The Dark Side of Open Source // What really happened to Faker.js?

The Dark Side of Open Source // What really happened to Faker.js?


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@Fireship - 07.01.2022 22:54

Well this is a first… The details surrounding this topic are way more bizarre than I expected, so I decided to reupload this video with some minor changes. Nobody forced me to do this, I have not been harmed. My mission is to teach programming and we don’t need distractions that could affect that. Also, sometimes I make jokes and for that I am deeply sorry. Remember to eat at McDonalds guys.

@HenryCasillas - 09.11.2023 08:13


@KRIGBERT - 25.10.2023 19:48

The solution is to not have such huge concentrations of wealth and power. The US needs to learn about socialism again.

@Weangered - 22.10.2023 04:50

Sounds like what happened with destinyDOTgg

@waketfup8864 - 03.10.2023 04:56

Reality is he was exposing child p inside the MIT media lab, which is heavily connected and founded by jeffrey epstein through people like Nicholas Negroponte, Joi Ito and many others.

@ChrisFotosMusic - 20.09.2023 04:55

so uh...i guess i'll use an earlier version of the package...or something?

@feintflower - 05.08.2023 21:01

The comedian is Bill Hicks and he's a legend since he spoke his truth and it was intense and challenged normal perspectives and paradigms including mine.

@Ghfvhvfg - 04.07.2023 20:31

Free speech is peak Aron was a freedom fighter we need more such people freedom and fair compensation is important

@MemesnShet - 13.06.2023 12:40


@stefanianta6962 - 07.06.2023 14:23

Nature's answer to this seems to be a sort of universal skills/services Monetization Engine that seems to power virtually all cells of all people, animals, plants etc - all multi-cell orgs on Earth. In nature, the architecture/OS of multi-cell orgs is built in such a way that everyone(every cell) gets paid for work provided to the org. I think we should clone the Skills Monetization Engine of Eukarya (the multi-cell orgs)

@dickjohnson6927 - 28.05.2023 22:59

Non copyleft permissive free licenses don't require derivative works to be released as free open source
Even copyleft GPL doesn't require the software to be released in certain conditions for example a company using the GPL code if it's only used internally

@DamonMedekMusic - 05.05.2023 09:03

Ppl can do what they want with their intellectual property. If they want to share, they can, if they don't, that's okay too. I don't like to share generally, but if the free tool is a stepping stone for a user to purchase something else then I'm more likely to give it away free.

@SloppyPuppy - 24.04.2023 02:50

If you are mad that companies keep creating billions of your code maybe stop licensing it under permissive licenses. Free the software, free the people, kill big tech, hackers be free once more!

@faizbyp - 23.04.2023 18:55

any source where i can find how to attribute from open source?

@zdrux - 21.04.2023 00:16

Government is the enemy of all people

@annieehler8822 - 17.04.2023 20:56

Unfair compensation and a lack of transparency is really pertinent to the tech world. I personally straddle the line between tech and academia springing back and forth between dev jobs and medical research positions, and it’s really interesting the differences. I find that a lot of my friends who commit to open source works are in a similar boat. It makes sense considering that the entire idea of open source came from academic disgruntlement. However, in academia there is a bit push for “give credit where credit is due” and general collaborative. Then in the private dev world there a big push for good compensation and privatization of all fronts. It’s always frustrated me that there isn’t a good area that straddles the two. I mean I have a hard time not pointing at capitalism as the root evil here. Either you hide your work so you can make a profit on something novel in the private sector, or you give out your works freely and are relegated to a graduate/postdoc position getting severely underpaid and overworked but amassing great gratitude from your collaborators. It’s interesting because this is a long standing problem in the world, but especially tech. I mean, take the creation of the transistor. One man was pissed that he didn’t get all the credit so he left bell labs and started his own company and made a better transistor, and then his protégés had a better design but were forbade from sharing it so they started what we now know as intel. All of them were overpaid for their secrecy, but at the end of the day the drive for open sharing of knowledge overcame. A lot of startups are built on a concept of open collaboration, but as they amass wealth they insulate. It’s so strange.

@tarunbalchandbhaimulchanda6929 - 12.04.2023 11:11

I just created my own custom faker like package yesterday and I see this video

@IAmOxidised7525 - 08.04.2023 18:24

Core-js , same story , man open source developers / maintainers suffer like this

@beest_ - 07.04.2023 23:41

Source code Reddit was an unauthorized cloned digg code. At the time digg was the top dog, so in action he "helped create/clone" Reddit.

@adolphgracius9996 - 18.03.2023 15:01

why is it wire fraud if there's no money involved?

@liquidsnake6879 - 17.03.2023 00:14

Just stop using the Open Source licenses and make a license that claims you can only use it non-commercially and if you want to use it as part of a commercial product you either pay or you fork and maintain it yourself

@SmajilAlisic - 07.03.2023 11:26

Aaron Swartz is Satoshi Nakamoto.

@Spartan322 - 01.03.2023 04:33

Honestly I have to wonder the brain of some FOSS folks, I love FOSS, I'm a fanatic of it, (though I'm an unlicensed anti-IP law kind of fanatic of FOSS, which means I also hate GPL) but if you don't have an existing financial scheme to provide for yourself or job, that's your fault. Aaron Swatz's criminal trial is insane and I think everyone involved should be executed for "a perversion of justice from authority" (and yes I think all perversions of justice from authority should be swiftly and ruthlessly executed) but what he did was thievery and vandalism, nobody is obligated to give you information, I agree we should be free to volunteer our information, but nobody else is obligated to give that information to you, that doesn't make you morally right. Just because information itself can't be owned does not mean the means to acquire, use, and abuse said information is free to you.

@godnyx117 - 22.02.2023 09:05

And like I said to another video, things like GPL still have a bad reputation from a lot of open source developers because "everyone should do whatever they want". They did and they got rich from YOUR work giving NOTHING back in returned. What happened now, you don't like it? You are big 🤡!

Tho, I'm glad more and more people seem to be aware of this. I'm also thinking about either dual licenses or a "restricted" license or something like that so companies either give back or they get nothing from my work.

@LethalBubbles - 19.02.2023 10:06

did everyone forget how GPLv2 was abused to make this possible?

@chawaphiri1196 - 30.01.2023 23:10

So today I am continuing to read the book learning react as I have been doing the past 4 weeks also. Then I come to chapter 8 subtopic virtualization and faker is mentioned. Then I remembered that I watched this video without understanding anything. I just enjoyed it. So I have come back just to see if I will get it now

@jamesvelopmenthagood8998 - 25.01.2023 06:05

At this point, it's a conspiracy theory to believe everything unfolds the way everybody is told it does.

@streettrout855 - 13.01.2023 02:09

nice try NSA

@southpole76 - 12.12.2022 13:15

the "maybe bitcoin fixes this" line didn't age well

@sumittimori834 - 07.12.2022 10:22

What should i use then in place of "faker.js"

@kelvinsanyaolu4899 - 27.11.2022 21:53

I always thought this was dumb, if every open source project decided to pull back all their code we wouldn't have any libraries to use. If you want to make money from your code charge for from the start.

@JamieBainbridge - 27.11.2022 05:56

Every day we fall further from grace. Aaron was like the "100x developer" for social ideas. He would have been President.

@andrewmaynard6693 - 26.11.2022 03:31

Never forget Aaron Swartz!!!

@hurensohn7605 - 19.11.2022 11:29

why are people crying about the Silk Road guy? he was a drug dealer who wanted to let someone be killed lmao

@mhcbon4606 - 12.11.2022 13:02

have you seen ? 10 months later it is like nothing ever happened.

@ibgib - 09.11.2022 04:52

These are a lot of great arguments, but it's the software isomorphism of being Brad Pitt in the Moneyball room with people regurgitating the sos (with bots, ais and time travelers of course). The thing to understand is to get to the next thing, there has to be a fundamental shift. In Moneyball that was using metrics to gain better insights - a marriage of new school numbers and old school wisdom. Nowadays in software, it's about understanding that money is isomorphich to the weights in neural network architectures. Weights among nodes as well as among networks. Streamlining this is fintech, but the people all bow down to bitcoin's blockchain architecture, which was actually a bit of a hindrance. It's a merkle linked list in data with the code in a different merkle tree in git. Now we're building more silos, without simplifying...oh wait, am I at the wrong meeting? I thought this was the web3 meeting down by the docks... (shout out to Bill Hicks who I love, even if his comedy was a "comedy of hate").

@botleydot - 07.11.2022 13:44

There is an irony to supporting a man who claimed information should be free and and open to all and then saying you're being under-compensated for your contribution, no?

@sharbel7080 - 07.11.2022 00:11

Is fireship even fireship? or is was he replaced by an AI voice clone long ago after it was trained on his sense of humour?

@aaron6807 - 06.11.2022 15:37

Just release it under GPL-3 mate

@ArifBillahOnGoogle - 29.10.2022 09:38

I completely understand the emotions of Faker.js's author. Imagine you create a library that Facebook, Amazon, or Google uses everyday to make billions while you are for example struggling for a decent quality life at home, or you don't even get any recognition! It's like somebody pooping from standing on your shoulders.

@sneckie - 21.10.2022 06:06

You're a complete idiot if you say Ross Ulbricht "committed non-violent crimes". He paid for what he thought was two murders. It doesn't matter that he was being scammed, because he wanted those people dead and thought he was paying someone to kill them. That's illegal even if you're being scammed, because it shows willingness to commit the crime.
I hope you were just making a stupid joke, but I don't see how that's a joke.

@untr3gg3rd - 04.10.2022 13:50

I see open source as akin to philanthropy but about making better quality of life to software. It is expected that you will never get compensated with "enough" money but only from simple recognition or cup of coffee or at least some clout. And although it is "for the greater good", like philanthropy of giving money for humanity, there's also some dark sh*t or illegal/unethical stuff that gets mixes in.

@apurv5847 - 04.10.2022 12:42

I'm really grateful to these developers for making these so much useful projects for us. I see a lot of packages when I install ask for a support in terms of funds, makes me really sad. Unfortunately I'm not in that position when my skills can pay me so that I can do a little contribution towards these awesome guys. May be they should use a filter so that if a company is using the library then it's charged but not for individual users.

@suchtendolp644 - 02.10.2022 10:24

Thats the reason why I use GNU (A)GPL licenses.

@juanfox8157 - 30.09.2022 08:22

And let's not forget about the biggest constribution to Open Source that most production services run on today...Linux by Linus Trovalds.

@caballerosalas - 30.09.2022 03:03

So, he was not really smart. A smart person doesn't break the law.

@zeMasterRuseman - 23.09.2022 09:56

Non violent crimes for the Silkroad Guy? The only reason it was "non violent" is because the hitmen he was hiring to kill people were all scammers.

@the_biggest_chungus7508 - 14.09.2022 15:44

Fucking Feds
