Uncovering a 160 Year Old Well.

Uncovering a 160 Year Old Well.

Country View Acres (Formerly Smalltown442)

9 месяцев назад

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@jeffreythomas7499 - 31.05.2024 21:45

Can you use the well??? I remember a previous episode about a year ago where you uncovered another old well house and tried to pump it out. After the pigs have gone could you move the fence that's around the pig pen so that you can get at this well? (to lower your water bills)

@teenagefarmer - 31.05.2024 21:55

Man that is so cool! Awesome work guys keep it up!

@grantmagnuson4883 - 31.05.2024 22:04

If you did with the plumber, said to do with 4 inch pipe, I suggest filling it in with rock instead of dirt, then you could also remove those old rock that Rebecca says are so valuable. I’d also put in TWO 4 inch pipes, one for a hand pump, and one for a electric pump that you dropped to the bottom. Do a lot of research and see what’s best, but you definitely want at least two pipes, you could even put in four pipes, spaced in a 12 in.² because I think the swell will continue to work for the next 200 years and you only want to put pipes down one time, which is right now or next year before the pigs arrive again

@grantmagnuson4883 - 31.05.2024 22:04

Also, take those two trees out, maybe

@conservativeprodigy2604 - 31.05.2024 22:46

Your channel has been my inspiration for my 40 acres in Wisconsin. Thank you for all your videos

@wallaceloper637 - 31.05.2024 23:01

Grandad would go to the well house then go to town and return with the seed he would plant. just saying

@jamesschaffhausen4466 - 31.05.2024 23:04

Hey Evan. Just thinking about a Country song. Elle is the Barn🐄. 🎵🎶Oh no. Elle is the barn again. Who has eyes on Maya ?🎶🎻🪕🐄👀 Cool 👍huh ? 😎☝️👏

@rayjayks - 31.05.2024 23:44

Those Speckled Sussex chickens are always curious and hanging out around you when you work. It seems to be a characteristic of that breed. Cracks me up.

@hastyhillfarm - 01.06.2024 03:28

Well, that was a great video.

@tdawg5253 - 01.06.2024 03:31

I wanted to see the steaks being cooked. Great video with the history!

@anandrew6641 - 01.06.2024 05:26

I'm happy to see you kept the old well, you never know what might happened in future.

@chrischisholm4800 - 01.06.2024 06:13

Look at Rebeca go on the tractor! She’s come a long way! Must of had a good teacher eh Evan!? Nudge, Nudge! 😉👏🏻

@Reggiekranz - 01.06.2024 06:52

If you actually want to make that well last you need to get rid of those trees. Only a matter of time before they wreck it

@Misty45-kx3bz - 01.06.2024 08:09


@davewood406 - 01.06.2024 10:05

Dye that pond, stop the algae before it gets crazy.

@JohnBaillie-zd8yf - 01.06.2024 14:53

i would try and see if there was anyway to fix it

@JohnBaillie-zd8yf - 01.06.2024 14:59

a bit of steel and fit it that way you can keep the big stone as a keep sake

@johnfarmer1691 - 01.06.2024 19:30

well done !! from uk

@frankiestotelmyer1095 - 01.06.2024 20:05

Build a steal wishing well that would look pretty cool

@answatkins4677 - 01.06.2024 20:25

Put a big rock or stone on top of lid.

@patricklipsius8380 - 01.06.2024 20:52

Your lady Rocks

@dominikpiskoric9649 - 01.06.2024 23:31

When my great grandpa bought our property he and some neigbors digged well by hand in 1960 just for house now that well is just decoration on lowan and after that he had in 80 s costom crew to dig other place in yard. Now story goes where current well is was hay stack and flock of geese was sitting and guy sayd where gesse sitting there is water.

@ronaldclemons5520 - 01.06.2024 23:38

I hope you guys will keep the old well. If that well could talk the stories it could tell. There is a lot of history in your well. Blessings

@josephbrown-ut9ty - 02.06.2024 00:23

JudithB Noticed the grinding wheel didnt go back on the well! I have a grinding wheel mounted on a frame with a tractor seat to sit on, and a foot pedal to power it. A piece of tire is under the wheel for water. My father got it somewhere and I inherited it!!! It works well but there is a chunk broken out on the side of the wheel. Very cool you saved the old well and made it safe for animals and children. I am pruning brush back on the front yard and slowly getting all the mess along the side of the house. Its part of my fire hazzard project before summer drought starts.

@bgengler30 - 02.06.2024 04:16

How's the Allis Chalmers coming along? Haven't heard anything about it in awhile.

@daleficklin1607 - 02.06.2024 05:25

Why would you not build a fence around it for extra protection?

@waynejones5239 - 02.06.2024 08:15

Nice video

@chrisoconnor5880 - 02.06.2024 15:49

Tip your bucket forward when yo are dragging the shingle

@edwinleach7401 - 02.06.2024 17:10

Glad you kept the well. Didn't people used to keep valuables in the well for safe keeping? What is at the bottom of your well? LOL.

@stuartsmall1372 - 02.06.2024 17:23

Rebecca must have been watching let dig 18 the way she works that bucket

@KleverKonnections - 02.06.2024 17:36

You never know, Abe Lincoln may have dug that well since he was a tall thin man and could fit down there!

@veroniquefretz1334 - 02.06.2024 19:11

I also opened the lid of the farm well last year. Fortunately for me, it was dug in 1976 and made of concrete rings. It only required draining with a heavy duty pump 3 feet of mud at the bottom and half a dozen dead mice. Poured bleach inside, and good to go, 1000 gals of clean water everyday, just in case...

@vickihamrick5134 - 02.06.2024 20:47

I would have dropped a large magnet into the well before I sealed it up. No telling what you may have found lol!

@ianhaggart1438 - 02.06.2024 21:52

Great vid... Nice old well.
. Question now is .. Will you be using it in future and bringing into farm use? Stay safe 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@kellyodom9596 - 03.06.2024 01:08

I would definitely drop a fishing magnet down that well to see what’s down there.

@billerwin3772 - 03.06.2024 02:45

I actually think that’s a more permanent fix than you give yourself credit for. Good work you two. Love the channel.

@billkenosky3825 - 03.06.2024 03:35

I’m glad you saved it and did what you did.👍👍👍

@johndernberger1961 - 03.06.2024 06:27

Save the well. Build a well house and install a solar powered pump. You have a gem there.

@kingfishjrb - 03.06.2024 14:15

be sure to put that grind stone in a safe space.

@cjandjoannegodkin3787 - 03.06.2024 18:21

I love that you all have such a history to your homestead. Soooo amazing.

@rancancookcanoy9768 - 05.06.2024 17:06

Pete enjoyed the video this morning with my coffee. There is nothing like working hay with the tractor and listening to it purr as you bale hay. Thank you.

@raydegs1602 - 05.06.2024 18:53

Fascinating 👍

@batpherlangkharkrang7976 - 12.06.2024 14:14

Hi.... Evan and Rebecca nice to see you Love watching your video homestead bye 👋 bye 👋 bye 👋 bye 👋👍👍👍

@PetersonFarmsofNashvillePFON - 14.06.2024 11:52

Nice Job 👍
Temporary Fix on our Farm usually becomes Permanent 😂

@marilynwitherell186 - 21.06.2024 15:22

I would keep the well, test the water and use it for the farm animals.

@ChaplainRodriguez - 24.06.2024 18:35

Any reason why you can’t build up the well for continuous use? Personally I’d make it a usable well again.

@pearldrops2278 - 25.06.2024 04:02

Hey guys, new viewer, first time here. I believe you have federal EPA guidelines you have to follow to avoid ground water contamination or risk hefty fines. Be careful. Maybe your county extension agent can help you find out.

@outdoorstudios2022 - 28.08.2024 20:34

Thanks! CVA

@learning2no - 17.12.2024 18:18

That well didn’t look like there was much room for working in. How did they get the rocks in place? How did they use a shovel down at the bottom? Amazing what people were able to do back before modern technology. I don’t like small spaces. 😊
