Ancient Aliens: Indonesia's Lost Pyramids (Season 9) | History

Ancient Aliens: Indonesia's Lost Pyramids (Season 9) | History


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HISTORY - 18.07.2019 18:39

Like Ancient Aliens? Catch our new series The UnXplained with William Shatner, Fridays at 10/9c after Ancient Aliens!

Zaharah binti Harun Zaharah
Zaharah binti Harun Zaharah - 27.09.2023 03:27

Al-Quran ilmunya BERLAUTAN, marilah membaca MERAKAM bacaan Al-Quran dalam bahasa yang mudah difahami, dengarlah RAKAMAN fahamilah berkali kali dengan PENGASIH dan PENYAYANG Wallahua'lam

Mbuck - 12.09.2023 09:51

Mount Padang has several different layers, each layer taking thousands of years, this site was built from simple to like this, it took a very long time and this hill is not a former ancient volcano, there are no magma chimneys in the bottom layer of the hill, it has been tested by geological radar, and the foundation rock not found around the hill, people at that time transported rocks from other places and carved out rectangular rocks, not natural rocks.😢😢

Jugg91 - 02.09.2023 11:37

It is, guys, let the truth be heard, there are people trying to control the world trying to force western supremacy. Sundaland is the cradle of civilization, which was also a civilization after the flood, science has proven everything.

CommandereON - 17.08.2023 07:26

5 Mass Extinction Events through millions of years. 10000 years is a blip. 😅

Elizabeth Csibi
Elizabeth Csibi - 08.08.2023 02:52

puisque cela gene tant nos têtes mal pensantes dit "archeologues" de rien qui ont fait efface ce que j'avais ecris , je reedite mes ecris , d'apres graham hancock , les plus vielle pyramide , ont plus de 24 000 ans , et surement même plus pres dé 30 000 a 50 000 ans , cela demontre simplement qu'une civilisation plus avancée que la notres a vecu sur terre , et que au moment des grand s cataclysme , il se sont refugier dans la mer interieur de la terre qui a 7 fois plus d'eau que sur la surface , ou qu'ils sont parti dans l'espace puisque plus avancée que notre civilisation reconnaitres les etoiles habitables , n'en deplaise aux pretendues savant de marseille,, marre des gens qui croient tous savoir , ...

Yohannes Long
Yohannes Long - 02.08.2023 09:39

History Channel ini dulunya channel yg bagus dan kredibel, tapi entah kenapa makin kesini jadi channel sampah penuh teori konspirasi dan hoaks sejarah yg rasis dan merendahkan intelek yg nonton dan yg didokumenterin..

Eunike Dondokambey
Eunike Dondokambey - 26.07.2023 06:38

Has been very carefully

Kweni3 - 17.07.2023 22:04

Yg kalian maksud alien itu adalah lemurian dia adalah manusia dengan peradaban yg lebih maju dari manusia manusia sekarang ya saya orang indonesia dan di tanah kami mengandung sejuta misteri dan keajaiban

not youu
not youu - 11.07.2023 13:55

on this site what's weird is that if the rock is hit it will sound like iron😮

ERASER_FAST - 28.06.2023 23:47

ada yg bilang tempat nabi noah membuat kapal

corolla cross
corolla cross - 18.06.2023 09:48

ga ada itu Atlantis atau lumpuria , yg pasti peradaban kita udah lebih maju dari bangsa2 yg lain, cuma aja kemalasan dan kolonialisme yg bikin kita jadi bodoh

Muhamad Sidiq
Muhamad Sidiq - 31.05.2023 18:50

Kamu kira warga jaman dulu Indonesia itu kamu sebut " bangsa alien " kami warga Indonesia bangga karena kita punya peradapan kuno yang sangat menakjubkan, (orang kulit putih tidak punya peradaban dunia ,orang lemah tidak terkena matahari 🖕 )

makolig jusvarted
makolig jusvarted - 28.05.2023 01:55

there is no Polynesian nor Melanesian ancestral place called mu, by any Polynesian or Melanesian culture. it was created by some white dude named Augustus Le Plongeon a crypto cartographer, a make believe map maker.
im Māori our peoples origin is a place named hawaiki translates to heaven. Maui in Hawaiian mythology pulled Hawaii from the heavens to earth, Māori Maui pulled te ika a Maui/ the fish of Maui/ the North island of New Zealand from the sea floor.
Fijian legends say they come from a place far away called Tankania
Mu, look for a cow and you will find mu/moo

y%gjt76v0# - 27.05.2023 00:16

The oldest civilization in the world is wkwk land 😅

Wiandry Adi Wasistio
Wiandry Adi Wasistio - 14.05.2023 18:48

well, i’ve seen everything.

mind y’all, just because we/you don’t get it, it doesn’t mean ‘aliens’. k?

Sonny Andrean Mamu
Sonny Andrean Mamu - 27.04.2023 06:30

Alien ancient is crop circle
Human ancient is Mount Padang.

Nayaka_Babayo - 18.04.2023 12:22

Daripada ngomongin gunung Padang mending makan Nasi Padang🤤

Mr. LIB (Luckiest Infinite Benefits)
Mr. LIB (Luckiest Infinite Benefits) - 17.03.2023 14:44

Please don't frame it 🙏🏻

Snakeman - 03.03.2023 13:43

nanti cakap jin korang ckp mngarut..tgk la balik zaman nabi sulaiman..

Neng - 28.02.2023 01:43

Ini bukan buatan alien lol !!!
Ini adalah tempat suci menunaikan ibadah bagi orang sunda jaman Dulu

Dibuat oleh orang sunda bukan alien !!!

Ini berbeda dengan candi Borobudur Buddha di jawa tengah yang memiliki ruangan dan patung untuk di sembah

Agama di jawa barat mengendifikasi tuhan esa yang maha agung tidak memiliki fisik , tidak terlihat dan maha agung pencipta semua alam semesta ( Agama Sunda Wiwitan )

Sehingga saat membuat tempat ibadah. Orang sunda tidak melukis gambar atau membuat patung, karna mereka menganggap tempat suci itu harus murni

Agama sunda wiwitan sudah ada sebelum masuknya Hindu-Buddha Di Nusantara!!!
Paham kan ?

Juliusdabest D
Juliusdabest D - 19.02.2023 05:19

The westerners can’t believe that people that weren’t white created a complex structure such as the pyramids we see today in multiple continents. Westerners deny the accomplishments of other people by saying that aliens created it. It is a lie. Asians, Africans and Native Americans have all created a pyramids. We should give credit to them instead just assuming aliens did it.

sukron amin
sukron amin - 18.02.2023 11:53

Narrator: It's alien.
Om: Hold my ice tea. I'll show you tuyul reject

Hari Purwanto
Hari Purwanto - 17.02.2023 16:02

So I am an alien? I'm Indonesian 🙄

codgj - 17.02.2023 12:17

How do you know the look of an alien civilization?

codgj - 17.02.2023 12:15

Yup, white people are the only humans

halo - 16.02.2023 08:51


bocah kulon
bocah kulon - 14.02.2023 15:49

Sampai sekarang belum terpecahkan, pembangunan yang sangat mahir walau gatau dijaman apa apanya itu ngebangunya. Amazing bangga jadi orang indonesia

Nexus Studios
Nexus Studios - 14.02.2023 00:44

Aliens do not exist

Napoleon Rabbit
Napoleon Rabbit - 13.02.2023 03:16

"Irrefutable evidence" of a what? A pile of stones?

Ready 4 Takeoff™
Ready 4 Takeoff™ - 11.02.2023 21:35

Maybe Rumah Makan NASI PADANG Aliens advance Technology 😎

Adellya Lakshita
Adellya Lakshita - 06.02.2023 02:54

Genang pedang 😂

VersudiousBlack MockingBird
VersudiousBlack MockingBird - 04.02.2023 11:01

Yeah we have a thumbs like others ancient ... but ... we keep d data in the safest place. And it's none of our business anyway ;

asma meiji
asma meiji - 31.01.2023 22:22


RAKHA 21 - 31.01.2023 15:07

is that meme guy?

iisan1 - 31.01.2023 14:36

I cringed everytime they said “Guh nung pha dhang” hahahaha

Cooking Pinoy
Cooking Pinoy - 31.01.2023 11:20

why you always give the credits to ancient aliens?

Ario Papaparra
Ario Papaparra - 28.01.2023 21:53

Saha maneh?? Aing alien...!

Deni chandra winatha
Deni chandra winatha - 28.01.2023 18:49

gunung padang...
before no body want to there because of sacred place.
but now everybody want to see gunung padang..even from other country ..the arceology,tourist and sienceties...
anyway i was lucky and i can go anytime to gunung padang because is not to far from my place...

Erna Herlina
Erna Herlina - 28.01.2023 13:22

Recent fossil findings in Kalimantan/Borneo, Indonesia, showed that 30.000 years ago our ancestors knew how to surgically amputated limb and treated safely. So I don't think it is a surprise that 10.000 years ago they knew how to build a pyramid like Gunung Padang. Anyway, both Kalimantan and Java are part of Sundaland.

Aneh Junior
Aneh Junior - 26.01.2023 12:42

Well thats why this stone science is awesome, its only 2000% off. Megalithic this and that, like an etnicity that born during the colonialism somehow had utensils that aged 2000 years WTF. Go eat you dinosours and you darwin theory.

Maulana Parmarayudha
Maulana Parmarayudha - 26.01.2023 03:19

Ohhh i see the meme 😭

GEGABAH AJA - 25.01.2023 17:24

Ada Indonesia Coy

Mada Blake
Mada Blake - 25.01.2023 11:19

ancient people : lets make Great building for show next generation how the great we are..
people now : this must be ALIEN!!

moch1e - 24.01.2023 02:10

Well..IM an alien then... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ulululululuuuuu.. lol

Zhilan Stevumi Coprino
Zhilan Stevumi Coprino - 24.01.2023 00:42

Jangan meremehkan kuli. Apalagi kuli djawa

Fadaz - 23.01.2023 11:54

Alien? I thought western scientists were smarter than this

yssunjoko - 23.01.2023 11:09

can Chrono Trigger be right, that in 12.000 BC, some advanced technology was there on earth, but then disappeared because of super heat?

Just an average guy
Just an average guy - 23.01.2023 06:26

Asia in 800's CE

1. Tang Dynasty (China)
- Has 85 million people
- The biggest exporter and importer in the world
- The biggest economy powerhouse in the world (from 120 BC to 1800 AD)
- Literally the producer of many goods (some of them were expensive ones).
- Has 500,000 imperial infantry and 100,000 imperial horsemen
- The inventor of Stock Exchange
- The inventor of Banking System

2. Rashtrakuta Empire (India)
- Has around 23 million people
- Controlled the sea trade route between Southeast Asia to Middle East and backwater Europe
- Literally the science powerhouse (Astronomy , Mathematics, Taxation System, Art, Warfare and many more)
- Join forces with Crivijaya Empire to controlled the sea trade route between Eastern Africa to South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia (Indian Ocean)

3. Crivijaya Empire (Indonesia)
- Has around 10 million people
- Controlled the sea trade route (Malaca Strait) between two most populated regions on earth, China Mainland (85 million people) and India Subcontinent (97 million people) not to mention another 22 million SEA people
- Join forces Rashtrakuta Empire to control Indian Ocean trade route
- Built a colony in Madagascar and few trading posts across Eastern Africa coastline
- Literally the Maritime Juggernaut (some resources says Crivijaya has around 600-700 navy ships)
- The overlord of the most expensive spices producer at that time (Cloves and Nutmeg), Duchy of Ternate

4. Khmer Empire (Cambodia)
- Has 8 million people
- The inventor of Healthcare system
- Controlled the land trade route between South Asia, mainland SEA, mainland China and Tibetan Plateau)
- Not exactly the economy juggernaut but literally the most self-sufficient kingdom at that time

Just in 800's only, Asia was literally the world powerhouse with their juggernauts (Tang, Rashtrakuta, Crivijaya and Khmer), our civilisation has been the powerhouse since ancient times so it's not hard to believe that Gunung Padang was one of the symbol how great Asia Civilisation was.

It's time for Europeans to understand that their civilisation one step ahead from the rest of the world just started from 1800 AD onward, literally from ancient times to 1800 AD Asia was the powerhouse

Note : Go googling, there are literally tons of researches especially for Crivijaya Empire ones, stop being White's slaves, they are only one step ahead by looting us

komar chucky
komar chucky - 22.01.2023 18:04

As Indonesian, i often see Giorgio in photo & video memes 🤣
