How to Fix North Korea's Dangerous Airline

How to Fix North Korea's Dangerous Airline

Coby Explanes

1 год назад

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Justin Gundran
Justin Gundran - 24.10.2023 06:31


Mike Mancini
Mike Mancini - 18.10.2023 18:32

Don't give them ideas!!! ;)

zvast - 14.10.2023 21:54

When YT video begs to like and subscribe, I click thumb down. 👎
It's annoying and stupid when they beg before I even see the feature.

AmRam2#2# - 07.10.2023 19:02

also, im chinese

AmRam2#2# - 07.10.2023 19:02

cant China buy the Russian engines, put them on the Comac jets, then sell them to air koryo
and since China would practically sell them for free, air koryo would be able to afford them.

뉴비늅 - 05.10.2023 15:21

im south korean lol

OliverPickleJar - 04.10.2023 18:51

UN Sanctions were placed so they can’t buy any aircraft . They are only allowed to buy parts for each plane.

Lee Zinke
Lee Zinke - 04.10.2023 17:47

Actually the Hindenburg is largest in the world.

ChimkenNuggers - 24.09.2023 07:46

Buffalo Airways' aircraft are probably averaging 70 years old at this point lol

The Memer Dude
The Memer Dude - 23.09.2023 06:35

I disagree on the third part
Aor koryo isnt going to buy 100 planes lol at max they need 10 which isnt that much of an order to cause production issues plus they can buy old used russian and chinesse made planes

Thomas Benian
Thomas Benian - 18.09.2023 04:30

Blinkered by western perspective. They are doing fine with what they have. AN 148, TU 204, TU 154. All their problems are caused by sanctions. Even if they flew B 757 they would still be rated at 1 star.

TheFreedomGuyUK - 16.09.2023 08:29

Why would anyone support a tyranny ?

constantinoferrer - 10.09.2023 17:06

The “russified” SJ-100 looks like their only option. This is their chance to get a hold of a couple of those.

Ricardinho0401 - 06.09.2023 16:00

How to fix: end the embargo

Jaxon Mattox
Jaxon Mattox - 22.08.2023 05:37

"Unsafe" planes that haven't had an accident since the 1980s, "poorly maintained" planes that haven't had an accident since the 1980s. Denigrating them based completely on feelings and not on fact, they obviously maintain their planes decently well because they don't ever crash them. These planes are totally fine and will continue to serve for a long time, also why was buying used aircraft not mentioned here? They could buy used planes that would be newer than the ones they're operating now.

Lisa C. Humble
Lisa C. Humble - 18.08.2023 12:58

The DPRK tends to be a BIT cantankerous??? 😅😅

Eletro_Doc95 - 17.08.2023 06:29

Guys made a nuclear bomb, I wouldn't be suprised if they could manufacture pretty much the majority of parts they needed in lower quantities.

Rex Myers
Rex Myers - 16.08.2023 21:32

As a retired airline pilot (and an aircraft mechanic before that) I wouldn’t walk under one of their jets let alone get IN one.

HailAnts - 06.08.2023 12:15

I only just noticed that Aeroflot still has the hammer and sickle in their logo!

Victor Koval
Victor Koval - 28.07.2023 20:58

Why can't Skytrax's opinion be trusted? Because her explanation sounds very strange - this airline is unreliable because it flies (is forced to fly) on old planes. And don't they fly archaic 737-200 in Canada?))) If a Korean airline is unreliable, how many planes has it lost in plane crashes? As far as I know, according to the register of aircraft delivered to the DPRK, all aircraft either fly, or are in storage, or have been written off due to resource depletion.

mark ludersen
mark ludersen - 27.07.2023 00:54

An if you keep revision the parts an clean the parts an the anolog system easy to repair an upgrade then modern day electronics you can fly a plane 100 years its all about how you take care of the plane same with other things like cars an trains an boats

mark ludersen
mark ludersen - 27.07.2023 00:51

If i was air kyro i would buy rotar plane engines easy to repair or you can use electric brushless engines but those airplane seems be ok looking to me

psirvent8 - 25.07.2023 01:09

What about nuking North Korea ?

psirvent8 - 25.07.2023 01:09

How to Fix North Korea's Dangerous Airline ?
Simply nuke North Korea and many problems will be solved at once, trust me.
Wonder why Trump didn't actually do that...

JOSHNASHPRO - 16.07.2023 07:17

Air Oreo.

paulmattt - 14.07.2023 23:21

It would be fun to fly it!

lanz ortiz ☑️
lanz ortiz ☑️ - 14.07.2023 07:33

You lost me with your opening statement bruh 😂 skytraxx is the leading global authority in airline rating? So you're one of the guys blindly following them instead of judging airlines by your own experience. Lol really? scamtraxx?. That company is totally not Independent in their evaluation. They literally ask airlines to pay their services for product imaging concept, it is literally like how a stylist work, but instead of celebrities it's airline companies. Companies pay them to fly with them and review them, in short those airlines give them better service than regular joe's. It's not like they fly in their own and review them secretly. The best example is Turkish airlines, it's among the best airlines in the world, most aviation fanatics knows this, but for whatever reason they pulled out of skytraxx membership, they probably thought why pay them tons of money for them to make us look good, people should know themselves. So immediately they became a 3 star airline upon leaving. that's just similar to Ryan air. Meanwhile Lufthansa, a decent airline but definitely not 5 star got a 5 star rating. A lot of Chinese Carriers are decent airlines as well, but totally not 5 star as they rate them. They totally purchased those ratings for sure. The problem now this days is that airlines purchased it from them so they could sell their brand as top tier. Now did air koryo really ask them to evaluate them? I doubt. Did any skytraxx employee from london really traveled to north korea to check them? I doubt. They just lazily gave them 1 star without bothering to review, since the company doesn't pay them anyway. I'm pretty sure air koryo could careless, they probably don't know they existed. is air koryo bad? Sure Probably. But probably not as bad as the rating goes. I find it impressive that they can still fly their old IL-62 and their old TU 154 air worthy. Even a Few foreign countries certified it and allowed international fight from north korea to their airspace. The problem is that we soley based our judgement based on a self proclaimed company as oscar of avaition instead of judging it for themselves. Everyone making catchy video about the 1 star airline in the world or the world worst airlines etc. Their are other airline company that has worst accident to plane ration right now. I've seen many vloggers fly with them, the service is typically just basic. It's Not good just Very basic, typical to low cost carriers. But some low cost carriers has worst over booking and delays over air koryo. More rude staff than air koryo. As one of those passenger i probably would say it's worst then air koryo. They offer zero meals, at least air koryo has free meals. This type of this things on airlines should be evaluated properly. So how would they improve? Well newer aircraft would be the start.

winstonispog - 13.07.2023 23:45

wait..... can comac buy the russian engines instead?😮😮😮

G S Prasanna
G S Prasanna - 13.07.2023 20:17

No way I would fly in a North Korean Airline. I would not even think of visiting that place!

Stephen Adams
Stephen Adams - 13.07.2023 06:39

This guy has absolutely no idea what hes talking about. Of course the EU barred North Korean airlines from their airspace. Its all politics disguised as safety concerns. North Korea has one of the cleanest flying records of any nation in the world. I am not a North Korea supporter, just a bulls***t exposer.

Tagomi San
Tagomi San - 11.07.2023 23:30

Lift sanctions, easy.

Nyk Fry
Nyk Fry - 11.07.2023 07:40

Reversers before touchdown?

Gamer_wings YT
Gamer_wings YT - 10.07.2023 21:14

shut up air koryo is best airline all hail kim jong un!!11!1!1!!!1!1 🇰🇵

Clive Wuest
Clive Wuest - 10.07.2023 20:47

Hi Coby. I flew from Beijing to Pyongyang back in 2014 at the beginning of my 10 day tour. It was a Tupplov air raft and to be honest it was a really good flight and the aircraft appeared in nice condition. I was aware of Air Koryo,s 1 star rating before I went, but that didn’t bother me. In fact the worst thing about the flight was the awful burger in a bun thing they served. The return flight with them was also great.

Bob Kmak
Bob Kmak - 09.07.2023 14:18

The most dangerous airline in the world has only crashed once… 40 years ago. Funny how that works

Porg liberation movement
Porg liberation movement - 08.07.2023 22:59

Lot of cargo planes use 15-20ish year old planes, ups/fedex/amazon…Planes specifically used for cargo and packages and not people. They are old and uncomfortable(people wise) but reliable and steady.
Not the newest or shiniest planes but low operating costs and more then enough cheep parts and simple and easy to maintain.
Good for getting inanimate objects in boxes from A to B.

E.J. Bing
E.J. Bing - 07.07.2023 01:14

Great vid! I’m obsessed with North Korean documentaries

mulinaky - 04.07.2023 12:41

-120 social credits

YANNICK MADEC - 03.07.2023 08:34

Personnellement j'ai plus peur en voiture qu'en avion ! Même l'avion réputé le plus dangereux sera plus sûr qu'une automobile lancée à pleine vitesse sur une autoroute...

Sharptooth Trex
Sharptooth Trex - 01.07.2023 22:27

This is why if the two Korea's unify back to a full democracy Korea might make the north part go to many destinations, including Anchorage Alaska, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, and Hawaii as optional examples, including Vancouver BC Canada.

Prestige Woodworks
Prestige Woodworks - 29.06.2023 05:33

If given the choice between Soviet era hardware and Chinese developed jets I’ll stick with the old birds

David L
David L - 29.06.2023 03:08

Still better than B737max imum death.

average communist scum
average communist scum - 28.06.2023 20:49

bro why i would do that only if the dprk was democratic

Ologyny Official
Ologyny Official - 28.06.2023 12:09

You don’t have to mince words; North Korea is an evil dictatorship

Ologyny Official
Ologyny Official - 28.06.2023 12:07

Why would anyone even fly to NK???

Michael Osgood
Michael Osgood - 27.06.2023 14:20

Air Koryos fleet, while old, will be extremely low time compared to say, the 25 year old aircraft in Deltas fleet

Ho Lee Shi
Ho Lee Shi - 25.06.2023 12:06

Kim Jong Un "smuggled" multiple Mercedes and other western luxury goods into the country, I'm sure getting a few black market engines to pair with their Chinese jet or even whole 737s is possible.

德國書呆子在工作1 - 25.06.2023 10:59

Thank you this tutorial was really helpful to fix my Air korzo jetthat crashed although after i did that kim jong un said some verz threatzning things to me

Andy's Vehicle History Channel
Andy's Vehicle History Channel - 24.06.2023 02:51

Oh yes i would fly on them
