24

This is bunk Neil, is nobody

@williamlemcke3764 - 10.02.2024 01:53

I wonder how much damage to the ozone and atmosphere in general was caused by all those nuclear bombings and tests.

@martindonnelly3654 - 09.02.2024 23:31

Thanks for the great insights guys. Can I ask, because it is brought up from time to time, that using the last 150 years as a trend is flawed, because 150 years ago there was a “mini ice age”, so we are using a very low base and it gives a false reading than when you use longer term temperature data

@insensitiveinsanity7145 - 09.02.2024 23:27

I'm hearing a lot of double speak on this video.

@glenncalkins4764 - 09.02.2024 22:22

How well does "this hottest year ever" fit into Al Gore's infamous hockey stick graph?

@mightymarlin97 - 09.02.2024 22:07

Remember guys. Your impact on the environment is negligible compared to big companies like exxon. It's not your fault just because you drive some tiny prius.

@davidmaye3580 - 09.02.2024 21:22

So Fresno California has been getting quite a bit more rain in the last 3 years then it normally does and I'm kind of liking it so whatever we're doing maybe we should just keep doing that?

@stevenarseneault1972 - 09.02.2024 20:50

So because world governments have been charging a fee to polute the earth it's now heating up the planet and melting polar ice caps and causing havok on earth...... holy crap.....

Who are world government listening to new data at this point and time.... Am I missing something.....satelite data perhaps....

@benscrwbiutb9800 - 09.02.2024 20:29

Face it people, these climate scientists don’t know squat, they’re blowing smoke all the way to the bank. Same as astrophysicists and medical experts. The more equipment they produce, the more experiments they do, the more time passes, the more crow they have to eat

@benscrwbiutb9800 - 09.02.2024 19:58

There is no money to scientists if fear is not applied. Religions have got rich using this tactic

@benscrwbiutb9800 - 09.02.2024 19:55

Climate charts show planetary ice began melting approximately 15,000 years ago. There were none of the things scientists are claiming to cause climate change around then. Common sense indicates the longer ice melts the less there is. The less there is, the less cold is being produced so ice will melt faster.

@craigbacks - 09.02.2024 19:45

Our global energy policy and entire way of life, especially for the poor is being upended by these yuck it up educated idiots led by the “master physicist.” WTF could possibly go wrong.

@benscrwbiutb9800 - 09.02.2024 19:41

According to your chart, temperatures were hotter during 1930s thru 1970s than from 1900 thru 1930s. Why did scientists claim we were headed toward an Ice Age? Something is serious wrong with your chart. As far as computers go—- garbage in, garbage out

@leemcfarland4769 - 09.02.2024 19:09

Wrong. There is 60x more CO2 in the oceans. It is not split in half.

@leemcfarland4769 - 09.02.2024 19:04

Most of our summer was cool and hazy because of the Canadian wild fires. We never saw stars the whole summer. That would have had a huge cooling effect. You guys have a horrible model. Need to scrap it and start over

@justbe4481 - 09.02.2024 18:46

97 % of all scientists agree with those who are funding them .
And the other 3% are censored .

@gerhartleischner9806 - 09.02.2024 18:42

No indication of emergency or urgency made it the most enjoyable video I’ve watched about climate science. A few observational tidbits were gained. It was worth the click!

@johnstewart5621 - 09.02.2024 18:37

So … you are saying, we control what happens on this planet?

@MrSuperdw - 09.02.2024 18:10

Climate models Climate shmodle

@eduardosandre5757 - 09.02.2024 17:21

Great talk! I learned a lot.

@gregbaxter3249 - 09.02.2024 17:00

If you are not taking the chemtrails and the weather geo engineering effects being dropped into the equation then you are not telling the whole truth

@RichardLincoln - 09.02.2024 15:39

Until your models account for about 500 million years of data, I will never believe you.

@tmack62 - 09.02.2024 15:34

Air pollution prevents climate change. How ironic.

@tmack62 - 09.02.2024 15:30

The ocean temp buoys have been there since the 1980’s but they track temps back two centuries? How?

@georgelet4132 - 09.02.2024 05:32

I do believe Tyson has been tipping the bottle. And Tony Heller has clearly documented how NASA climate people have fabricated and manipulated temperatures to push the climate change due to fossil fuel scam.

@ajlambe1340 - 09.02.2024 04:29

Where is the alternative points of view? Like everyone in a panel going at it, not a platform for one set of views. Can anyone set up a debate! A knock down battle of viewpoints.

@kzors - 09.02.2024 03:31

Neil, this is for your contemplation. But first, while the Bengals are my home team, I favor the Chiefs by far. Loved the FG story...

Ok, then. So the aerosol, the PM 2.5 stuff actually is helpful to the dials from getting all twisted around, as I understand this episode. And Solar Max is really hitting hard. What is it about the CME and associated Solar Wind and increased high energy matter that causes the PM 2.5 to have a change of "state" preceding the actual arrival of said high energy matter?

A well studied and accepted fact that those with respiratory concerns, such as Asthma or COPD, and those with Atrial Fibrillation are at greater risk of affect from PM 2.5 after the Sun burps but before the event reaches Earth, typically about a day before. The PM 2.5 is obviously the culprit of the increased risk however the Sun is still causal. Now, of course, a great deal of those with risk are also using more inhalers adding to the aerosol.

Any thoughts on this. Would really just your opinion or even an LoL.

Curiously Seeking Answers, Brian.

@KiwiSentinel - 09.02.2024 01:03

A row of planets and a basketball! LoL!

@Argosh - 09.02.2024 00:36

Sadly I still think that we are effed...
Humanity is about to find out after 100 years of effing around.

@vincestevenson9430 - 09.02.2024 00:29

"Bobbing buoys" - Howard Stern

@ronaldlogan3525 - 08.02.2024 22:32

We has seen the enemy, and they is us ! ~Pogo

@SoccerBoyAP - 08.02.2024 20:27

"Climate Models"
Complex mathematical calculations that have a dismal future prediction success rate

"Climate Science"
Using a singular focus to rationalize an exceedingly complex system we know less then nothing about; despite our best efforts to collect tons of information on

"Climate Change"
A globalist methodology used to drive the average human into economic stagnation because of things they have no control over

@philcamp9663 - 08.02.2024 19:33

Gavin is just like the others, well funded to give us lies about the planets climate. Making up predictions....for the future. Other professors completely disagree with this hidious interview

@jims8229 - 08.02.2024 19:29

Stupidity, man made global warming what a hoax. It's the volatility of the sun and distance the earth from it. . Period. period. Think what changed the temperature when man wasn't around. Just a money grabbing machine that won't die😂😂😂😂😂😂

@seanwhitehall4652 - 08.02.2024 19:16

So much money is spent on denying climate change as part of opposing any loss in oil profit.

@charlesputnam9370 - 08.02.2024 17:15

You guys really suck. Knowing we need to get rid of twice as much CO2 makes it twice as hard to convince my Republican friend s that we need to change or wAys. I got in a conversation about solar panels with a conservative friend. He was saying that turning crop land into solar farms was harming the environment. So I googled it and he was wrong.

@911maxwell - 08.02.2024 15:06

What is the R-Value for modeled vs observed temps?

@Libertatem-amo - 08.02.2024 13:35

the fact that they cant predict the next year, but of course they are telling us how its gonna be in 20 years.

@gregj4509 - 08.02.2024 07:05

We can control mother nature ... really ... how can anyone take you seriously. And quit taking out CO2, more would be better for our planet. (Cambrian Explosion right a bell)

@gregj4509 - 08.02.2024 07:01

Quit making predictions, you're just not very good at it. Climate modeling is a MASSIVE ill posed problem.

@gregj4509 - 08.02.2024 06:55

So the guy straight up admits the models performed poorly.

@gregj4509 - 08.02.2024 06:51

Correction, models tweaked to get the results they wanted.

@bingosunnoon9341 - 08.02.2024 03:53

Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, warned us of the hazards of burning fossil fuels in 1957 in a speech to Congress. He said the threat from global warming (his words) were a bigger threat than the atomic bomb.
