Harvey Brownstone Interviews Cyrus Copeland, Author of "Off the Radar"

Harvey Brownstone Interviews Cyrus Copeland, Author of "Off the Radar"

Harvey Brownstone Interviews

3 года назад

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@marjohagro9916 - 15.04.2021 02:54

Another remarkable interview! It’s seldom that you hear such effusive thanks from someone who submits to an interview but it seems to be a constant in the HB series of interviews. Harvey Brownstone really has a talent for getting intimate and sometimes sensitive details from his guests. This was no exception. Fascinating.

@lidagreenaway3588 - 15.04.2021 19:17

Harvey this is the best interview ever. Absolutely love it him and you. His honesty his emotions his sincerity your depth of questions. Can't say enough except I am now ordering both of his books. Thank you.

@BySamWithLove - 15.04.2021 20:02

Great interview and excellent book!

@rahajune - 17.06.2022 08:52

I truly enjoyed this book, the most interesting character was Cyrus's mother in this story. Shirzan Irani---the dad was definitely a CIA agent

@rahajune - 24.09.2023 22:46

Cannot wait for this book to become a movie

@thomasalbert6687 - 29.06.2024 17:45

Only Mitzi Gaynor loves old Hollywood more than I do. This broadening of subject to international politics/culture is a stimulating addition, handled with customary aplomb. Go Harvey, go!
