10 beauty secrets of French women | "Parisian chic" | Justine Leconte

10 beauty secrets of French women | "Parisian chic" | Justine Leconte

Justine Leconte officiel

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Neria Moye
Neria Moye - 01.09.2023 15:57

I think you are great!

sanjay patra
sanjay patra - 20.06.2023 23:00

Why french girls are special to me or to everyone ?

Tatjana Dravenau
Tatjana Dravenau - 23.04.2023 12:46

Dear Justine, what about considering doing some of your videos in French? You are such a great ambassador of French culture and French language is such a crucial and beautiful part of French culture, so I would love to to learn about style and fashion AND to listen to the language as well. True, you will reach less audience with that, but perhaps every now and then a single video? Just for me and all the other lovers of french language? Best regards, Tatjana

Anne - 21.03.2023 17:14

This is so costly in comparison what men 'have' to do...

Manuela McIntosh
Manuela McIntosh - 16.03.2023 21:35

Thank you

Durham GRIGG
Durham GRIGG - 07.03.2023 21:08

Loving your French series. Totally understand the minimal make up approach!

song8777 - 09.01.2023 00:35

Antibacterial gel affects reproductive hormones, though. 😕

Ulmas Alli
Ulmas Alli - 31.12.2022 07:56

Big head, huge hands, very skinny not proportional body....not pretty to look at...im sorry...

wa - 21.12.2022 22:36

Everytime i do dishes and get even the smallest dot of dirty water on my face i have to wash it.

If not I breakout in that spot! Idk about any of you gals but i for one follow all her principals anyway .

I never liked foundation except a few times when i was super young and first trying on makeup.

It felt gross. I always just wore mascara because i have blonde lashes and a lil blush occasionally or lipstick at night.

I had porcelain skin and my friends said i hate you all the time because i looked like a manican without makeup my skin was perfect.

Ahhh those were the days! Now im a 54yo hypothyroidal sac of lard lol!🤣 its fine i had my fun in the sun

Anette Sinn
Anette Sinn - 20.12.2022 17:05

Such terribel statement of yours ! Only not good women do not share their " secrets " with others ! Real Womans stick together ! And are supporting each other , and do not bringing another down . This is not french womans do ! You cant be french .

Krista Gomez
Krista Gomez - 13.12.2022 03:12

I have to take a 2 minute shower because I have 2 toddlers screaming into the bathroom 😵‍💫 Maybe French women who aren't having babies have the luxury of taking their time in the shower 🤣

Eli S. Fig
Eli S. Fig - 30.11.2022 04:11

Thanks so much for sharing 🎉

Y S - 22.11.2022 23:45

The first beauty secret of French women: you don't talk about your beauty secrets!

My Japanese channel
My Japanese channel - 22.10.2022 08:25

Don’t brush your hair daily? I literally don’t know how I wouldn’t do that. My hair would be a knotty mess. Love this video. The idea of self care is nearly a list art.

What Ever
What Ever - 03.09.2022 05:18

Number 5 needs to be followed by the world when this industry is making huge money out of insecure people.

Mekhnur - 19.08.2022 23:04

добрый вечер, жюстин леконте. никак не пойму, почему же описание на русском , а разговаривайте на английском и рассказывите про француженок

Luma Cabral
Luma Cabral - 27.07.2022 23:25

I'm in love with your content and indeed, it wasn't obvious for me at all! Cheers from Brazil ❤

scrubs4everr - 16.07.2022 21:24

I used to have breakouts and unclear skin for years. After watching this video and really getting into french skincare and beauty (benzoyl peroyxide also helped), my skin hasn't been the same and I look better at 35 now than I did two years ago. French skincare for the win!

Marisol Gonzales
Marisol Gonzales - 28.06.2022 05:33

If you don’t do nothing to yourself. You are lazy.

Marisol Gonzales
Marisol Gonzales - 28.06.2022 05:31

No. I use Vaseline every night under my eyes daily and on my elbows. No. I go in and out. Don’t waist my time in the shower.

Marisol Gonzales
Marisol Gonzales - 28.06.2022 05:30

I never touch my face. Just to apply my foundation. Use lots of moisturizer s first.

Marisol Gonzales
Marisol Gonzales - 28.06.2022 05:29

You must use foundation, to protect your face from the dirt in the air. I feel sorry for your face.

Marisol Gonzales
Marisol Gonzales - 28.06.2022 05:28

I must style my hair daily, I am too feminine.

Anton Ego
Anton Ego - 27.06.2022 23:47

I’m glad you don’t mind sharing!

JG - 23.06.2022 10:41

Ugh...I wish you would style me. Completely. I have always loved the natural look, and am working on fixing my skin, but still need professional input on my colors, styling, etc...🤗

Susan Rhoades
Susan Rhoades - 08.06.2022 17:24

#5 is a beautiful statement. YES. We look better as ourselves, even if older.

debrabelz - 30.05.2022 02:47

i am French. Who knew!

Lila K.
Lila K. - 29.05.2022 03:39

Nombre 3. Attention !Corona...
De ne pas toucher le nez ni Les yeux..,Brilliant!

Faun Shea
Faun Shea - 17.05.2022 18:58

Thank you Justine , I love the advice you give on your channel . You are so charming and have such a warm personality , it is a joy to watch you.
I absolutely agree about cosmetic surgery, aging gracefully is key 💗

Mohamed Mahfouz
Mohamed Mahfouz - 15.05.2022 20:53

Swedish women are the most beautiful women in the world

Amy Vasquez
Amy Vasquez - 14.05.2022 17:29

Completely adore you channel. ❤

Bron Green
Bron Green - 08.05.2022 23:08

Thank you Justine. Great advice although in Australia and New Zealand we do share what perfume we wear. I also don’t wear foundation as my skin becomes agitated if I apply foundation. Makes me wonder what chemicals it contains.Thank you for the video.

C Mays
C Mays - 07.05.2022 04:56

Returning to this video 5 years later. . I remember first watching it and feeling so vindicated that Justine said not to comb your hair every day. My older relatives were HORRIFIED that I don't comb my hair daily. LOL. When you have thin/fine hair, though, those knots add some much-needed texture.

Priya Mishra
Priya Mishra - 23.04.2022 23:41

WOW..u seem very positive

jeff - 19.04.2022 12:33

That's the thing about French women, they do it naturally

AlysononOahu - 04.04.2022 02:18

Why not share the info?

delilah deballsak
delilah deballsak - 29.03.2022 19:29

Justine, I love you! ❤️

Fanny Nylén
Fanny Nylén - 21.03.2022 15:45

You are adorable! Love this!

ceecee - 18.03.2022 02:30

Wow this made me feel better. I am a no nonsense gal....always have been. Guess I learned it from my mom early on. I have never liked foundation. The most makeup i use is the powdered foundation on little imperfections....but never whole face deal. A little brush of color on cheeks and a nice rosey lip balm. No hair color. I seem to have put off growing gray.....I think due to drinking green tea everyday for 20 plus years. Have some white finally showing up, but I like it and can't wait to go full blown white. At 69 its getting to be challenge to combat very dry skin, especially having to be on steroids for the duration. I use a really good body balm daily even on my face. Use scrub at least once a week. Drink lots of water......take vitamins.....and stay happy as I can even when in debilitating pain daily. Some things you can change or at least help along the way to combat aging......and lets face it....some you can't. Thats when the attitude of acceptance kicks in, and throws you a line. I smile all the time, especially when out....and focus on complimenting those around me instead of egging for myself. I'm babbling...sorry. Thank you for your video......I'm glad it came across the screen today. You are beautiful and i'm sure helping so many women stay beautiful just as they are.

Joshua Trees
Joshua Trees - 14.03.2022 08:31

I love all of this and do practice these steps in general. Something I seldom hear about is what to do with extremely sensitive facial skin with rosacea. So my skin (fair to medium) is oily underneath (with some large pores), dry/flaky on the surface, and reddish with some broken capillaries. Masks are completely out, as are any types of fruit acids or peels - they scorch my skin painfully. Any ideas?

N.J. Rihari
N.J. Rihari - 13.03.2022 04:42

Parisian Chic I like it :)

Sayuri Iura
Sayuri Iura - 12.03.2022 21:28

I love your channel, Justine, you are so lovely and beautiful
I would love to hear you speaking French❤🇫🇷

MsLadyLilian - 11.03.2022 08:51

we share with anybody your secrets we are not having these egoistic problems

MsLadyLilian - 11.03.2022 08:47

we want to be skinny but our genetics don't want to do it

Beautiful life in Islam
Beautiful life in Islam - 11.03.2022 05:01

6Islam raised the status of women and addressed her with her humanity and principles, and equalized her with discourse and duties with men- Islam singled out women in the largest wall of the Noble Qur’an, Surat An-Nisa - and the Messenger Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, praised all those who honor women - and demanded Hellfire for those who wronged her and cursed- Islam guarantees a woman a decent life throughout her life through inheritance rights and requires spending on her father, husband, and brother - and her right to work that does not jeopardize her dignity- A woman in Islam feels psychological security and stability whenever her body recedes, unlike the woman in the West - at this stage, (mother) Islam is considered the most obligatory respect and appreciation for the mother from all society, especially from children and grandchildren- Gaining the love and approval of the mother represents a path to heaven, and her anger leads to fire in Islam, which is considered the mistress of the family, and everyone loves to win her love - from time to time you find all parties presenting her with gifts- There is nothing in the Muslim family that worries the West about the flight of children from homes - the process of abortion, suicide and the dispersal of the family, which has become a prominent feature in the West in a frightening and increasing manner, and in most countries that claim the freedom of women, especially in girls- The Muslim woman with her veil is the one who owns her freedom, so only the one she loves can see her beauty - unlike the Western woman, she does not have the freedom to control her beauty in front of the owners of sexual frenzy- This is an overview of the Muslim woman. As for the Western woman, and her suffering, it will be at an upcoming date, God willing

MindBody108 - 10.03.2022 04:07

Your videos are refreshing and helpful. I'm on board with your advice in this one until you get to the extensive amount of work French women go to, paired with secrecy about their beauty routine. These are both elements of culture that work to keep women laboring over their appearance and may thereby detract from the time and money women have to enjoy other parts of life.

dgarza art
dgarza art - 07.03.2022 19:45

I agree with Justine in most regards. In particular, do not discuss at length your beauty regimen unless a dear friend asks. I have been in many situations where women discuss at length their diets, their skin care, etc. Ugh! So boring! One should keep up with grooming and such, but your routine is yours and not an appropriate conversation.

Natalia Roselily
Natalia Roselily - 03.03.2022 06:46

Always love your content Justine ♥️
Can I have information of the dress you're wearing? Hope you remember 😅😉

Nadine Hildebrand
Nadine Hildebrand - 01.03.2022 09:10

So lovely thank you for you beeing here...and tell us heartthings
