Prime Minister Hudayar: Tech Censorship, Boycott of Beijing Olympics, East Turkistan Gov in Exile

Prime Minister Hudayar: Tech Censorship, Boycott of Beijing Olympics, East Turkistan Gov in Exile


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@hitmusicworldwide - 05.02.2022 21:19

Alex, you make some good points. But as Perry Mason would say some of your arguments are "incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial". You conflate terrorists who are from many nationalities in your Afghanistan example. Uighur, Canadian, Uzbek French, English, and yes even US citizens that are terrorists are killed by the US government ( google Anwar Al-Awaki ) So that argument is invalided by facts and the rules of logic. Try to refrain from cherry-picking your arguments and leaving the weaknesses of them out. When you do that, you are making the same mistakes as "people on the other side". First let's admit that there have been terrorist incidents reported by Chinese media and authorities. Ok if that is true there is a need to maintain security. Granting that, let's look at these explanations and attempts at legitimization. Some of which are valid, some half-true, and others just propaganda. I would like to look at the fact that the Han Chinese dominated PRC of 2022 would do better to recognize the right to self-determination of non-Han peoples like the Tibetians, Mongols, Uighurs etc, as it has superficially acknowledged in the past, and instead of aggressively asserting this current policy of chauvinistically "inheriting" the contested 17th-century empire of their former non-Han Manchu rulers that THEY fought to unseat. ( The Manchus are related to Uighurs and Mongols linguistically ( WAIT! does THIS FACT mean that the Uighurs should be ruling HAN PRC China as they did in 1900? The Manchurian/ Mongolian alphabet was developed by .. wait for it THE UIGHURS !! ) Han Chinese should not and arguably can not use the argument that they are entitled to the empire of their imperialist conquerors as if it is THEIR empire to use as they see fit and then claim they are not also imperialists. Present-day China, dominated by the Han nationality's geographic aspirations IS hegemonistic if arguments are based on this policy principle. Rather the push should be for an East Asian Union akin to the European Union based on a REAL recognition of the sovereign rights of the 56 nationalities trapped in the system today. The PRC is not respecting the actual name they have chosen. The PEOPLES Republic. Civilization as we know it is in a flux where 17th,18th, and 19th-century notions are being challenged but we are still haunted by a mindset in almost all Nations that can only be described as imperialist, hegemonistic, and colonial. People can point out the treatment of Native Americans by the US government here, but one of the issues that the United States government deals with is the US Constitution recognizes treaties as the law of the land and the United States has treaties with Native American nations, ratified by Congress, so the US in doing so has recognized their sovereignty and their right to exist. I think China if it professes a more enlightened nonracist, 21st-century mindset could correct the wrongs of history and respect the aspirations of the region to create a better path. However, the power politics of might makes right, and "we will overwhelm you with power" shows the reality of the situation as it exists today. China's aggressive moves based not upon Han Chinese history (which was insular and BUILT A WALL To keep these people OUT ) but the history of their conquerors, the FOREIGN MANCHU EMPIRE, delegitimizes their arguments. Here is a great example of the Chinese mindset but using other nations as examples. Just because Mexico was the headquarters for the Spanish empire outside of Spain, Does this fact of the empire's administration not give Mexico the right to claim sovereignty over the Philippines today or in the future, because the Philippines was conquered by the Spanish and the administration of the Philippines was done out of Mexico City? It certainly gave the USA control over the Philippines when the USA fought and defeated the Spanish EMPIRE ( which it relinquished ) For thirteen years, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, functioned as the capital of the Kingdom of Portugal in what some historians call a metropolitan reversal (i.e., a colony exercising governance over the entirety of an EMPIRE. So will that be sufficient rationale for Brazil to "retake" Macau or Angola by some future uber nationalistic "People's Republic of Brazil" that develops advanced weapons and a world-dominating military and wants to restore Rio De Janeiro's past "glory"? There are "ancient documents" that the Brazilians can provide that can PROVE their "case". ( If you think Brazil can't do it, history has already proved that far smaller nations including Portugal and England itself can build world-dominating empires ) This is the logic that PRC and ROC China wants us to accept to legitimize its expansionist efforts. As for "Ancient Chinese manuscripts giving legitimacy to self-serving claims, you can't come up with some one-sided ancient document ( independently verified or not ) and tell an ethnic group, nation, or people that they have to accept it in perpetuity because YOU say so. This is the very same argument that folks who use the Torah/ Bible to portion the Middle East push and that doesn't make sense either.

@michaelz5497 - 05.02.2022 15:43

LOL wow the clown show
