ATC SCM40A Active floor-standers - A film about

ATC SCM40A Active floor-standers - A film about

13th Note HiFi Reviews

4 года назад

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@nespressoman - 18.03.2020 19:09

I was going to buy a pair of the active ATCs last year. Unfortunately I could not get enough for trading in my existing speakers. One day, I hope.

@richarddegannes2928 - 24.03.2020 08:19

Hello, I am thinking of getting a pair of ATC speakers either ATC SCM50 or 100 ASLT. Please advise what would be the difference between the 50 and 100 ASLT? What pre-amplifier would you recommend ? Thanks.

@thisnameisit - 25.03.2020 00:35

Do actives make sense if you already have a good amp in your opinion?.Nice vid and nice speakers

@kubjohal - 25.03.2020 18:46

Hi there, what equipment did you use to test - in this case source and pre amp? Cheers,

@keeperofthereign - 10.04.2020 15:04

My dream speaker mate, although beyond my financial ability right now! Many many thanks for the review!

@softbingan - 14.04.2020 14:56

Where I can find the sound track

@johnsweda2999 - 16.04.2020 18:26

Don't forget when you measure you measure from the front baffle the speaker not the back of the speaker so a metre would be from the front of the speak
There's no slope adjustment you can't plug it into a computer I don't know internally if there is. What is the SPL? What price can you pick them up for they're not cheap! if you're interested in selling them I might be interested South East can travel. Well how are you connecting it preamp ? Valve would be nice you should look at the kR audio p135 would be my choice would work nicely what is gutzy tho

@MichaelPsyrras - 19.05.2020 15:54

Nice review!!!
Did you use a preamp with the RME or not?
Do you have any comments about the RME directly in to the 40A vs using a preamp?
Thank you!

@Roman_Ishmuratov - 28.05.2020 23:20

Unfortunately I have not seen speakers. But I saw face!

@Romulus980 - 11.06.2020 20:28

My dream speaker, I would like to know more about the different preamps one can use, especially solid or tube preamps as I believe can adjust the flavour of the sound?

@cp070476 - 13.06.2020 13:22

I was lucky enough to pick up some passive SCM100's 6 years ago. £3,500! best purchase i made they sound excellent.

@uhugvjkbkjh - 18.06.2020 13:44

V good value imo.

@fizywig - 09.07.2020 20:12

Could I use a matrix audio element x as a standalone box streaming from Qobuz, with the XLR connections directly to these scm 40a speakers?

@gee3883 - 15.08.2020 11:48

Thanks for the review and info Im recommending these to my bro in law cheers.

@zorankalina4399 - 26.08.2020 14:52

Have pasive ATCs 40....and ATCs 7
They are realy remarkeble
Only one thing can be better, actualy..they nead a lot of power....and they do not sound should,if you listening them on low volumes.Somwhere...from around 30db on potentiometre....they start to sing.
In any wey...will never like to change them...maybe will buy some decent pair of speakers...for lowe volume,evneng talk.
Hope Wheferdale heratige Lintons ,can do that part
All you mentione...keeps the wather👍🙂

@Crannie3 - 24.09.2020 15:16

Nice review format, found this as I considering upgrading from my SCM19's to the 40A's. As a review I world be interested in the NAD C658 as and all in one source: streamer DAC Pre. I'm told the ATC actives live a low impedance output from the Pre of 300 ohms or less. Keen to hear your opinion of the NAD regardless.

@AllboroLCD - 11.10.2020 08:37

I recall a time where most audio snobs scoffed at the thought of self amped home speakers, now it seems actives may very well become more common than passives!

@Billy-Spence-feet - 23.10.2020 04:23

How has nobody else said your Paul Potts long lost twin :)

@szjoin992 - 26.10.2020 14:50

I'm confused: while I'm fascinated by the many excellent reviews these speakers get, there's one thing I just can't comprehend: speakers of that size that don't go below 48Hz (-6dB): isn't it strange that can't these speakers go where often even high-quality bookshelves (and most floorstanding competition) can? Am I right when I say that these low frequencies are necessary for good sound reproduction? Am I now referring to the 'pink elephant in the room'? Given the excellent performance, does this observation weigh heavily?

@huangjin800 - 01.12.2020 15:45

How does the actives compare with the passives ATC SCM40 driven by the SIA 150 integrated amp?

@stephengarratt5076 - 29.12.2020 22:09

Following the failure of the un replaceable mid range units on my Ruark Crusader II Speakers, a good audiophile friend and ATC owner pointed me in the direction of the ATC SCM40 passives.
Now in my autumn years and after a lifetime of Audio system ownership, I have discovered audio Nirvana!
My ATCs are Tri-Amped with with a pair of 1990s Audiolab 125 watt 8000Ms for the Tweeter and Mid Range and an Audiolab 8300MB 250 watt for the Bass.
The preamp is the Audiolab 8000Q (late 90s)
Everyone who has heard these wonders is absolutely stunned by what they are hearing and I am just saddened that I had not purchased these speakers sooner!
The clarity and reality of music played, is out of this world and the beautiful bass response seems to go much lower than the specification.
My listening room is a modest 12 x 13 foot but the ATCs do not overwhelm at all, the sealed box design cancels any unwanted booming, the Bass being well controlled, but when it’s there you know it.
Definitely one of my best Audio purchases of all time!

@stevebendelack3935 - 23.01.2021 13:02

BRILLIANT REVIEW!As you say for premium sound they are a bargain.!

@chihungchan8325 - 29.01.2021 20:27

how much of atc scm 40a? Thanks!

@hemantishwaran5741 - 26.02.2021 07:34

What about for a smaller room? 15 feet by 15 feet? Love ATC and big fan of actives - these could my speakers ...

@tthedon2471 - 02.03.2021 20:04

are they kept on all the time?

@stanmyers5994 - 15.04.2021 12:12

Excellent video, cheers mate

@shemaya4979 - 11.07.2021 03:13

Are you using your Hegel H390 with ATC?

@Mik1604 - 14.10.2021 18:28

I guess using an active speaker does not allow you to use the generally recommended high level input of a subwoofer? Or do these not need a sub.

@PaulSmith-qz2re - 02.11.2021 18:24

Hello I had a pair of ATC SCM35Ss best speakers I've ever owned and then some

@russellbaston1223 - 10.02.2022 18:38

"These bars have no purpose, they are used by ATC to lower------" so that's the purpose, and they also offer some protection to the heatsink if you might shove the speaker against a wall, while moving it.

@Thomas-us4wq - 17.02.2022 04:00

Hi Sir.. My suggestion for at product to review is a pair of Audio Note E Speakers. They were highly regarded some years ago now, but are they still worth it? Who do they compare to more modern equipment?

@tomhirschel8524 - 24.02.2022 16:02

JBL 4367 . Well worth looking at. They need more than 200 watts to drive them properly. The active version is the M2.

@carolineleonard8214 - 07.04.2022 23:56

Hi Simon. I've been following and enjoying your posts since you started and thoroughly enjoy your posts and their validity. I'm considering going down the route of these actives, providing that I can get an audition anywhere close to me in Wales. May I ask if you had your Hegel when you reviewed these? (Coming from the preamp out of course). My reason being that I want to get the full Hegel, with a P20/30, v10 and DAC if I can get hold of one. Looking forward to your reply I thank you again.

@JamesH1973 - 18.04.2022 16:01

Do you think these speakers would be overkill in a small 8m2 listening room?

@TheManunderwater - 07.05.2022 21:29

Utterly brilliant review. Rational and clear and you made the important point that you're getting the amps "free"! Also the amps will have been tweaked by. ATC to match their speakers. I'll be buying these later this year....

@kenjames246 - 30.05.2022 16:11

I'd love to know what you think of the passive version of these in your system for those of us that already have amplifiers.

@bachbaby6996 - 13.07.2022 06:56

I have a passive pair in matte black and absolutely love them.

@tonesbones502 - 27.07.2022 13:46

Haha, what you said at 12mins is so true and exactly the advice I would give any music enthusiast just getting into hifi. If you can afford these speakers just stretch yourself and get them (or the passive ones as long as you have a very good amp or two), because the journey you will take to get to this point is going to cost time and money. If its all about the music then listen to this advice, you simply wont find better, especially at this price. And a pair of speakers of this quality (as long as you keep them dry) will last you a life time.
The only thing I'll add here is don't be afraid of integrating a quality sub. If you can tune it all the better.

@robertobassani - 05.08.2022 12:58

Hi, what xlr did you use? What pre amp do you think it’s best? I just bought a pair and I need to try them with good gear to get the best out of them. Thanks in advance

@金久保宏一 - 10.10.2022 06:34

自分自身もATCー SCM200SLPTをオーダーして愛用しています。日本国では既に取り扱い停止していますから、大切に使用して参ります。シリアル№9&10で、日本国では一組しか有りません。

@TombstoneTube - 19.10.2022 04:15

How do they sound at lower volumes? Thanks

@phx2jrl1 - 26.01.2023 17:52

Thanks for the detailed explanations and education.

@user-ys4og2vv8k - 28.01.2023 16:00

Which would you choose between these and the KEF LS60?

@marcmoehlig7655 - 29.01.2023 13:54

Excellent review! Would be nice if you could review the new Volumio Primo DAC and the Rivo streamer.

@roberthague3062 - 05.07.2023 00:32

How do these compare to similar active speakers like Meridian 5200SE?

@SpacialObjects - 04.12.2023 22:37

Surely those red poles are spacers to prevent people shoving the speakers hard up against the wall and blocking ventilation for the heat sink?

@marcelocendoya5486 - 10.01.2024 03:24

Excelent product description and a very honest review. It is very little or nothing to criticize. This ATC model is very close to the ideal home loudspeaker.

@Jorge-dlugg - 26.12.2024 14:53

i dont like to agree to often,but ths time i agree totally!thanks.

@andrecaron6195 - 27.02.2025 06:14

Can you test the Totem signature one?
