TOP 21 Things To Do In Newfoundland  Travel Guide

TOP 21 Things To Do In Newfoundland Travel Guide

Anna & Karl Travel

1 год назад

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@billwindsor4224 - 26.08.2023 15:32

Beautiful! Nice compilation; thank you!

@itsjozef - 21.09.2023 22:16

Gros Morne and Terra Nova Park are so so so beautiful.

@lcampbell9837 - 07.10.2023 12:58

Some fun names.

@Kimmy6519 - 08.12.2023 01:18

Please learn to pronounce the names properly.

@ClassicCovers709 - 15.12.2023 05:13

Francois NL Hidden Gem

@monsegordillo2702 - 22.01.2024 20:19

good video

@Cristopher-c5l - 22.01.2024 20:22

any recs on best places to stay?

@Mamutsitopro - 22.01.2024 20:28

Great video the city looks amazing to visit

@larryboivin4669 - 26.01.2024 22:06

Life Along The Southern Shore

I've sat amidst the pebbled sand
That embrace the shores of Newfoundland;
Beach rocks smoothed in endless swails,
Umbrella spouts of passing whales;
Burgs that shine a battle gray,
Their color cast on a cloudy day;
Sun that peers through clouded skies,
From the sea it seems to rise;
Gulls that sail the jagged shores,
Crashing waves their thunderous roars;
The glistening spray skyward bound,
On a quiet night that melodic sound;
Pitch black skies surround the moon,
A million stars a lovers swoon;
The wondrous smell of flowers sweet,
Soft meadow grass beneath my feet;
Berries found beside a trail,
Fishing boats await the sail;
Pea soup fog rolling in,
Ports inhabited by loving kin;
Fisherman's tales of long ago,
Of swirling winds and blowing snow;
Coniferous trees all laid down,
With ice and snow a pearly gown.

I'd love to live that life once more,
A cherished life along the Southern Shore!

@Mordenkainen322 - 01.03.2024 00:23

New-Found-Land, why is it that I have never heard a program or news pronounce the name properly. Newfinland is not a real place, unless your talking about the Sask town of New Finland. Also Bonavista does not have a ia at the end so it's Bon-A-Vist-A not Bon-A-Vist-Ia, and the S at the end of Gros Morne national park is pronounced so Gro-s.

@shaneash1598 - 11.04.2024 14:48

Newfoundland is beautiful but you can't eat the scenery😂

@MichaelJohn-dw6dl - 12.04.2024 17:29

Dildo seriously lol

@audraa14 - 25.04.2024 20:42

I’m a Canadian and I live in Newfoundland but jellybean has to be
My favorite place I’ve been too

@nlhockey286 - 29.06.2024 16:42

The best whale watching experience in Newfoundland and my opinion is Northland discovery boat tours in St. Anthony

@davek303 - 01.07.2024 02:22

#1 best thing: Get far, far away from New Foundland

@miguelcaceres5368 - 20.07.2024 23:04

No one is going to talk about Town of Dildo? 🤣🤣🤣

Actually looks like a cool place though. 💯

@Harold710 - 21.07.2024 16:43

Kitty not kwitty

@craigcooknf - 26.07.2024 00:19

If you are going to Twillingate, instead of staying there, I suggest staying at Evelyn's Place in Herring Neck (about 20 minutes before Twillingate). It is owned by the Saltbox Company. I am a Newfoundlander and I think that Herring Neck is one of the most beautiful places in Newfoundland. I have no affiliation with that company. It is one of my best memories when "Staycationing" just after covid. I also agree that the Skerwink trail is amazing. This ties with the Chance Cove trail, in my mind, as the most beautiful hikes in Newfoundland.

Finally, when you are in St john's, visit the War Memorial and ask where the Crow's nest pub is. You will not be disappointed!

Best route is to arrive via Deer Lake airport, rent a car, and work your way to St John's, flying home from there. Tourists who land in St John's normally don't get off the Avalon Peninsula and end up seeing very little of Newfoundland.

@oogervoldclubdengomperskag5499 - 25.08.2024 14:21

No Canadians were harmed in the construction of route 1.

@sergeskandala8043 - 05.11.2024 17:00

I would like to come there please, may God bless me too.
