The Vhozon -- Noxus | Metroid Lore

The Vhozon -- Noxus | Metroid Lore


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@Gog45100 - 16.01.2021 06:39

what if in metroid prime 4 noxus helps samus later in the game

@nolastname908 - 16.01.2021 06:50

I think I shouldn't trust the Federation, by requesting to ignore Sylux's messages, to where I think they can contain useful information on topics that the Federation hides, clearly Sylux can pass by as a Federation Trooper and discover the secrets and sending them to all known informational databases about Bounty Hunters or maybe even locations that Samus has been to, and the data she's collected

@TheLegendofMetroid94 - 16.01.2021 07:50

Nice Job!👍

@metroid7299 - 16.01.2021 08:14

its sad knowing that the hunters in prime hunters have good backstory, but came from a not so great game

@MRG_Official - 16.01.2021 08:18


@bradleybrown5947 - 01.02.2021 06:22

I am guessing the same weapon the Space Pirates and the Federation were after was the Metroids.

@zachcunningham9444 - 04.02.2021 12:37

The love and dedication you put into your voice acting and editing really shows in these lore videos. I've been a huge fan of the metroid games since I was a kid and seeing some of the deeper lore portrayed in an audio log is really cool to see. I love the content, please keep up great work and continue to improve!

@flashviwr - 05.02.2021 10:30

Great work .

@ManuelMendez-it8nt - 05.02.2021 21:39

I'm so glad Hunters is getting some kind of attention!

@TonyStarkCLC - 04.04.2021 22:34

Am I the only one who noticed Noxus and Rundas are too much alike for comfort?

@jellycore1316 - 15.04.2021 18:10

AHHH This is amazing, thanks for creating and sharing this! <3
This video was perfect for learning more about Noxus as inspiration for something, and I love Metroid Prime (as a whole and Hunters) to bits!
Thanks again! <3

@desfox3685 - 05.09.2021 10:47

Can we expect videos on the rest? I'd love to hear your take on Kanden, he's one of the stranger hunters, and not much is known about him aside from the fact that he's an android of some sort and a bit of a loose cannon.

@GamingWithCalvin1 - 25.12.2022 02:29

I find it surprising that they're in the same galaxy as galfed is. Since the Alymbic Cluster is in the Tetra Galaxy and isn't the main galaxy metroid takes place in(the milky way?), I figured that aside from Samus, Weavel, and Sylux, all the other hunters would be extra-galactic aswell. Maybe from another spot in the Tetra galaxy, but more likely strewn around different neighboring galaxies, with a few possibly sharing the same one(Vhozon and Kricken sharing the same galaxy, hence why they spend so much time fighting?)

Guess not though. Shame.

@R0-83-RT - 30.12.2022 21:53

Not complaining since I know Hunters doesn't really have any agreed upon pronunciations, since very little is verbalized in the game. Though I always pronounced Vhozon like "Vuuzon". Making the "Vho" rhyme with "Who".

@ChannalWatcher - 15.02.2023 13:55

So did Noxus attack Samus because he thought she was a bad guy?

@shadowdragonx07 - 15.04.2023 08:54

ok Q y. do chu keep saying the other hunters. fleed fwom gor. wen tey all sept samus cannon died :/

@Lightforeverandever - 12.05.2023 21:09

One of my 2 fave hunters on my my fave DS game of all time

@TheRealZXXZ - 23.06.2024 18:40

The irony is on Sylux lol

@lometraid6798 - 24.07.2024 10:58

I am… so intrigued by this fan lore of Sylux that you’ve done in part of the video that’s really impressive and eerie, I have to wonder if prime 4’s lore will add up with this or not

@millerdiamond708 - 24.07.2024 20:29

i would it love if they made a spin off game where we play as Noxus himself we get to see his home world where his people live

@LouixIskander - 26.07.2024 08:21

Would do anything for them to remake this for ps5 with some extra hunters

@ThatMetroidGuy - 16.01.2021 06:42

Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this one. ;) Also, I hope that you consider Liking, Sharing and Subscribing. I don't want to ask for it in the video since it'll ruin the viewing experience. I got rid of End Cards for this one for that reason. So it would be incredibly appreciated if you did that! These take a while to make, even a shorter one like this one so any support means so much. Thank you!

That's not all though, I would like to throw out some ideas of what Noxus and the Vhozon might get up to next. Given Noxus encountered Trace, he might return to Vho to inform his people about the Kriken, saying they oppose everything they and all of civilisation stand for. The Vhozon would likely see his point and want to do something about the Kriken. They could form an alliance with the Federation to put a stop to the Kriken Empire before it becomes too large to manage. Noxus may even be a leading warrior in the effort.

Much like what I mentioned in my Trace video, I'd like for the Vhozon and Kriken to become engaged in a major conflict that has the Federation thrown into the mix too. Maybe even some remnants of the Space Pirates could join too. For the Kriken to be the other major power in the Metroid universe, they should be used way more, especially going forward with the franchise. What do you think?
