Analyzing Evil: Walter White From Breaking Bad

Analyzing Evil: Walter White From Breaking Bad

The Vile Eye

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Chaiserzose - 22.09.2023 20:12

And what about me, that I Thought that the greatest villain in Breaking Bad was Skyler?

Kay.N - 22.09.2023 20:06

My son watched this series, and I saw a fair bit of it myself, I admit I empathised with him, even when he had destroyed everything. I didn't watch the ending because I couldn't bear to see it. Good people can turn bad if the right circumstances happen. That's what this series was about

Cythulhu but he be Gamin'
Cythulhu but he be Gamin' - 21.09.2023 21:50

It's important to note that it's not accurate to call "Heisenberg" a split personality or alter ego. Walter displays almost no symptoms of D.I.D. Plus when Walter is playing the role of Heisenberg or Walter, he is acutely aware that he's leading a double life. While he may have used the pseudonym to distance himself from his own actions, I have always interpreted it as a way to stay anonymous in this game to protect himself. Also, it is directly in reference to Heisenberg's Law of Uncertainty, which is symbolic of him leading this double life, where basically no one can see both sides of his coin. Walter never changes his personality, he just gets better at and more knowledgeable of the drug industry.

Albert White
Albert White - 20.09.2023 15:56

Maybe instead of vilifying Walter we should ask why a man working a noble profession has to go to such lengths to provide for his family in the wealthiest country in the world?
The only thing the man did wrong was get attached to a junky which was his downfall

Sam Martina
Sam Martina - 20.09.2023 15:09

I thought you framed that scene where Walt let Jane die pretty generously. I am not even slightly sympathetic to Walt's decision to let Jane die. Jane didn't become a self-serving jerk until she got addicted to drugs. The obvious decision for Walt was to get her clean. Not let her die.
Watching Breaking Bad a second time, I don't know how I ever stayed on Walt's side after he refused the money from his friends. His ego was driving everything he did.

LEE - 18.09.2023 09:05

Nothing can replace watching the unexpected development of Walt into the ultimate kingpin.

Tyla McGilverson
Tyla McGilverson - 17.09.2023 05:33

Just want to remind every one Kranston was a power ranger monster actor

aerohk - 16.09.2023 06:36

If Walter White didn't cook, others would simply fill the void with less quality drugs and potentially lead to more people getting killed by consuming questionable drugs.

jason harris
jason harris - 14.09.2023 18:32

Sick of hearing male pride is a negative thing, it's positively forced upon us in other circumstances.

dewmaster - 13.09.2023 17:34

who else thought walt said hello at the beginning 😂

Adventures with Kepler
Adventures with Kepler - 13.09.2023 15:10

Surprised he’s not done the iceman yet. 👋👍

B.W. - 12.09.2023 21:49

You know that Jane was his first act of evil because you knew he knew he was doing it for selfishness to keep Jesse helping him. The fact that it was done out of evil is later made clear when he tells Jesse before Jack takes him away at the end.

Jimmy Steiger
Jimmy Steiger - 10.09.2023 16:26

I think you need to look at the REAL definition of "self defense" you throw this word around alot in this video where your absolutely wrong in your explination

William Milakovich
William Milakovich - 08.09.2023 17:12

Okay, yes, Walt acts like your average American, but he isn't even in the start because in the start he has a Nobel prize

Darius Thurman
Darius Thurman - 07.09.2023 02:45

One Anti Hero Id like examined is Nucky Thompson from Boardwalk Empire.

Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze - 04.09.2023 01:54

Multiple forms of intelligence isn’t a thing. It’s just a popular belief cause people want to believe it’s a thing, everyone has something, everyone’s equal, which of course you want to believe how sweet of you, but it’s just not the case. So a person can’t be a genius in just a select fields. Either they are a genius or they are not. It’s crazy how this multiple forms of intelligence stuff is everywhere these days and it just shows the leftist society we live in.

norseman4080 - 03.09.2023 02:35

People think its the cancer that made him go down this path. Although it was maybe the first step...ultimately he was presented a oppourtunity to make massive amounts of money combined with a deep seeded ego that came out when his ex and former cofounder of grey matter was not only getting the credit for the company on tv...he treated walt like a polr person in need, and this set off the atomic bomb.

GRAVE ROBBER - 02.09.2023 13:25

The original sin, pride.

Crisson - 29.08.2023 12:31

I'm not sure it's Walt's actions that were the catalyst to the people on the plane dying, one could argue it's Jane's actions i.e. threatening Walt, taking the drugs that led to her OD. The issue about Breaking Bad is a lot (not all) of Walt's "evil" is a direct consequence of other character's actions and decisions (Marie, Hank. Skyler, Jesse, Gus e.t.c) but it's all ever pinned on Walt in the end

Astral Incarnate
Astral Incarnate - 25.08.2023 12:57

I consider walt to be more of an anti villain than an anti hero. Anti heroes want to do the right thing for the wrkng reasons but anti villains want to do the wrong things for the right reasons. Wakt wants to make meth (the wrong thing) to leave behind something for his family (the right reason). Of course walt doesnt always care aboyt leaving something for his family but i really believe that he started his journey into the meth business to support his family.

Alex S
Alex S - 23.08.2023 13:52

We all impact the world through our existance here on earth. Some people impact it greatly some quietly some in a bad way...some in good way. If you ever have a choice to help someone, even if it means smiling and saying an encouriging word you should. We all carry our own cross in this some it is a small weight to some grest weight dependant on their own circumbstances. We all matter, however majority of people do not understand or see this, and we can't be blamed as modern life is to demanding and too fast to be able to reflect on it. Cause and effect is the greatest rule in the physical material world we live in. Was Walt evil? No I do not beleive he was...he had good intentions, noble intentuons at the beggining...however road to hell is paved with good intentions the old saying says.

𝖓𝖚𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖙 - 23.08.2023 10:27

heisenburger lol

Avenue b
Avenue b - 22.08.2023 05:12

My favorite scene is when Hanks famously says “it’s polo time”

will - 21.08.2023 11:20

I heard the first 15 seconds as "Hello everyone, welcome to the 38th episode of Analyzing Anal" and I have not stopped laughing since.

Aureliano Buendia
Aureliano Buendia - 20.08.2023 18:27

Thank you for the video!

Honour - 20.08.2023 18:06

skyler next

void - 19.08.2023 00:39

The big question is Has Walt become more corrupted each season or has he always been like this and the cancer was just the catalyst for him to stop repressing this dark side of him?

Robert Maybeth
Robert Maybeth - 18.08.2023 10:53

One characteristic of Walter White you point out - his extremely high level of intelligence and resourcefulness - made me realize another part of the puzzle: his ingenuity and imagination is totally off the charts, as he shows over and over again. It is obvious Walt has very superior intelligence.

So for all Walt's genius level intellect that we see shown over and over again - how was he unable, or unwilling, to parlay that brilliant mind into a better job than high school chemistry teacher? I get he won't take a "handout" that is mere pride at work. BUT as brilliant as he was, why not take a chemist job paying 6 figures, and maybe even compete with Elliot, since he clearly has the intellect and instincts to do exactly that? Thus avoiding the complete destruction and impoverishment of his family, plus avoiding the death of his brother in law (Hank) who he purports to love?

Anderson E. Luís
Anderson E. Luís - 17.08.2023 05:09

The fact that WW didn’t take money from his friends when he was down is where I parted paths with him. I understand doin reprehensible stuff to survive, or you run out of options. But having loved ones that can help in an emergency is one of the most beautiful parts of life. Dude got way into his ego. But maybe that’s that white privilege Gus was talking about in The Boys 🤔

Jocco - 17.08.2023 04:09

Splooge: “it’s a victimless crime!”
Also spooge: murdered a gas station cashier to steal an ATM.

Joe Karman
Joe Karman - 17.08.2023 00:49

Fun fact, I currently live in Albuquerque

Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche - 16.08.2023 04:48

You need to do a video on king Ecbert form Vikings

yakuzamoon - 16.08.2023 01:16

I feel like Walt’s whole plight, morality, & eventual collapse into madness would have been so much better had it not been solely for his pride. if he really did get forced into the meth world with no other choice but to find a way out. so much of his character can just be summed up as just a guy with bottomless pride

Cable - 15.08.2023 16:55

Walter is the embodiment of Joker's "all it takes is a little push."

Mikhail Kidlin
Mikhail Kidlin - 14.08.2023 19:06

Best video on your channel. Thanks for 45 minutes of rest from my life

ship - 14.08.2023 10:04

Mike died for being too based

I did it like this
I did it like this - 13.08.2023 18:51

Walt goes from looking for any reason not to kill Krazy 8, to shooting Mike because his feelings got hurt.

I did it like this
I did it like this - 13.08.2023 18:49

One thing that everyone overlooks. When creating a list of reasons to spare Krazy 8’s life one of them he lists is Judeo-Christian principles.

This is odd because Walter is never implied to be religious, and neither are any of his family.

Phenom - 13.08.2023 17:59


Yuh - 12.08.2023 13:24

tf who do u call doormat husband? a husband who is actually trying to be good towards his wife?

Eric Haase Lol
Eric Haase Lol - 12.08.2023 02:33

Before he killed Mike, I rode with Walter because most of the actions he committed looked like he was saving his family and Jesse. When and after he killed Mike, I slowly realized this guys not just a man with cancer who’s trying to make millions to provide for his family for life, he’s really just a cruel, hellish man that refuses to get one upped by someone who he sees as below him

the REAL Jesus Christ
the REAL Jesus Christ - 09.08.2023 01:40

Just finished the series for a 5th time. It never gets old.

Matthieu Bolléa
Matthieu Bolléa - 08.08.2023 20:49

This is fictional evil.
The real evil is in the reality and it's inside all of us. Walter White is a pussy compares to a Mexican cartel sicario, an Islamic group leader or a member of Wagner Group. Those people cooks people, not meth.

Galactic Infochine
Galactic Infochine - 08.08.2023 07:49

I think we all define evil as being crazy meaning it was for no reason like Hitler sense he was on meth

Okami93Kage - 08.08.2023 04:49

I think that's the key point of Walt's character, he has a huge amount of hubris, he thinks of himself as the underdog, so therefore, everything he does is just and right, but his ego is so inflated by his own intelligence that he can't see that wrong in anything he does, Walt's the kind of man that would say its not me that has a problem with the world, its the world that has a problem with me.

Walts "I did it for me" at the end was him coming to terms with himself, understanding that his ego had raged out of control and destroyed so much.

Taylor Skidmore
Taylor Skidmore - 08.08.2023 02:53

I def kept thinking Walt is turning into Gus. He admired Gus and probably saw himself as a smarter, more reasonable, better version of Gus. But I think the show used certain imagery to imply Walt is becoming Gus, or at least, he's becoming just like Gus

Jordyn - 07.08.2023 23:39

this is the moment walter white became evil
